Thursday’s not usually a run day. I go to a Zumba class which I count as an hour of cross training and I love. Tonight I’ve got a social engagement involving fizz and canapés. There may be dancing but not quite the same enthusiasm. Thinking about who will be there, I’m not ruling anything out!
Anyway, that’s a a long winded way of saying I wanted a run. The weather was perfect-cold and bright. My quest this week is to try and bath my routes more so instead of my trusty couch to 5k route, I decided on what I’m calling the “Old King Cole” route. Up to the top of the hill and back down again. About 4km, about half an hour. Perfect.
So, quick warm up for a chilled run and off out. Sunglasses for the second time this week-what a treat. Walk past the cows-they were less interested in me today since I was moving at a more conventional speed.
This was one of those highly unusual runs with no toxic ten! A very good sign. Jogging along at a comfortable pace, I glanced at my watch and did a double take that it was so much quickly than usual. This run was going to be good! A few minutes along the lane and past a pretty pair of ponies (pictured), divert though the houses and to the bottom of the hill. Still feeling good!
At this point, the sunglasses were a bit of an error-the tree tunnel was pretty dark and I can’t see without them. Ah well, a couple of minutes later I was back in the sun, This hill is a particularly nice one with steep and gentle sections. After a couple of pauses for tractors, I hit the top and flew down the other side. Before I knew it, I was done, nearly ten minutes quicker than usual with no extra effort. I feel like a rockstar!
The best bit about having a load of rubbish runs is that when yin finally start having good ones again, it’s extra good. The longer distance runs are hard to find at the moment but I’m making the most of these short ones. Maybe it’s recovery. Maybe it’s more strength work. Maybe it’s doing some intervals. Whatever it is, I like it!
Anyone else been making the most of some sunshine?