I’m sort of back on the Nike Half Marathon plan ready for the Great North Run in September. I say sort of because I’m not sure if the long run increases will work for my knee. I’m focusing on doing the other runs and letting the distance evolve. Two runs left from week 1. 5k or fartlek? I thought it would be nice to try a shorter, speedier run without a stomach full of curry so I loaded that one up.
The weather here is warm but breezy. Perfect. Proper stretch. A lengthy internal debate about suncream (won’t be out for long, shade and vitamin d top up will be good so not today). What to wear? All my shorts need washing which is a tactical error. Luckily my new favourite pair of leggings are clean and are light enough to cope with heat. This is the first vest top run of the year!
Speed runs mean drum and bass is allowed so it’s the DNB60 today. After decent warm up and walk, I started the guided run. Disappointed to find it wasn’t Coach B but Coach Blue did an admirable job. This route is one I used a lot during couch to 5k and the familiarity was comforting. Somehow or other, I always forget it’s uphill for most of the first 2.5km so once the warm up run had finished and I was facing a minute running at 5k/strong and fast pace uphill, I was wondering why I hadn’t chosen something else! The first intervals are always tough, but I’d forgotten how much tougher it is to recover by running for a couple of minutes compared with walking which I did on the interval run the other day. It was really interesting comparing how much my pulse dropped today compared with walking the rests between harder parts of the run. Even though there was double the amount of time between intervals today, running even slowly didn’t allow my pulse to drop anywhere near as much as walking. It felt a lot tougher too. Hopefully as I get back into this sort of run, that will change.
The first four (!!!) of seven intervals all were on uphill sections and I was so glad to hit the turnaround point of this route and start heading back down. Some great encouragement from yen commentary to keep going. I really focussed on keeping my legs turning over quickly and it really began to feel good. Comfortably hard (mostly!). As the fartlek ended, I spotted my distance wasn’t far off 5k so I extended the final run to finish with a 5k. That was a great surprise. Distance has been up and down with the knee and it was wonderful to get that far without really thinking about it or worrying about my knee. An unexpectedly quick time too. Lots of smiles here.
This was a fun run that of definitely recommend. It’s called “One Hard. Two Easy.” Proud of myself today!