My husband is in Stage IV colon cancer, which has metastasized to the liver. We were recently told that his bilirubin levels had jumped from 8 to 22 in a week, making it impossible for them to continue chemo treatment. Any treatment to the liver would be considered toxic at this stage. He now has jaundice and I'm worried that he may not be able to come out of this. We'll be going to the doctor soon to find out if he can continue with treatment. I've been looking at other alternatives, ensuring that he stays away from sugar and processed foods and feeding him various vitamins to decrease his levels. If anyone have any suggestions, it will be welcomed.
Colon cancer metastasized to the liver - British Liver Trust
Colon cancer metastasized to the liver

Really sorry to hear about your husband. Unfortunately as his liver cancer is a secondary to his colon issue the cancer doctors will know far more than us here.
The liver in your husbands case is just a bystander to the cancer whereas anyone on here with liver cancer it is likely to be a primary cancer and treated by liver doctors - there are treatment options for purely liver cancers that are not going to be relevant when it's a secondary cancer to another elsewhere in the body.
I think you need to sit down with your husbands doctors and find out what options they can still explore and the realities of the situation. Unfortunately supplements and different foods are unlikely to bring down bilirubin levels if there is something physically blocking the bile from flowing.
I wish you both all the best, look after yourselves.
Good Morning Silverlining
Firstly welcome to this forum.of wonderful caring people who will be by your side as long as you want them to be. Unfortunately none of us are medically qualified to give advise on treatments for colon or liver cancer as every patients has different medical needs. However there could be someone on this forum who's going through a similar situation as your husband and maybe able to give you some advise based on there experiences .
I'm so sorry your husbands cancer has spread to his liver and my fingers are crossed that there some other kind of cancer treatment that his medical teaming is able to offer.
I'm sorry I cannot give you any further advise but I can give you comfort by letting you know that I'm here should you just want to chat when your feeling stressed or you just feel like screaming or crying!
I'm sending you both lots of love and my 🙏are with you !
Finally please take care of yourself in the meantime and make sure your eating and drinking often as you need your health and strength too.
Love Trish xxx

Thank you for the support!
It's my pleasure xx
Good morning Silverlining223,
I am so very sorry to hear about your husband.
As our lovely forum members have suggested , try and have a conversation with your husbands doctors regarding what is best for him moving forward.
I have included a link to information on SIRT (selective internal radiation therapy) , which may or may not be worth considering asking the doctors about for your husband.
I have also included links to Cancer Research UK and MacMillan for further support.
You can also call the nurse led helpline on 0800 652 7330 Mon-Fri 10am-3pm.
Best wishes to you both and take care of yourself too ,

He actually undergone embolization in 2018, a guided microwave ablation in 2019 and participated in a clinical trial. The cancer in his liver has worsened to the point that the Dr.'s are not able to put a stint in. The doctors are recommending palliative care or hospice if his levels doesn't improve. I have been actively involved in his treatment and have had him change doctors in the past based off of them running out of options or trying experimental procedures that wasn't beneficial to him.
We do not want to give up. We are looking for other alternatives whether it's outside the state or country. It's the wait that's stressing.
It's hard to make time for myself when we have a child. I only seem to have enough time to work, take care of the family and our home.
I'll look into additional links you've provided.
Thank you so much!
I'm so sorry to hear of your husband's diagnosis I don't think I can add anything else to what has already been said but I want you to know that I'm thinking if you both and you are both in my thoughts and prayers. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
Wish you and your husband the best. No experience with that. Keep up your research, consult a homeopathic/nutritionist. Before all else fails.
Very sad to hear that about your husband, I hope you get the answers you need from his doctors.
Warm wishes to you both and never forget there are people here who will always listen and support you.
Whenever anyone is very poorly we should never forget their partners who go through the journey with them.
My thoughts are with you