Pain in liver: Good day Last year... - British Liver Trust

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Pain in liver

NathalieR profile image
42 Replies

Good day

Last year february i had scar tissue removed from my liver. The piece of scar tissue did show formation of Fibrosis. I had subsequent CT and MRI scanning which did not show anything wrong with my liver Liver enzymes are normal. I continue to have alot of pain in my liver. Surgeon advised that the liver has no pain receptors so he cant understand why im in constant pain. Next step is a fibroscan. Any other suggestions..thank you

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NathalieR profile image
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42 Replies


Hope you get some relief soon.

I too have ruq pain. My liver is very enlarged which has consequently stretched the capsule around it causing the pain. The capsule is the thing that feels the pain and not your liver but the capsule has many nerves which is why we get pain. Hope this helps. I have pain 24)7 due to my many conditions. I really hope you get some relief very soon. It is annoying when we have to explain to our Dr about the capsule, one Dr said I knew more than him which isn't very good. Love and healing hugs are being sent your way. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to

Yes! Oh goodness i can so relate. So its the membrane or capsule that is painful? This makes sense.

It is very very frustrating that i dont know the cause of my pain that is also 24 / 7. I am worried

Have you had a liver biopsy done and do you feel nauseous as well

in reply to NathalieR

Yes to both. I was diagnosed with nafld in may 2016 which was caused my meds from my drs over the years I was then diagnosed with Nash after biopsy in November 2016 and I've now been diagnosed with compensated cirrhosis if the liver after a scan last week. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to

Another question are you able to reverse Cirhossis?

in reply to NathalieR

I don't think so but there will be forum members more knowledgeable than me. Take care

Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to

Thanks and you to xx

in reply to NathalieR

Thank you. Xxxx

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to NathalieR


At the moment no but it is manageable with a healthy diet, eating little and often throughout the day and a snack before bed. Exercise regularly and do not drink alcohol. There are no suppliments or miracle cures which can help your liver it's about avoiding all the things which will damage it further including high fat, high sugar foods.

Look after your self. All the best


NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to Laura009

Thank you x

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to NathalieR

You're welcome!

Thebelfastchef profile image
Thebelfastchef in reply to NathalieR

Look up Don Tolman. He states that drinking 1 cup of Lemon Juice in the morning for 90 days and a whole foods plant based diet have reversed all liver problems.

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to Thebelfastchef

Thanks i will do!

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to NathalieR

Be careful about these sort of claims Natalie!

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to ThreeSmiles

Yes i am aware of claims, however i do know of people who reversed liver disease going plant based, however that being said I think we are all very unique so what works for one person wont necessarily work for the next. I hear you!

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to NathalieR

It will depend on how advanced it is or the severity of the disease. Removing what antagonises the liver is key

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to Laura009

How do we know what the antagonists are ? Doctors seem clueless...

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to NathalieR

High fat foods, salty and sugary foods and alcohol are the main culprits. Removing those from your diet will give your liver the best chance of recovery. The doctors in my experience were far from clueless as far as advising this to my husband before he later died from alcoholic cirrhosis , because he wouldnt listen and gave up alcohol too late. Whatever the cause of liver disease, this is the dietry advice.

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to Laura009

Thanks. The doctors dont advise us on nutrition

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to NathalieR

When you get your diagnosis, you can ask for a referral to a liver specialist dietician

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to Laura009

Thanks for the advise

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to NathalieR

No prob. Good luck

davianne profile image

Hi Nathalie,

Lynne is right. I, like her, have constant pain all round, caused by the Glisson's capsule which is stretched due to my enlarged liver and spleen. My consultant, like yours, just says "your liver can't give you pain", but seems ignorant of the capsule surrounding it.


NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to davianne

Hi there

Have you been diagnosed with Fibrosis or cirrhosis?

I have had MRI imaging and liver enzyme tests done and nothing conclusive

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to NathalieR

I was diagnosed with F4 cirrhosis, but I think, in my case, with my liver being enlarged, and my spleen being twice the normal size, the two together are what is giving me the constant pain from the capsule.

It's good that your bloods and MRI showed nothing conclusive, because they would have indicated on those, so maybe the pain due to something else. My cirrhosis was diagnosed after very bad bloods and fibroscan results.


ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to davianne

I get so cross when someone says liver can’t cause you pain. We all who suffer, or who have suffered, know full well that liver issues can and do cause you pain. It may not be the liver per se that is causing the actual pain itself, but that is totally irrelevant to us patients.


NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to ThreeSmiles

I know. I experience so much pain in the liver area and my surgeon always tells me "you cant feel pain in the liver " i dont understand that

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to ThreeSmiles

Me too Miles, my consultant ( the only hepatologist in my NHS Trust) is one of those. I will be asking for a referral to Kings College Hospital, where they are more knowledgeable.


Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to davianne

The Norfolk and Norwich were /are amazing too David, very knowledgeable. I cannot fault them

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to Laura009

Thanks Laura, but I live in South Bucks, so Kings is my nearest Liver Centre, and my blood results are sent there.


Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to davianne

Oh god no, you don't want to travel all this way. Hope you get better info and care at KCH x

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to Laura009

Thanks Laura, it's a difficult journey by numerous trains and buses to get there, so I hope it's worth it.


Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to davianne

Im sure it will be. Just don't leave before you get all the info you need and want.

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to Laura009

Is a fibroscan the most accurate diagnostic in staging liver disease/issues?

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to NathalieR

I'm not up to date with all the different scans they use now. My late husband was diagnosed 14 years ago. But there are many people on here who are more clued up on current methods who could answer your question better than l can...... Hi guys.... answer Natalies question please ?? 😀

moonbeam4 profile image
moonbeam4 in reply to NathalieR

Personally I think fibroscan is better for diagnosing fibrosis etc, though that said a swollen liver can give false results. I was diagnosed stage 4 cirhosis with a score of 75 plus. A year on and my score dropped to below 30 and still falling, it transpired that my liver was badly swollen, hence the pain and high numbers. As I understand it a biopsy can only tell you what is happening with the tiny section of liver tested and not what is going on with in the surrounding areas. With regards to what is toxic to our livers there is a site you can google i think it,s called livertox . com ( but will check ) where you type in whatever it is you,re worried about, ie a herb, food or medicine perhaps, and it will tell you if it would be bad for your liver. It,s a very useful site I,ve used it often. Until quite recently it was thought fibrosis cauld be reversed but not cirhosis, however recently that idea has been challenged and I believe studies are ongoing which is fantastic news if accurate. I hope that helps a little with a couple of questions. best wishes.

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to moonbeam4

Thanks for this!

So has the opinion now changed to cirhossis can be reversible?

That is awesome that your numbers are falling...what lifestyle changes have you implemented to see this change?

NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to davianne

Exactly...something is it to be enlarged thy need to get to the route cause

Good morning,

You have had a lot of interesting comments on your post, some involving nutrition/ diet. As one forum member has said, we are all unique and what works for one does not necessarily work for another, what is helpful for one person may be harmful to another. It is always best to get advice from a registered dietician and your own medical team before trying alternative/complementary treatments.


NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to


NathalieR profile image

I have the book but its out of sight out of mind. Do you follow the protocols?

Laura009 profile image

Don't touch it Natalie. With liver disease you need measured amounts of carbohydrate in brown breads, pasta and rice and proteins found in white meats, fish and egg in order to have energy to keep up regular exercise to help prevent the muscle wastage the disease causes. You also need the fresh fruit and veg drink plenty of coffee tea and water throughout the day but as l previously said, avoid high fat, added sugar and salt and alcohol. The trust has removed all replies on another post given by TisArmand re this faddy vegan diet as it is potentially harmful to anyone with liver disease. Good luck moving forward.


NathalieR profile image
NathalieR in reply to Laura009

Thanks Laura

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