Red Palms: Just wondered if anyone has... - British Liver Trust

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Red Palms

julieju profile image
41 Replies

Just wondered if anyone has redness on the palms of the hands. Mine drive me mad with itching on the fleshy bits down from the little fingers. The redness makes it appear that I have had my hands on something hot. It gets worse if I have a beer plus I itch all over! Hope everyone is OK. I do have a peep at all of the posts when I can.....

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julieju profile image
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41 Replies
susieanna profile image

i have had red palms for years; but my liver is in very good condition; surprisingly! i d have arthritis though which may be attributed to this redness (waiting to see if its Rheumatoid arthritis) .

julieju profile image
julieju in reply to susieanna

I have Osteoarthritis plus liver Cirrhosis. ..... a few other things too numerous to mention! My liver is my main concern....... if I jumped in on every Forum for each thing, I'm sure I would never get anything done!

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to julieju

I have the same as you.but the last few days my hands are swollen .especially the left one and I have itchy red spots . also I have tingling down my left arm and my left leg ? due to see my doctor next Monday and my first hepetogist on 28 Feb .9 years this June I have been living with cirrhosis.

julieju profile image
julieju in reply to Millie09

Good Luck xxxx I feel really guilty canx my appt but my Dad is in Hospital at the moment so I have 2concentrate on that too. He may have to go in2 care home so I need to keep my mind sharp..... another reason not to drink at a time when, once of a day , it would have been justification to open a bottle!

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to julieju

thank you.i totally understand .my dad passed away to cancer 4 years ago .I took care of him until he went in to the hospice .my life went on hold for the 16 months I looked after him.i have no idea where I got my strength from and I too had to cancel an appointment more than Once but I would not have had it any other way .sending my best wishes to you and your dad .xx

julieju profile image
julieju in reply to Millie09

Thanks Millie9 x I am so sorry about your Dad xxxx I'm not sleeping 2well at the moment. I am off to bed now. I have just opened a bottle of Lactulose & had a couple of swigs! It doesn't taste 2bad! Goodnight x Sleep well x

Don't have a beer!

julieju profile image
julieju in reply to

I didn't have any alcohol for 3yrs & 3mths, which I found quite easy. Then I stupidly had the odd one, got big-headed & all swanky with it.... low & behold, the odd one got to 2,3,4.... luckily I've got back on the waggon again! Amazing how it can creep back up to bite you on the arse!

carllovatt profile image

the itching could be some of the toxins, it has been described as a itch under the skin. it can get bad, stop the booze improve your diet for 5 days and see then see GP

julieju profile image
julieju in reply to carllovatt

Hiya x I'm seeing my Consultant nxt week & I shan't tell any lies. I will be wearing my "face of shame" & I will offer to sit on the "naughty" step. Believe me when I say that this has been a small glitch. I need to retain my sense of humour because that's how I deal with it & I do not wish to offend anyone who may take my attitude as being dismissive or flippant x

carllovatt profile image
carllovatt in reply to julieju

be good jools have a sweetie and laugh at the world. chin up

julieju profile image
julieju in reply to carllovatt

I will thanks! I was convinced I had bed bugs or fleas at one point! Poor dog has had enough baths to last a lifetime....

susieanna profile image

I see; sorry to hear that Julie; i hope its compensated; If so, shouldn't really be any reason you cannot go on and live a long life. Though it does increase chances of your getting liver cancer. Good luck and stay sober and well done! xx

julieju profile image
julieju in reply to susieanna

Than you susieanna. I have an ultrasound every 6mths. My Dad (80yrs) has been extremely ill since October, discharged from Hospital to Care Home. They discharged him (too soon I think) & he fell & is now back in Hospital . Long story but we'll have to put him in Nursing Home. He has Parkinson's & it's so very stressful. This group I must thank profusely coz reading all the posts has really enlightened me.

auntcoco profile image

I was told red palms and itching are some of the symptoms of liver disease. Mine drive me nuts!!!!!

julieju profile image
julieju in reply to auntcoco

Me too! Red palms went when I stopped alcohol. I didn't know what was causing the itchiness. It seems worse at nights..... I had to borrow Dad's Shoehorn to scratch with! It has a hand on one end (not a real hand) which just hits the right spot ....... hehe!

I know what you mean, I had read palms with extreme itching until my transplant. Not had it since

julieju profile image
julieju in reply to

Hiya x Was the itching all over? Even my eyelids are itching ! Good thing it's only at nights & I'm not on a bus!

I used Locoid Cream which is quite effective, normally used for eczema. Have a word with your GP

julieju profile image
julieju in reply to

Cheers for that davelowton i'll ask the Consultant. (use of the word Cheers is probably not the best choice......)

LAJ123 profile image


Really appreciate your honest post.

Pre transplant I had to completely convince the team that, not only had I stopped drinking, but that it was for the rest of my life.

As a transplant recipient of just nine months with only two years alcohol free, I and others, do need reminding how the 'sneaky one' can become two, three and then too many to count.

I'm confident I will never drink again, but I'm sure you were as well. So thank you for the reminder.


julieju profile image
julieju in reply to LAJ123

I'm back on the lemon & ginger tea now! I'm exasperated with myself over this "glitch" but we all live & learn and I particularly want to continue living & learning!

Paulio profile image

Hello Julie. I had a similar issue several years ago with blotchy red palms and small blisters/warts and i went along to my GP who sent for an LFT and sure enough my GGT was nearly 200 so with her advice, I adjusted my lifestyle, cut down on alcohol and the red palms etc soon cleared up and my GGT also dropped quite significantly.

Best wishes, Paul.

julieju profile image
julieju in reply to Paulio

That's great x It is the fear of the unknown that

Emmabskin profile image

It's from drinking alcohol. Since having treatment for hepatitis c my hands have improved because I have cut right back. Only drink shandy now. 😊

julieju profile image
julieju in reply to Emmabskin

Hiya Emmabskin. I am starting again on the waggon & hope it proves to me that I cannot be too blasé where alcohol is concerned. Onwards & upwards I say! My palms are looking more normal already!

blaenguy profile image

I have been told that red palms are an indication of the degree of portal hypertension. I take propranolol to reduce the portal hypertension and that reduces the redness.

julieju profile image
julieju in reply to blaenguy

Hiya. I take Propranolol 40mg x 2 daily & Omeprazole 20mg daily along with Lactulose (I don't take this). I had no idea whst these Meds were for when they were 1st prescribed! I only found out by reading posts on here!

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to blaenguy

really , I have only ever had one endoscopy 9 years ago ! I had no portal hypertension but have been discharged from my gastroenterologist two years now .so I have no idea what's going on .I do have .you first appt with Iver clinic in 4 weeks .but I have put on weight ?? making me think now

AyrshireK profile image

Blotchy red palms are a known symptom of cirrhosis, pruritis (itching) can also be symptom of cirrhosis too and is normally associated with a rise in bilirubin. Other cirrhosis symptoms and details on the BLT page at :-

With a diagnosis of cirrhosis you do need to get back on that wagon a.s.a.p. Any chance of potential transplant down the line will be negated if you struggle to remain abstinent.


julieju profile image
julieju in reply to AyrshireK

Thanks Katie, I have just read through the link & it's quite frightening really! I have 2 Consultants :- Hepatology & Haemotology. I have esophageal varisces & portal hypertension. I was prescribed Lactulose but have never taken it as I thought it was just for constipation! Most of the knowledge I have is from forums! I have cancelled tomorrow's Haemotology appt & rebooked it as I really can't deal with telling them I had fell off the waggon! It's rebooked 4 April now. Naughty I know but at least I can explain to them why I canx!

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to julieju

I take it you have realised now that lactulose for someone who has cirrhosis and portal hypertension is to help rid the body of toxins rather than as a pure laxative. Cirrhosis patients should ideally do 3 to 4 partially formed stools a day to try and remove toxins and prevent Hepatic Encephalopathy symptoms.

I would have kept the haematology appointment, don't cancel any others because is is important that you are monitored going forward.

As regards your cirrhosis and the link being frightening, yep it is and you really don't want to go all the way to end stage. I am supporting my hubby who was diagnosed in April 2012 - cirrhosis (due to auto-immune liver disease) with portal hypertension which only came to light after a massive upper GI bleed from varices. I is scary stuff. We go back through to Edinburgh to see specialist on Thursday so we'll see how hubby is doing at present. He's already been listed for T/P but delisted after 10 months as his liver stabilised.

Rooting for you to get back up on that wagon and look after yourself.


julieju profile image
julieju in reply to AyrshireK

Aaaaw thankyou x I don't do that much poo in a whole week, let alone 3-4 a day! I'm off to get a prescription today so I'll ask the Pharmacist when he reviews my meds. I've stocked up on choccy & sweets for now to replace alcohol! It worked well last time & I eventually went on to drinking smoothies & eating raw veggies. I like to have an action plan!

Jowen profile image

I don't drink at all, haven't for many many years and I still get red itchy palms! Sometimes it goes away quietly after a while but one time my palms got really red, swollen and desperately itchy. I had to go to the a and e, they were clueless but my consultant advised me to uppthe prednisone and take lots of antihistamines which settled it.

I am just amazed none of the four doctors involved had any idea what it could be and didn't think it could be connected to PBC. It's sad to hear it is connected to cirrhosis but it's even sadder to know that a lot of doctors have so little knowledge of the disease l live with.

Hope your palms are better! I know how terrible it feels when they are bad, and we do so much with our hands, don't we?


julieju profile image
julieju in reply to Jowen

Thanks for that! Am not on my own here then! Palms have gotten so itchy at times that I have gone outside to rub them against a house brick! Blooming awful!

matt137 profile image

My hands are also red, blotchy and very itchy. They have been for years but I thought this was just down to my eczema. GP confirmed and said dont worry and gave me some steroid cream.

I even had a bleed a few years ago (I didnt know what this was at the time), A&E and my GP didnt even mention cirrhosis and as the bleeding stopped on its own, it was never mentioned again until this year (2 years later) when cirrhosis was confirmed.

Feel massively let down by them to be honest.

I wouldve controlled my drinking habits a lot sooner if I had known.

Good luck you lot and keep smiling.

matt137 profile image
matt137 in reply to matt137

But thats certainly not to say I blame anyone for the condition. Entirely my own fault!

julieju profile image

We don't realise the damage we are doing! I was dxd with Genetic Haemochromatosis 17yrs ago & if it had been discovered earlier I would have know then to quit alcohol because the overload of iron alone causes major damage!

Esmerelda62 profile image

Red palms ' go with the territory ' I'm afraid7 itching is a red flag not to have a beer because it exacerbates the situation -- have you tried having an alcohol free beer instead -- just a thought 😊🎈

julieju profile image
julieju in reply to Esmerelda62

Hiya. I made sure I had plenty of Diet Coke last time plus I'm partial to Fevertree Tonic Water. Amazing how your taste buds change when you don't have a drink! Plus, this may sound a bit conceited but I was really proud of myself when friends couldn't believe I'd given alcohol up. It was a novelty for them & satisfied me to prove I could do it!

Shogunberry profile image

Hi I have had red palms for 4 weeks now doctor told me to take 3 certrizine a day but no change finally getting a blood test next week . My palms also peel

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