I have cirrhosis post NASH and for some time I've had a hoarse voice. I wondered if it could be linked to my cirrhosis in some obscure way. Not overly worried just curious.
Hoarse voice: I have cirrhosis post NASH... - British Liver Trust
Hoarse voice

Hmmm. I've never heard of that.
Are you a smoker? I only ask because I was, for over 30 years, and at several points my voice dropped slightly. It also took on a raspy type quality. My partner says its low and sexy, lol. All I know is that I don't have the singing voice I used too!
I also had cirhossis prior to transplant.
I'm sure someone on here will have better info than me.
Have you switched any meds?
Oh! Also, I hear with the climate change, etc, pollens and other allergens in the air have really effected people with allergies.
One final thought..people don't realize often that you can develop new allergies with age, and of course moving to a new location.
So, there's my guesses! Lol. I hope they are of some value, if only to rule something out!
Good luck!
Cheering you on!
Thanks for this I've never really smoked (not since 18 and I'm now 65) so don't think it can be that. The allergy one is interesting though. I wondered about Omeprazole as well. Hope you stay well.
My husband has cirrhosis from NASH and his voice is sometimes croaky or he even whispers (gets annoyed as I don't always hear what he says!). Could be that he's quite weak overall though. However it was definitely worse last year when he was taking Omeprazol. I did do an internet search at the time and there were other people who felt the Omeprazol was causing it.
If you have acid reflux it can affect your vocal cords over time .or..it could be allergies, if sinus drainage is persistent.
However, I would go to your GP and have him refer you just to make sure it isn't a symptom or sign of some other underlying condition...might have a simple solutions...could even be hereditary.
Other suggestion made here regarding drug are equally possible.
Good luck!