US scan : Went for an ultrasound scan... - British Liver Trust

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US scan

matt137 profile image
21 Replies

Went for an ultrasound scan this morning at 8.40am.

Just had a call from the doctors for me to attend at 9.30am tomorrow (doesnt sound too good)

Ive obviously got some knowledge from being on here, but are there any specific questions I need to be asking tomorrow?

Dreading it

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matt137 profile image
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21 Replies
Bolly profile image

When you say doctors do you mean GP or liver specialist?

matt137 profile image
matt137 in reply to Bolly

Bolly... GP

Bolly profile image
Bolly in reply to matt137

GPs are not usually experienced at interpreting scans, and I would be very surprised if a consultant radiographer has had time to write a report, so I will be interested to hear what the GP wants to discuss with you. Are you under a consultant hepatologist yet? If not, and the news tomoro is that you have some damage to your liver, a question you should ask is "are you referring me to a hepatologist". The other question you could ask, if there is damage, is "what can I do myself to improve the health of my liver".

matt137 profile image
matt137 in reply to Bolly

Thanks Bolly

No I'm not under a heptologist as yet.

I only started this journey last week.

Can say I'm looking forward to seeing him, but I most certainly will ask your questions if there is damage.

Thanks for your input again, it really does help.


matt137 profile image
matt137 in reply to matt137

Can't say not can!

susieanna profile image

Well, firstly, if you have stopped drinking...well done.... i expect it must be very important for the doctor to call you in. He will no doubt explain the results fully; whatever they are, ask him exactly what it means; if there is anything you do not understand, just ask him to explain as much as possible; there's not much else you can do until you get the results tomorrow. If the news is not good, talk to him about being referred to a Heptologist; urgently, if need be, where you can have other tests perhaps such as a fibroscan and the specialist can examine you properly too.

good luck for tomorrow.

matt137 profile image
matt137 in reply to susieanna

Thank you for the well wishes Susie.

I most certainly will.

I won't leave until I've had a really good chat with him.


briccolone profile image

very early days yet I would say-did the U/s technician say anything? they said to me directly I had fatty liver...they might refer to you a specialist. what were your blood test that prompted the u/s?

HopefulAl profile image

Hi matt, I had an ultrasound just before Christmas and the consultant radiographer discussed my scan with me there and then, perhaps I was lucky. The most valuable lesson I have learnt from being on this forum is that you should never guess you're own illness (I googled myself to death) but these good people helped me to realise that every case is different and there is much hope. As Bolly said, doubt that it would be left to your GP to go into too much detail with you, I have never seen my GP about my condition, always hospital. Try not to imagine the worst, I did and it was nowhere near as bad! Good luck this morning, please update us later.

Jahida profile image

Good luck Matt. I hope everything will go well.

Hello xx 😘😘

US people (can't remember how to spell the correct name) - will be able to tell some info (dependent upon experience - level of training etc) some won't say a thing !!!! So don't be to worried about that - would be surprised if it had report done already as US person does scan and then in depth report is made after - from

My experience it could be that they may of highlighted something (could be anything) to GP - so you won't know until you get there 😘😘❤️ I would ask for up to date bloods - anything liver related then make sure you ask for copies of scan and blood tests to be copied to you (so you can keep track of what's going on) without a liver function test to go with scan - I am not sure what they can tell you for definite 😘😘 it may be a 'let's do this' appointment - where they make you a plan of what to do ?!!! try and stay calm - once you have spoken with GP (and try to remember to make them explain anything you don't understand there and then - which is difficult as your head will be full of stuff and you will only remember what you wanted to say once you come out) - I would take a notepad and pen and whilst talking with GP jot down some of the key words or ask them to write anything specific on it so you can look back at it later xxxxxx

Keeping fingers crossed for you - and we will be here after appointment to hear your news 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

Anne48 profile image

Good luck Matt, fingers crossed for this morning and well done with the 'not drinking'. I agree with Bolly, if there is anything abnormal on scan ask for immediate referral to hepatologist. X

matt137 profile image

Thank you everyone for your well wishes, it means a lot.

Not the best news im afraid

Report from scan says 'Abnormal Liver - liver is of a course and fatty appearance - suspect chirrohis' (Gallbladder, artery and kidneys look fine)

Ive got to go and give bloods later for (as stated on the sheet)

'Hepatitus Bs Ab, Hepatitus Bs Antigen, Hepatitus C Ab.Ag' HBSAB:S, HBSAG:S, HCV:S'

But still no bloods for a full set of results! (not for 2 weeks)

Ive just started taking blood pressure tablets and he doesnt want a full blood count until ive been on them 2 weeks.

The only thing positive out of the appointment was that he was very pleased ive abstained from drinking since my first appointment.

Feel like crawling under a rock at the moment.

Anne48 profile image
Anne48 in reply to matt137

I can imagine how you are feeling at the moment, I've been there. Hopefully it is just a fatty liver due to lifestyle, and this can be reversed. I'm very surprised they "suspect cirrhosis " without further investigation. I know this is going to occupy your mind totally, and I also know there are an awful lot of us under that rock sometimes, it gets very crowded! X

chynablue profile image
chynablue in reply to matt137

Hi Matt, I had a very similar ultrasound result 3 months ago. Its going to be OK. I went through all the blood tests and an MRI. I got lucky and they caught PBC very early along with the fatty liver disease.

The bottom line is that I'm on meds, I quit drinking, my diet is healthy, and I feel better than ever. A lot of times fatty liver can be reversed with healthy lifestyle changes. And if you have anything else going on with your liver, you are well on your way to catching it so you can manage it.

Best wishes :)

matt137 profile image
matt137 in reply to chynablue

Sure will chyna

Keep in touch 😊

Wass71 profile image

Hi matt, I know that result must have been a nasty shock for you. Even if you suspected problems it is still a horrid thing to hear, and I'm sure very daunting.

However the positives of this situation are that if this has been caused by alcohol, as you suggested, then you are doing the best thing by stopping. Having made this discovery you are giving yourself the best possible chance of not getting more damage. Its good that gp is doing bloods to rule out other conditions. This is early on, so at the moment you don't have the full picture, once bloods are done in a couple of weeks, then the gp will no doubt refer you to see a specialist. They will probably do further tests like MRI, and/or fibroscan. The fibroscan can indicate the level of fibrosis/ cirrhosis.

Obviously I can't give you any definates, or promises, but we hear of lots of people who improve their lifestyle, diet, exercise and of course no alcohol, and see dramatic improvements. If you have some level of alcoholic hepatitis this could make the liver appear worse on a scan so then after a period of abstinence this can improve, thus making the liver appear more normal in scans etc.

I hope you are able to see these positives and move forward with the intention of doing all you can to get as healthy as you can be, thus giving yourself a good chance. Read the advise and info on the BLT website.

I wish you well for the future, try and remain positive.

Take care


Hi matt! Like Anne said, it does get crowded under that rock!! I love what everyone has posted to you. This group is just wonderful. Keep us with you!

Take some time out for yourself

X x

matt137 profile image

Thank you all for your comments and support.

Especially those hiding under the rock with me!

Obviously extremely dissapointed (in myself more than anything), but all the positive comments really help.

In a way it feels like a death sentence but all you guys take that feeling away somewhat. So thank you.

Just need to be strong and buckle down and make some big changes i guess. (He says as a peruse the Halfords website for a new bike)

Keep strong everyone, its great

M x

in reply to matt137

We have a men's bike going, its lovley. Used just once. Donated to a good home??!!!¡!

X x

susieanna profile image

Hi Matt, sorry to hear this news, but have you been referred to a Heptologist too yet??

Some people who have cirrhosis and its alcohol related do have hope of a good future provided they stop drinking altogether and forever; all is not lost, although it is of course very scary. Carry on doing what you are doing and be proud of yourself for each day you continue not to drink ; its not easy, i know, but you are on the right track.

best of luck and yes, keep us updated.

Annie x.

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