A bit of a late start today, didn't leave the house until after 9 am by which time it was over 20C (I'm in Greece, not the UK ). My husband suggested only doing 3 km as it felt very warm, especially in direct sunlight. Wasn't going to argue with that!
Our first stop was to drop a bag with towels in it by the beach at the bottom of the road where we are staying. We didn't think to do this on Monday so had to walk home soaking wet.
Towels in place, the first km or so was shaded by trees but then the road curved so we were in the shade of the hill on the other side. Carried on until NRC told me I'd reached 1.5km, but as we were about to cross the road to run back a whole procession of cars, vans, mopeds etc came past so we had to carry on running a further hundred metres or so in bright sunshine as the road had curved again.
The run back felt like hard work. I realised that there were two main contributing factors to this, (1) the heat and (2) a slight but long uphill gradient. Of the two it was definitely the heat that was the most tiring. This surprised me a little as 'I don't like hills' is something I would probably say if asked what puts me off a route.
Reached 3km a short way before the beach, carried on to the steps down to the sea then stripped off my shirt and jumped into the water in sports bra and running shorts. Bliss. I could get used to this. I even remembered to take my phone out of my running belt! Sometimes I impress myself