I have been a heavy drinker for around 14 years. At least a bottle of 11% white wine a night in the early years, then a bottle and a glass in the latter years sometimes up to 2 bottles on special occasions or weekends, which has led me to here. I knew I was drinking too much, I knew I was gambling with my health, but I was functioning, kept down a highly paid job etc etc, didn't drink before 6pm, ever. So I convinced myself I was just a normal working women winding down everyday everyday. But I knew that was a lie to myself.
I started getting small I would say spider anomalies on my face, but they never had a do dot in the middle so they were probably broken capillaries, anyway it took vanity for me to start realising this was my body saying something's not right.
I went to my GP, was very open about my drinking, explained I couldn't/didn't think I could stop. The advice was to cut down by 10% a day. The problem I had with that was that first class convinces you the rest is worth it, so it didn't work.
So I pushed for full blood test / LFT , I wanted to shock myself.
Weirdly it's not got ast result in it but my ALT came back high (81) and a few other things like cholesterol levels, but everything was marked satisfactory, no need to speak with me.
I wasn't having this, so then after speaking to the liver nurses on the site, pushed for an ultrasound. This happened last week and they said I had a 'diffusely bright liver', conclusion fatty liver. I know this is due to alcohol and I'm petrified of the next step (which my doctor hadn't even called me about so I'm doing it myself, but a fibroscan) I'm petrified I've got fibrosis or worst cirrhosis.
Don't laugh, but I've stopped drinking for 2 days and I'm probs off myself, that's the first time in 14 years, but the anxiety is crazy and I don't know what to do with myself. I'm not even sure what life will be like without drink. My partner says I shouldn't go cold turkey, but one will set me off too more and I can be cunning.
Basically I think I'm asking, would the ultrasound not have shown up anything worse that a fatty liver? And could that fatty liver been there for 14 years?
I need to stop googling too so wanted to speak with people that have potentially been in my shoes.
Any advice welcomed, and I know no one is a doctor here xx