I'm writing about my sister she has chroans for 29 years , she needed a liver transplant , last February she was rushed to our local hospital , then in march was taken to the hospital where she had her transplant 11 hours it took , she was in ICU for just over 2 weeks then put on a ward for 24 hours and was rushed back into ICU for 109 days everything that could have gone wrong did she was put on life support , she had sepsis 11times , 3 more liver ops ,pancerits , hemoridged 2 times heart failure 3 times, pacemaker fitted , fungus, drains in her tummy , phumonia so many times iv lost count, nil by mouth for most of this stay , so is on TPN , dialysis for months, then kidney stones , that she passed with the help on stent , she was put back on the ward , then days later back in ICU , ( all together she been back in ICU 5 times) she couldn't seem to turn a corner , we was took into the family room 7 times to be told she wouldn't pull through , but each time she did , it was decided she needed a bowel op ( because of a blockage) but no surgeon would take a chance as she was to ill, on the 2nd Oct she had another 6 half hour op for her bowel , but sadly it couldn't be done as having Chrohns for 29 years meant nothing could be done , ( only to try and stretch/ untangle it ) she ended up with a stoma , but she pulled through it's been such a roller coaster 2steps forward n 3 back ( my god I hate those words) but today we was told she may come home for Christmas Day , we have been waiting 10 months to hear those words , she has been in bed most of this time , now she is starting to walk with the help of 2 physio and a frame , so please don't give up hope, miricals do happen she is proof xx
My sister : I'm writing about my sister... - British Liver Trust
My sister

So pleased and happy for your sister, and for you all, what a dreadful time its been for her bless her heart, keeping my fingers crossed she will be home for Christmas x
I wish you and your family the happiest of Christmases. The best gift of all. Merry Christmas
That is fantastic news after all she has been through.
I hope you will all be together for Christmas and enjoy the day.
Your sister is a fighter.
What a wonderful story of hope. You and your sister must be amazing people. Have a very merry xmas and I hope that you have many more.
I spent 10 hours on the table when I had a transplant nearly 2 years ago. I then spent 2 weeks in an induced coma before spending 2 weeks in a 4 bed ward. I was then sent to a rehabilitation home to learn to walk up and down stairs. I have now developed itp which is a blood disorder with a low platelet count and suffering with bruising and possibly internal haemhoraging. I also have periferal neuropathy which limits my physical ability impared. I have felt down at times but hearing your story has given me renewed hope. Thank you very much and I wish you and your sister all the very best of good fortune.
Wishing you and your family a peaceful happy Christmas and a healthy New Year. Xxx
I hope you all had a wonderful time spending Christmas together!