Hello, still new to this forum, so please bear with me!
I have been having abnormal liver bloods for about 3 years now, and nobody really took a lot of notice of them. I am anorexic & have been for about 15 years, so my old GP just put it down to that.
I then started putting on weight rapidly about 2 years ago and everything was re-investigated. I was found to have an underactive thyroid due to a bout of glandular fever. Then I was found (after an endoscopy without sedation - NEVER again!!) to have coeliac disease, and in the words of my consultant - 'I've never seen anyone more coeliac than you!' and also was later diagnosed with an allergy to milk as well.
So then we come to my liver, I accidently took an overdose of paracetamol when I was first anorexic, and due to the fact I was less than 4.5 stone, it badly affected my liver. At first they weren't sure I would make it, or if I would need a transplant. In the end it was under monitoring, and had bad scarring, so since then I have had regular monthly liver bloods.
As I said, about 3 years ago, they really started to become abnormal, and when I got a new GP last November, she sent me to the Liver consultant to find out what was going on. I had a liver fibro scan - which showed very bad scarring, and I was sent to have a liver biopsy. Which I told you lovely people on her about and was totally re-assured, had sedation and it went well. Hurt afterward, but wasn't half as bad as I was worrying about!
Then I got my biopsy results and was told it was 3/4 scarred, and they weren't sure why, so were going to seek another opinion from a specialist in Birmingham, but in the meantime I was to have an abdominal ultrasound and a liver one.
The ultra sound came back with the liver badly scarred (I'm starting to see a pattern here) and my spleen enlarged. Great. So then had to have another endoscopy (WITH sedation) and just got the results from them.
So here goes, I am looking for somebody to make sense of this results (I do have a follow up appointment with my Liver consultant in June), I am going to try to paraphrase the letter I was sent -
The professor in Birmingham felt the predominant changes in the biopsy were a vascular problem. He wondered whether there could be a portal venous insufficiency occurring as a complication of Coeliac disease. He felt some features support a low-grade chronic biliary disease, though the typical features of PBC weren't present, it was more common in a person with Coeliac disease. The features on the biopsy would therefor support a diagnosis of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension.
The rest of the letter basically says that they aren't sure what they are going to pursue yet, and are going to have another meeting with some other specialists before I see him in clinic.
So really what I am looking for is just some info, I have googled things, but really I just got this letter in the post yesterday and I am pretty scared. I'm not sure whether to push to try & get seen early as I have not stop stressing about it since the endoscopy. I have never drink any alcohol in my life & I have not eaten gluten for many years, since suffering from anorexia.
Thank you anyone that can I help, I am very grateful. Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend.