🍁🍁🍁September Quest week 3: Don’t FALL off... - Bridge to 10K

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🍁🍁🍁September Quest week 3: Don’t FALL off track now! 🍁🍁🍁

MissUnderstanding profile image
25 Replies

Hello again Questers and welcome to anyone joining in this week. We’re on week 3 of September’s quest and I’m quickly exhausting my supply of seasonal puns…need some inspiration for next week! Can you believe we’re already into the third week of this month’s questing? Coach Bennett of Nike Run Club warns that in a race (or on a run), the third quarter is where you’re most likely to lose focus. Quest is here to keep us all on track.

So….how did last week go for you? Are you generally making progress over the month or as you feeling a bit stuck? Wherever you are, it’s a good time to sit down and think through the wins and the challenges.

I’ve had a really good week. It’s amazing how a couple of good runs can really change your mindset. I ran twice (parkrun and a totally brilliant speed run) and tomorrow is my 10k event. I’m feeling ready and excited to run. It’ll be jeffing rather than the PB attempt I’d planned but I’m just going be going out there and having a good time.

I have a shiny new fridge freezer and it works!! After ten days without one, it’s heaven to have cheese in the fridge again! I’ve done pretty well with the eating and sleeping well goal. I’ve been consciously thinking about how much protein I’m eating (physio recommended this, esp as I’m veggie) and generally I’ve been on track 80% of the time. That’s what I aim for and I’m giving myself a tick. As far as avoiding stress goes? Much better now some of the house niggles are sorted or have a plan in place. Phew!

So this week…

🍁 Run for joy tomorrow and wear new t-shirt/medal with pride whatever time it takes me to complete the course!

🍁 Two more runs this week

🍁 Find a plan to follow to beat the post-race come down

Now it’s your turn! How have you been doing with your goals? What have you got planned for your week?

Can’t wait to hear from you!

MissU and the team xx


For any newbies, here’s what it’s all about:

What is the Quest?

The aim of the Quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

The Quest takes one calendar month. You can join at any point during that time.

You need to be a C25K Graduate before joining the Quest. The reason for this is that pre-graduation your week is very much structured according to the C25K programme, and I wouldn't want the Quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:

★ To run three times a week

★ To slowly increase distance

★ To train for a specific race

★ To add strength and flex exercises to your weekly routine

This is a personal challenge, so it's completely up to you! If you want to join, all you have to do is comment below with something like: “I would like to join the quest”, or, “count me in! I would like to...”

Any questions, just ask! Come and say hi!

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MissUnderstanding profile image
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25 Replies
Mummycav profile image

Hi MissUnderstanding ..I managed to get out for a much needed run yesterday …I am planning on 3 runs this coming week somewhere!!

It was freezing yesterday when I left the house but that’s how I like it…I’m never cold for long, although I did keep my jacket on which usually ends up around my waist…looking forward to all the autumnal colours 🍁 🍁🍁and frosty webs xx

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toMummycav

Three runs is such a great goal to have. No need for overcomplicating things-just three runs! It’s beautiful out there at the moment but flipping cold…no wonder your jacket stayed on.

Have a great week and hope you spot some autumnal scenes!

SueAppleRun profile image

I think I've fallen right off the track, I still haven't walked to the beach but have driven there and been shopping and done the housework 😁 so did other things, I'm happy with progress though although still very tired a lot of the time and wondering where my muscles went, I have very wobbly bits that I didn't have before.Happy questing friends xx

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toSueAppleRun

Sometimes life just gets in the way, doesn’t it! You’ll get there. Going shopping and doing housework is a great step forward!

Hope it’s a good week for you ❤️

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply toMissUnderstanding

Extreme fatigue gets in the way, but doing some things every day is beginning to make a difference. I sleep a lot as well

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toSueAppleRun

Small steps add up over time ❤️❤️❤️

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply toMissUnderstanding

True ♥️

Folkylass profile image

Nice title to this weeks task MissUnderstanding and a great reminder for me too so thank you for that aswell as keeping us all motivated 🏃‍♀️😂👏.

So for me my goals for the third week of the September Quest are definitely the same as last weeks. However because of the virtual challenge I’m undertaking I am knuckling down and getting out there more often well 3 times a week so that quite good. I was out this morning and I could not believe how warm it still is even though we’re into autumn 🍂 already and my favourite season. Anyway here are my goals.

I’m going to :

Carry on with my Great North Run virtual challenge 50k over 28days ( of which there’s only 33km left so I’ll have to do another one 🤣🤣) 🍂🍂

Try to run more than once 🍂🍂

Run for longer.🍂🍂

Incorporate more walking 🍂🍂

Stay positive.🍂🍂

Stay motivated.🍂🍂

Keep eating more healthy and keep losing more weight till I reach my goal🍂🍂

Good luck everyone on your quests.🙋‍♀️

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toFolkylass

That virtual challenge is working wonders for you! You’ll have your medal before you know it. Have a wonderful week of questing! 🎉

Folkylass profile image
Folkylass in reply toMissUnderstanding

Thanks ❤️xx

CBDB profile image

New fridge! Exciting!

I’ve not FALLen (lol, good one!) off the track, and rather have listens to a FALL sound track on Spotify ….. ok ok … I’m trying to hard… 🤣🤣🤣

But going well for me

⭐️ C25k: Ran 9.1 this morning and I’m getting my 3 or 4 runs in per week.

⭐️ Rowing as usual, one walk but managed to do 7 days of Tibetan Rites! Will continue these to get up to 21 reps of each movement.

⭐️ and we watched a lot of Paralympics and missing them.

So can’t wait to finish c25k and switch to a 10k plan.

And I still don’t have a plan for rowing, so will have to have a think,

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toCBDB

I’ve sold myself short-its a new fridge freezer! It’s been a nuisance not to have one and now it feels like luxury to be able to have a frozen pizza for tea!

Nice mix of goals again-enjoy!! ❤️

NatureGreens profile image

Hello all 👋

This will be the 2nd time I’ve joined in the Quest. Thanks for having me. I’m happy to say I managed my 3 runs last week and my two other goals (exploring Nike running app and this community).

I managed 3x 20 minute runs this week! I had hoped to do 15, 20 & 30mins and I’m still wrestling a tiny bit internally about not giving myself a hard time about runs. Since graduating from C25K I’ve been finding longer runs hard for some reason. I’m reminding myself that this is all new to me and I’m not actually in competition with anyone! So I’m doing what I can do and remembering to enjoy it! Nike Run Club and Coach Bennett are helping with that, so thanks for the recommendations!

This week my goals are:

- 3 x runs (however they look)

- Enjoy myself and be kind to myself during runs

- Research & start strength exercises for my hips. I’m feeling a niggle in the hip in my weaker leg, when running. (some weakness in left leg after past injury).

Good luck with your own quests everyone.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toNatureGreens

Congratulations and welcome to your first week two of questing. That’s the best thing about being a newer runner-the milestones come thick and fast!

You’ve had a great week one! Three runs is always an achievement. The length will come with time. The main thing to aim for is getting out consistently and everything else will fall into place from there.

Hip niggles are pretty common. If it becomes more than a niggle, it’s worth seeking help from a physio (or other suitable person) earlier rather than later, especially if you’ve had other injuries . Most of us hit this sort of thing at some point, and we get stronger and it makes us better runners.

Have a great week! ❤️

Tessie66 profile image

My aim is to keep upping the time on feet and kms and to get to the gym 🏋️‍♂️ 💪 🙃. Just over 16km run this past week 8k 5k and a speed run that was 3k.

Got a hill work out a 10k and a speed run to do this week. Good luck everyone with your Quest

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toTessie66

You’re doing really well Tessie66 ! Is that the Nike Run Club HM plan you’re following or something else? I a good plan!

Have a great week!

Tessie66 profile image
Tessie66Graduate10 in reply toMissUnderstanding

Yes it's from the NRC app we are doing the half marathon plan then going onto the full marathon after

GoogleMe profile image

Thanks for a great post here. The draining effect of house stuff is tremendous (and here at Schloss GM we are relieved to hear we are facing less disruption than we feared... and are wryly thankful that we hadn't yet replace our rat-ruined kitchen as much of the work will have to be in there) So bravo for getting out there!

Not as much as I hoped this week, but I'd say not 'fallen off', more 'need to move away from the edge'😉

The 5k run I had in mind turned into a meet up with a good friend. We walked a lot and at a fair pace (hooray for canals!) so it did help my Active 10 stats. And we talked a lot and that's important too.

Yoga needs work but oh how I have enjoyed and benefited from the standing practices I have got on and done! It's slightly complicated by painful feet from the latest verruca treatment. Not had this problem before.

Pelvic floor exercises... did miss one session but otherwise achieving a complete set throughout.

Writing this down helps as it shows me that I need to do a bit more on the planning side to made things happen - and I've also got some ideas for OctoberQuest. Speaking of planning, one possible run slot was used up objecting to a planning application that will remove my access to one of my key running places and one of many happy running memories for me and the late G.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toGoogleMe

Thank you! I love the need to move away from the edge”! That’s a great way to put it and a great thing to recognise. I think it happens to us all-it’s hard to be “on it” all the time. Those quieter periods I think help up keep going.

Hopefully as you heal from the verucca treatment the yoga will become even more enjoyable-it’s exciting to have discovered something you’re already enjoying despite the pain!

Being active with friends is brilliant isn’t it! Having a buddy makes the time fly. Sounds like you had a blast with yours!

Excited to hear what you’ll be doing in October! I’ve got another 10k in late October so I think I’ll be joining you in a bit if early planning!

Have a brilliant week and keep away from the edge!!

Oldfloss profile image

YOU have had a fantastic week and what a run to start the new one!!! Eating well again and running wonderfully !

But what track? I am not sure I recognise my track... although maybe after yesterday... I can at least see it!


Tibetan rites challenge finished. I had to miss bits and tweak, but got in what I could, and when I could.

Yoga played a bigger role, with lots of breathing sessions and a heck of a lot of mindful moves whenever and wherever too!

Continued regular daily exercise routines.

Runs.. ha ha ! Three since last Sunday. two short and one really long one... only 10K but feeling like 20! If I had been advising anyone on the forums who had had the week Mr OF and I had , had,,, and my lack of prep, I would have advised against running. BUT it happened and I am glad.

So,,,, this week. Build back time. Slow and steady !

Morning routines essential. Yoga wake up and tai chi for 20 minutes.

Walk... a lot is on the cards, with more appointments in the hospital for Mr OF. You can geta good few steps in with long walks from car parks and the long, endless corridors of the inner depths of the Royal Stoke! :)

Runs. Yes. Wednesday, Friday and Sunday... trying to get into the routine that has stood me in good stead for a few years! But, if life gets in the way...I will not be beating myself up... the runs do wait!

Thanks for the motivation and happy questing everyone ! x

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Thank you’. You’ve had a such lot to deal with and that 10k was an absolute triumph! Same here with mine and lack of prep. Sometimes we just need to (sensibly) throw a bit of caution to the wind and just enjoy what we can do in the face of adversity. I hope your medal comes soon! It’s massively well deserved 🏅

You’ve got some great plans for the week. I know you’ll be keeping the three As in mind. If the whole track isn’t clear, just keep putting one step in front of the other and you’ll find your way. ❤️

Oldfart75 profile image

Quest sounds good would like to start Questing in October

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toOldfart75

Fantastic! Massive welcome and join in whenever you’re ready! Hope there’s some inspiration for what you might like to include in your own quest from the posts here. Can’t wait to see what you decide!

Yesletsgo profile image

Good news that your fridge freezer is up and running. It's so much easier to plan healthy meals when you have a ready supply of lovely veg etc in the freezer. And pizza. That's important too.

Well I'm afraid I've well and truly FALLen from the track.

Nothing like setting a low goal and then missing it completely. We were travelling, driving from the UK to Greece all last week, normally we'll have a recce around once we get to the hotel for the evening but the places we stayed just weren't conducive to walking.

Day 1 - crossed to France, a hotel in a soulless shopping place, ended up having a Burger King. 7,800 steps, not too bad.

Day 2 - Italy, near the Alps, Stopped off in Montreux, Switzerland, to see the place that 'Smoke on the Water' is about. Stunning lake. Drove through the Alps to Italy, the hotel was literally on the side of the road, nothing to see except mountain slopes. Beautiful. 5,300 steps.

Day 3 - Italy, near Rimini. Very much a town in the off season in the rain. No parking near the hotel so nearly 9,000 steps, not too bad. We chose this place as we figured there'd be a path alongside the seafront where we could run, no excuses.

Day 4 - Italy, Brindisi. Actually managed a 3k run in the morning despite wind and rain!! Really needed that. Once we got to Brindisi we set off walking in search of pizza. Walked all round town and ended up a stones throw from our hotel, wonderful pizzas only 5 euros each. 14,000+ steps. Hunger will do that.

Day 5 - on the ferry to Greece. Somehow managed 4,600 steps.

Day 6 - driving to where we're staying. Driving pretty much all day. 4,700 steps.

Day 7 onwards - sorting out the boat, moving onto the boat, haven't even managed 6,000 steps a day though I've been swimming and paddleboarding and generally having fun. My running shoes are at my sister's house so if I ever get around to collecting them I should be able to get out there.

So my Quest for this week - Do at least one run!!! Surely I'll manage that!!!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toYesletsgo

Sometimes I think we just need to embrace falling off track and enjoy the place we’re in! Your road trip itinerary-wow! To have managed even one run is impressive to me. You’ve got memories even if you didn’t quite have the quest goals ticked. Here’s hoping this week is a good one! ❤️

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