I’m 34 year old female who has definitely over indulged in wine the last few years.
my husband and I were living the expat life prior to 2020 and drank a lot with friends and at home.
i have had a few breaks since 2020 which was about 10 months in 2020 and nearly 12 months in 2022.
Since March this year I have drank again and it’s probably been about 3- 7 bottles of wine a week depending on the week. I know that’s bad and I need to cut right back or stop completely.
I recently had my LFT done a few days ago and these were the results. I’m just worried because I keep reading how Liver Disease can go symptomless for so long, should
I go get any further ultrasounds or fibroscan or consider myself healthy and stop stressing myself out of my previous drinking habits.
A lot of posts on this forum have scared the living crap out of me.
Current results (range in brackets)
ALP 44 (30-110)
GGT 13 (5-35)
AST 15 (5-30)
ALT 13 (5-35)
platelets 262 (150-450)
Thank you for any advice!