Hi all..I didnt realise how much this group/foreham has helped until i took a step back and break.
Hubbys legs and feet are badly swollen and now red raw,, he has an infection in both legs and is finding it very hard to walk without being in so much pain, hes on anti biotics but its another thing for the liver to cope with.
Hubby was starting to eat once a day ,just tiny bits before he had the infection and he hadnt been sick for a while, but he started to take the anti biotics and wednesday night he took one mouth full of food and was in agony with his stomach, he went to bed and slept on and off all day thurs , when he was awake he was being sick and bringing up blood, he wouldnt let me call an ambulance and would fall back off to sleep. He got up at 10 pm ,,,,,,, Went to bed at 5 am fri morning and got up at 9 20 am.. He felt alot better , no sickness, no stomach pains, and not so swollen legs and feet, hubby decided he wanted to go out for one drink we went to our local bar and he had one, we walked to the shop saying how much better he felt and didnt understand how he can be sick one day to the point where he feels like he is dieing to being fine the next day, While walking home his legs gave way and he collapsed in the street, a young couple ran to help us and offered to walk him home and carry our shopping...Its now 10,50 pm and hubby has gone to bed , he couldnt stay awake and was shaken up..
I have to admit im at the stage where i feel so numb through it all and i have been asked how do i cope through because many people wouldnt cope, and i reply with i dont cope,, on the outside i look like im coping on the inside im not. I was supposed to be going to a freinds funneral on monday 28th , he was only 53 but have had to appogise to his wife that i wouldnt be able to cope so going to light a candle in remberence for him..