The Cancer Center: Title of new post... - British Liver Trust

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The Cancer Center

Catfishjumpin profile image
44 Replies

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Catfishjumpin profile image
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44 Replies

Hey Catfish I am so humble , getting to know you through this site. What a read that was, I have been following all of your story on WordPress. All I can say is WOW!!!!!

Maria x

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to

Thank you so much, that means a lot to me. 💕

I will be thinking of you over this festive period take of yourself 💖.....Maria x

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to

You have a happy one too👍

Millie09 profile image

Hi catfish .. I am amazed by your strength , that was one hell of a read 💕. I have Seen cancer up close .. I totally agree with you regarding the meds . Did not do anything for my dad or my aunt .. You do what a the best for you and you only .. I wish you the very best .. Thinking of you .. Linda xxx

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Millie09

Thank you for reading and sharing a bit of your father and aunt's experience. Its very supportitive and meaningful to me. Aloha

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Catfishjumpin

Your very welcome catfish . If any time you need. To message in private then please do so . Aloha xx

in reply to Millie09

Am I missing something about opinions on the cancer meds?????

My mum was given 8 to 12 weeks to live without treatment for small cell lung cancer...rare and apparently one of the most aggressive cancers.

Following 4 cycles of chemo her scan results last Thursday were the best Christmas present I could've received 😊 Her cancer has shrunk to almost undetectable, so much so that the oncologist declared she will not need any further chemo after her last cycle this Friday. Elated!

Not only has it saved her life, she has had minimal side effects, mainly tiredness and anxiety which I think is natural.

So I thank her oncologist for the excellent treatment that has saved her life, without which she would not have seen this Christmas and I would have been robbed of my dear mum too soon after losing my Dad.

I'm proud of my mums courage, she looked cancer in the eye and decided to fight it. She went into treatment not knowing how it would affect her or the outcome, the oncologist didn't build her hopes up but boy it has been worth it.

A chemo success story!

sheri44 profile image
sheri44 in reply to

fantastic news hun. So pleased for your mum. I had chemo for bladder cancer and it worked for me in 2008 !! Another Chemo success story!

in reply to sheri44

Thank you so much my friend 😊

If chemo didn't have any successful outcomes it wouldn't still be used..,surely??

You're living proof that it works, you're still here 😊 As for my mum it's saved her life too, so I'm grateful for chemo and the new lease of life it gives!

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to

Never said anyone else should not do what is their choice. I was writing about myself.

sheri44 profile image
sheri44 in reply to

exactly! I had no doubts at all to chemo. I wanted to live for my kids and myself! I'm living proof it works and so is your mum. I'm sure there are many more out there who will agree !!

in reply to sheri44

My mum wanted to live and was prepared to at least try for our sake as well as her own.

We are over the moon, instead of planning her funeral we are planning Christmas Day 😊 How great is that when she was told she'd be lucky if she lived to see Christmas....can't express my gratitude enough to oncology and her wonderful treatment.

Best Christmas present ever 😊

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to

Thats great. I too want to live as long as possible and this I believe is the best path for me. Every cancer as well as every patient is different. I based my decsion on my evidence of my health. Aloha

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to

Happy for your mom.

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to

It depends on each individual , your mum is one of the lucky ones . No one knows my dads cancer journey only me up close and personal from day one to the day he died . On trust me my dad wanted to live , he cried like a baby when he knew he was dying , he could not understand what was happening when he was diagnosed with Secondary brain cancer because we did not tell him . So please @ reading jaqui , before you go on about how your mum looked cancer in the face and started fighting , my dad had a 6 hour operation at the age of 78 to remove his Left lung . He was a fighter to the end trust me , it's good news about your mum , and I am glad it's a great Xmss gift , but our Xmss gift wasn't to be . I find your remarks very very hurtful . No ones cancer journey is ever the same .. Sorry but I am fuming 😡And so upset to read this knowing full well that my dads birthday is on 21 Dec .. I was there for you from the start and now I feel like I've been shoved aside now you have your two friends . I'm off and out of this group . Had enough of it .

in reply to Millie09

Linda, Where in my comment did I question your dads will to live????Where in my comment did I suggest that he wasn't a fighter???? In fact where in my comment did I even refer to your dad???

My comment was not questioning ANYONES courage or strength when facing cancer, my comment WAS stating a fact that chemo drugs CAN work for some people and equally take a tremendous amount of courage to embark on that journey of the Unknown.

I could get equally upset with your comment "I totally agree with you about the meds" ESPECIALLY as you know MY MUM has spent the past 6 weeks having "those meds" pumped into her body because HER CANCER WAS INOPERABLE. So before you start having a go at me, read the message correctly, it was about the use of CHEMO DRUGS, I did not attack you personally about your dad, but I am allowed an opinion on chemo drugs and in this case they were a great success. My mum is STILL having chemo, should I therefore be offended by your view on chemo drugs when I am the one upset sat watching them going through her body??? It has been the most emotional experience and, yes, I am proud of her courage so I am not pleased with your attitude.

My dad died within 11 weeks of being diagnosed with cirrhosis as a result of PSC, 11 weeks from diagnosis until death, Christmas in hospital, is it my right to get angry or upset about that with you?? No, that was his fete, it doesn't give me the right to lash out at others with cirrhosis who are still alive when my dad also wanted to live. He fought, he was brave but he died.

You've been there for me?.....checking my texts messages from you which started on my way home from hospital after my mums chemo on Friday, I think I have supported you all weekend even though I was really poorly myself. I quote from one of your texts "thank you Jacqui for the support when you have so much of your own going on" Please correct me if I'm wrong? So much for gratitude.

Your comment about shoving you to one side because I have two friends...which two friends are you referring to may I ask? Trust me, I am more than capable of holding down more than two friendships....if you feel that way you obviously don't understand the true meaning of friendship, I wasn't aware there was a limit on the number of friends one is allowed. That comment takes me back to playground talk.

Your tyrannical comment was both personal and totally uncalled for when I was merely questioning the use of chemo drugs which you state you don't agree with but which can be beneficial to some people and I am entitled to share that view as well as my gratitude.

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to

You Knew how bad I was at the weekend . I have no idea why you have gone over messages ?? I am on about when your mum was first diagnosed , I was pm you then if you remember jaqui . I'm sorry but i am not emotionally strong and I miss My dad like you would not know . I was lashing out because of how it came across . You enjoy your Xmas . I said it all depends on how other people's cancer is , I was replying to catfish and her choice on the matter . I did not say I didn't agree with it , just that it did nothing for my dad or my aunt . Yes is freedom of speech but there's a time and place ... And this is not the time due to what I told you . I hope now that you see how upset I am not with what you said but no one will ever know how much I miss him .. Living on my own my thoughts are always with him .

in reply to Millie09

You stated, and I quote, "I totally agree with you about the meds" I did not read that wrong.

My Christmas will NEVER be the same without my dad who went into hospital on his birthday, 29 December 2014 and died one week later. So I will not apologise for the gift of life my mum has been given. We all have a cross to bear and that is mine, the loss of my wonderful Dad.

As for there being a time and a place, you should maybe have considered that before 'lashing out at me' by posting your dreadful, nasty, personal comment which I neither want or need right now whilst still supporting my mum through chemo again this week.

My Christmas is difficult enough without your hurtful comment.

The End. I have no more to say to you.

sheri44 profile image
sheri44 in reply to

so sorry Jacqui. X

in reply to sheri44

Thank you for your kindness Sheri. No one knows how extremely difficult this journey has been over the past 6 weeks. As you know I've been so poorly with my own neuro disorder as a result of all the stress and have been bedridden since taking my mum for her chemo session on Friday. I am struggling with my own health, trying to support my mum as best I can during the exact same month as my dads final days. It has been the most emotional time ever, the thought of losing my mum so soon after my dad and at the same time of year, Christmas, has been so much to cope with. I have yet to do Christmas shopping for my 3 children but have been too poorly, so, no, I don't need any more stress, especially from someone I have done no harm to.

However, I'm done here...this isn't a place I want to be. I have enough to deal with without all of this.

It was good while it lasted, but as they say, all good things come to an end. I think my time has come to call it a day, too many people posting offensive, negative comments and too much conflict. Not healthy for the spirit.

Sending much love to you 💞 xxxx

sheri44 profile image
sheri44 in reply to

I understand what you're going through i really do. Your an earth angel 😇 all you do is for everyone else not yourself. Yano something I'm gone too. Best of luck n health to everyone. 😘

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Millie09

I hope you are still with us and have not left. I am sorry this turned into fighting. You read my blog, clearly they have not. You were replying to my post not to them. Everyone's experiences in life are not the same. Its wonderful things worked out for these commenters but they do not for everyone. They never really said a thing to me about sorry for where my health has suddenly fallen to and that is why there is a post on the cancer center. For some reason it just because a knee jerk defensive unhelpful response for me. But no I am not leaving. There is no reason to. I hope you stay too. Aloha

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Catfishjumpin

Hi catfish , yes I am still here , I was only stating as I can relate to what you were saying in your post , that's why i did say everyone's cancer is a different journey , I too wished them all the best on the news regarding how good to hear that things were going good for them as I told her in a message . She was aware of my own personal difficulties hence why I was maybe a little hasty on my remarks , but I really didn't expect to be ganged up upon , but I can and have risen above it ! I have more precious things to do with my time however long I have left , so I'm not going anywhere , like you my friend we have no reason to . I have had lots of messages of support today , I can hear my dad telling me now .. Move on and leave the stay with the winners .. Bless you 😊.. Aloah

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Millie09

Good for your daddy's voice. Thanks for keeping up with my blog. The feed back I get from it is so meaningful to my life. I so hope you get a pleasant Xmas surprise in some shape or form. Aloha

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Catfishjumpin

Oh it's a pleasure to keep up with your blog , a truly wonderful lady that you are , I too get so much from reading it too so thank you 😊. Bless you , and I pray that things for you will change . Aloah

sheri44 profile image
sheri44 in reply to Catfishjumpin

I have read your blog catfish. No need to refer to me n Jacqui as they. Thankyou. Millie she has a name. You turn like the wind. People need to actually see what ur like. Your messages etc. Can't believe your so rude. Go suck up to the next person. It's what ur good at. Kept my mouth shut long enough now enough is enough.

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Millie09

Ah do not leave. The only important thing is your father lost his life fighting hard and you long for him to still be here. Very sad, I am so sorry. Aloha

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Catfishjumpin

I am sorry you are alone on the holiday.

sheri44 profile image
sheri44 in reply to Millie09

woah. That is harsh !!! No need. Nothing was said to you Millie. Nothing was aimed at you. No need to personally attack Jacqui at all. I'm pretty sad and disgusted at that attack. No need at all !!!

in reply to sheri44

Dear ALL

Please can all of this nastiness stop!

This forum is specifically for people with, or affected by, liver disease to get friendly constructive support and it is expected that every member treats everyone else with respect and compassion - if you cannot commit to these principals then this isn't the forum for you.

If anyone persists in writing nasty or derogatory comments aimed at other users then we will have no alternative but to ban them from this forum.

As is highlighted throughout this thread there are many people with serious and complex liver health problems that need support and I know all of you can be that support whenever possible - please let's not spoil this by being negative or unpleasant to others.

with kind regards


Andrew Langford, Chief Executive, British Liver Trust

sheri44 profile image
sheri44 in reply to

Andrew this site was good. Now its all personal attacks some are allowed opinions others not. No need to ban me. I'm out of here. Some people need reining in big time

in reply to sheri44

Dear Sheri44

I am sorry you have chosen to leave; please be reassured I will be more decisive in my actions if this nastiness continues or rears it's ugly head anywhere else again

kind regards


in reply to

Dear Andrew

As the recipient of these nasty, personal comments I am left wondering how many more times do I have to witness such actions which only serve to cause distress.

Thank you for your personal message of support, however, the fact remains that the above comments are still there for all to read, including myself.

I don't care if my comments are removed, I would prefer all comments where my name is used to be removed from this thread.

I do not appreciate being spoke about using the term "her" or "she". It is all insulting.



sheri44 profile image
sheri44 in reply to

mine as well as I'm also being referred to as other names. Thankyou

beeeater profile image

Dear Catfish, I feel your pain in your cry to the universe as you see your beautiful life coming to an end. Our life force is strong and vibrant in our 60's and it feels so cruel to have it taken. I had a little window into your world three years ago when I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I was so sad to probably be leaving. Very luckily I was given a reprieve and it didn't happen. I think perhaps only our faiths can keep us strong but it is so hard. I send you all my admiration for creating such amazingly beautiful and inspirational words for us all to read in your blogs. Thank you.

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to beeeater

I am happy you made it, great news, you are right about our 60's. Thank you for stopping to share. Aloha

Geffy22 profile image

@catfishjumpin My friend refused a life changing op, had to switch oncologists and only after 3 months of arguing - no op, no chemo etc was he told about a specialist in the alkali diet. I saw him last weekend. The tumour is still there, his body is shedding it slowly and 5 months on he is now in stage 3 of his cleansing diet.

Bless you for your story - wonder drugs are often rushed through without understanding the consequences could be worse.

Remember, you may be tired, in pain and ill, but you are the same sexy badass you always were xxx

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Geffy22

I have heard of this diet. I am slowly switching over to it. The stories of those of us who try alternate avenues are very few. We sure do not get enough support for making our own path. Thank you for sharing your friend's story. What kind of cancer does he have?

Geffy22 profile image
Geffy22 in reply to Catfishjumpin

It's colonic cancer @Catfishjumpin. He went for a standard check up, no health concerns or anything and they diagnosed cancer. He found a GP who also specialised in the alkali diet which he found helpful to start with. He was telling me the first stage was to sort his diet out, then cleanse specific contaminants - heavy metals etc. He told me he was in the eating herb stage, whatever that means, lol!

I hope it helps you too.

I also know people who say cannabisoil works. I think it probably does too as big pharma has twisted the regulators arm here in Europe and they are about to prevent it's sale as a food supplement - it now has to go through Medical trials - so all those who use it to help with parkinsons etc will not be able to buy it or get it on prescription etc, it's appalling just so they can continue to pump their 'tested ' toxins in people....!

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Geffy22

Thats very helpful. I am actually dying of liver failure. Its just that from my hepc c treatments beginning, I suddenly had cancer. I have been living well with liver cancer almost 3 years and they just found 5 tumors on my lungs so I now cannot be on the transplant list not in the U.S. I was told straight out that now they just are trying to keep me alive longer thus chemo and radiation. So however long, I do not want to stop for a flooding of chemical waste. I will be working on getting my brain switched onto alkaline thinking. I too am on the herb diet and I am using some oil and will increase dosage before long. You have been a gold mine of support, thank you so much! Lots of Aloha to you...

Geffy22 profile image
Geffy22 in reply to Catfishjumpin

Sending the Best of everything your way, let's hope you can get back on that bike one day xxx

Catfishjumpin profile image
Catfishjumpin in reply to Geffy22

Fingers crossed. Aloha

Dear ALL

Please can all of this nastiness stop!

This forum is specifically for people with, or affected by, liver disease to get friendly constructive support and it is expected that every member treats everyone else with respect and compassion - if you cannot commit to these principals then this isn't the forum for you.

If anyone persists in writing nasty or derogatory comments aimed at other users then we will have no alternative but to ban them from this forum.

As is highlighted throughout this thread there are many people with serious and complex liver health problems that need support and I know all of you can be that support whenever possible - please let's not spoil this by being negative or unpleasant to others.

with kind regards


Andrew Langford, Chief Executive, British Liver Trust

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