The End Of September Quest: Thank you lovely... - Bridge to 10K

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The End Of September Quest

Dexy5 profile image
46 Replies

Thank you lovely people for turning up in September and posting your individual Quests.  My goodness, a lot has been happening this month and you’ve all been brilliant at coping with everything that has been thrown at you and adapting your Quests accordingly.  Most important of all, you have been submitting your updates each week and supporting each other through the highs and the lows.  

The picture is one of the lovely September sunsets along my regular running route.  You’ll have noticed I’m a bit early with my end of month post, but I’m going to my niece’s wedding this weekend, and it’s going to be a busy week.  Feel free to delay your responses until the end of September to capture everything.  

In case you’ve forgotten, your original quests are on:

My quest was:

🔅 Run 3 times a week. 

I did when I could but my shoulder injury stopped that for a while.  I’m glad to be back on the road again now though.

🔅 Prepare for 10k race.

Prepared and completed with bling and T-shirt to prove it.

🔅 Attend weekly pilates classes.

Afraid not, I think I made one class, and the shoulder injury put paid to the rest.

🔅 Volunteer or run at parkrun each  week and do at least one tourist run.

I’ve volunteered several times, and ran twice at my home parkrun.  The tourist run had to be cancelled, but I’m hoping it will be on 1st October instead, before the wedding.

So how did you do?


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Dexy5 profile image
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46 Replies
Yesletsgo profile image

Thanks for doing the Quest this month Dexy5 , what a month!

I've run 11 times this month, so providing I run tomorrow that'll be about 3 times a week.

I didn't get to Parkrun, mostly because it was cancelled 3 weeks in a row but I did not Parkruns instead, so mission accomplished almost.

I definitely thought long and hard about signing up for the local 10k, and decided discretion is the better part of valour, I'm just not ready. The last thing I need right now is an injury so I'll take my time and wait.

Here's to next month!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Yesletsgo

Well done Yesletsgo, lots of ticks there! I think you’ve made all the right decision regarding the 10k race. When you do your first race, you want to enjoy it, and knowing that you’ve already achieved the distance allows you to do that. Just take your time and increase your distance each week and the next race will be there waiting for you.


Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Exactly! Great minds think alike 😁

SueAppleRun profile image

Thank you Dexy for hosting The Quest this month. You’ve done very well with your quests despite that shoulder injury. The photo is beautiful.

Me? this week? feeling very positive, just got to survive Saturday (ssshhh it’s not running)

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

Well done Sola. Now you’ve got me wondering what you are up to on Saturday night. 😂😂

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Dexy5

It’s an all day Army challenge Dexy, Willow thinks I’m too old and my daughter has been teasing me saying we will have to catch and cook dinner, hmm I’m wondering if I put vegan down under dietary requirements but don’t think i did 😂

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

Have fun! You are probably fitter than many of your younger colleagues.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Dexy5

It’s people from all walks of life i think it’s not work specific, it popped up in an email and I thought, oh yes! that’s on my bucket list even though i didn’t know it was a thing

cheekychipmunks profile image

Hi Dexy, thanks for being a wonderful host. Wonder who’s up next month? 😀

My Quest was hampered massively by the pesky cold. I did my two 10k races in a sensible sedate fashion, and did manage PR, but I probably only ran 3 or 4 times apart from that. 🥺

My yoga took a beating too, as I didn’t have the energy for the class at the gym (hardcore full hour), and I didn’t even roll out the mat with Adriene. Boy it shows! I did a gentle practice just now to unravel my stiff post cold body and to relieve the lingering sinus pressure, and there were virtual creaking noises!

So not a total Quest failure, but I worked with what I had (not much!) Onwards. 😀

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Thank you cheekychipmunks . I think you’ve done brilliantly to run 2 10km races in a month without having to do it with that pesky cold.

Yes, every time I do Pilates I am reminded of how far I’ve fallen beck with my strength and suppleness. The plank 😱

Onwards and upwards for us both!

Oldfloss profile image

Thank you so MUCH for this Quest... you have kept me here and you have kept me on track and focused!

I have had a successful quest and it has exceeded in many ways my original goal of at least one run a week. I am back up to two or three a week, taking rest days as needed and still listening to my body.

I am back up to a comfortable 5K now and I feel strong enough now to move on to longer distances, to take me towards where I was! I shall not push, but I shall try.

Also... wonderfully after many, many weeks I have attained my important goal of reaching 8 stone!

From 7 st 2lbs... to here, has been a hard route! But I am there.. the muscles are building up again and that has been paramount for my running.

Onward and upward!

Happy rest of the week Questing everyone !

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Great to read this Floss; a coach who acts on her own advice 🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

CB on the NRC guided runs has taught me that! X

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

I looked at the app last night; almost downloaded it! 🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

I never thought that type of thing would suit me, but it has proved really useful. The choice of runs, the clever structure and balance of the dialogue snd silent times; mentally as well as physically it has strengthened me and without any stress.

I have when I've used them, never overstreched or deviated from the instructions wherea I feel I may have tried too hard, too soon, under my own steam, in my eagerness to reach my last level.

I know my weight is back to something like normal because of that too...

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

I am laughing; I was “shall I shan’t I?” for a few days about downloading C25k! I need to get some headphones/ ear buds which won’t fall off while running if I am going to do this. Like my swim this morning; the water was chilly so just dive in and get on with it.🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

I just got Runar, Running Headphones designed by Runners - Wireless Bluetooth V5.0 Neckband Earphones for Sport

They are over ear ones and they are the best things I have had... very comfortable I have small ears and after an issue with my right ear cannot wear buds now. I wear over a headband or under my cap, and they never move..

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks 🙂 I will look them up. 👍x

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

Do check out aftershockz headphones Beachcomber66 - they are bone-conduction so don’t fit in your ears, and you can still hear what’s happening around you.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Thanks Dexy5. I have found these on Amazon now; the Runar ones seem to be out of stock at present.

I see that there is a forerunner 255 music now, so more reading to do 😵‍💫

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

😈 So many things to buy. Did you get a discount voucher for Garmin with the GSR entry? Still worth doing price comparisons though, once you’ve chosen the model.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Thanks; will check my GSR entry!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

Just Do It! 😉

I’ve been using the app since June and it’s honestly been the best thing for my running since c25k. I’d absolutely echo what Oldfloss says. It’s taken me miles outside my comfort zone and loved being there. I’ve gone from 10k to HM and smashed aome personal bests. The best thing it’s done is really cement that knowing how to run easy (slow/smart/recovery pace) is the most important thing you can do as a runner.

There are annoying things too. It’s a bit temperamental with other music apps. It can be cheesy. Mine constantly asks for my apple password. It undercounts distance.

It’s free so you’ve got nothing to lose by giving it a go. You can always just delete it if it’s not for you.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to MissUnderstanding

All true 🙂. I am still dithering over buying a new running watch….maybe stick with the familiar until after GSR given that it is race day minus 18 today…..and Total Ascent is working again on my Garmin 35. I will search for some decent run worthy ear buds/ head phones.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Oldfloss is definitely back on form. I’m so glad that the Quest has been useful to you, but you really have done it all yourself (with a little help from Coach Bennett of course). It is great that you are increasing weight and feeling stronger. You have worked hard to get back to where you were and have listened to your body to do it safely. The silver snail is going onwards and upwards.

MissUnderstanding profile image

Thanks so much for hosting. I’ve really enjoyed your posts.

I’ve just looked back and my quest was for four runs a week which didn’t happen. I managed 3.75 so I’ll take that! I’ve had a cold and some busy times so pleased it ended up close.

The other part of my quest was not to get too stressed about the upcoming race. There’s been some brilliant coaching from the NRC HM plan that seemed to know exactly when I’d get worried. That really helped. The biggest thing was doing my final long run before tapering-I ended up covering the full thing. First HM distance done! Confidence is on a massive high at the moment. I’m holding on to that going in to the final couple of weeks before the race.

Exciting times!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to MissUnderstanding

Thank you MissU, the Quest has allowed me to witness the journeys of some different runners too , which has been really nice.

3.75 runs a week sounds pretty good to me, and an HM completed too. That will give you all the confidence you need for that race , and I wish you all the best. Make sure you sleep well the week before because you might not get much sleep the night before because of the excitement. 🦋🦋🦋🦋

beth_f profile image

Morning Dexy5

Thanks very much for hosting this month and glad to hear the shoulder is healing well.

My quests were:

Keep on with the stretches & strengthening work ✅ This has been good to do and I've noticed the difference. Even just 10 mins of core work has helped.

Run 2 - 3 times a week - perhaps include a bit of speed work once a week to mix it up.➖It was going reasonably well until last Thursday where I picked up a cold (thanks daughter) so have rested and tentatively thinking about running today or tomorrow. Not done much in the way of speed work but have gained more miles in the legs so I think that is a win 🙌

Avoid the IC ✅ Just about avoided this by strengthening work and exercises my physio has given me. I'm seeing the physio in a couple of weeks to make sure there are no further issues.

Are you going to Tilgate ParkRun on Saturday?

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to beth_f

Thank you beth_f , yes I’ve got an appointment with the physio tomorrow just to see if he is happy with everything. I think a few strengthening exercises might be helpful before I get back to planks at Pilates. Good luck with your physio appointment too.

It sounds like colds have affected a lot of questers this month and they’ve hung around too . I find it hard to get out for a run when I’m not on full form.

Yes Tilgate Park is the plan, if we get to bed early enough on the night before with my sister and BIL. Are you going to be there?


beth_f profile image
beth_fGraduate10 in reply to Dexy5

We've got the ridiculous task of trying to get into Central London on Saturday and thanks to the train strikes looks like we are going to have to drive 😬.

I had looked at whether we could get the train from Three Bridges (and do Tilgate PR first then get the train) but the Station car park is shut (you couldn't make this up!) and I know the station will be super busy.

Would have been lovely to meet up - we will have to try and get down to Southsea one Saturday.

Hope the wedding goes well x

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to beth_f

That’s a shame, but I’m sure another opportunity will arise. Yes, a few guests can’t make the wedding because of the strike. Have a good time in London. ,

GoogleMe profile image

I love that photo - makes me think of us all gathering after our exploits under the pier to chatter like starlings.

I'd usually be thinking that I need the whole month before I can report back but I don't think I do this time.

I've just submitted my evidence for my medal - which required a minimum of 25kms of anything, and I have done the last bit necessary today. That's the success.

I'm surprised that I've not done better with the guided relaxation and meditation sessions - I think by the end of the month I'll have done half the number intended. This is probably half a reflection of poor goal setting (too high) and half due to that phenomenon of the more stressful life is the less likely you are to find the time and emotional space to do these things!

The 'active every day', even with my low definition, and even after a successful month with the same goal last month, fell off a cliff.

Weight stable when I planned to work on a downward trend.

I've really appreciated having the Quest which might otherwise have seen this particular September (a month I generally love) a washout in terms of all round fitness. Thanks Dexy5 !

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to GoogleMe

I’m so glad you have earnt your 🦋 medal GoogleMe . Your hilly walking helped to tot up those miles, and probably helped your running too.

Every little bit helps with the meditation sessions. I found I fell asleep when I first started listening to some CDs. I guess that’s relaxing 😌.

I’m glad you’ve enjoyed setting out those goals and chatting about them on the Quest (virtually under the pier).

I wonder who will be here in October?

Jogger22 profile image

Many thanks Dexy5 for hosting this month and keeping us all accountable. Hope your shoulder gets completely better soon and that you have a lovely time at your niece's wedding. I'm quite pleased with the results of my quests for September. The final week was a bit difficult due to having my covid booster jab and being out of action because of it as I was under the weather for a few days. So I ended up having 4 rest days instead of 1. And only managed to run twice instead of three times but still managed to follow my Garmin coach HM training plan. I was unable to do the parkrun I had planned for the last Saturday of the month due to my covid arm. And only managed one cross training session instead of two even though my cross training session consisted of 2 back to back netball matches. I did manage to take part in the running world cup and helped England reach the last 16! So all in all it was a good month for me. I'm looking forward to October and a new set of quests 🤗

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Jogger22

Ooh , I’ve heard a few people have had a sore arm with the booster, and it’s understandable that it’s stalled your running Jogger. But you did so well, before that happened , so a big thumbs up to you. It sounds like everyone enjoyed doing the World Cup. I hope you can get to parkrun soon.

Thank you, I saw the physio today and he said running would help recovery of my shoulder, so that’s good news.

nowster profile image

How did it get to be the end of September?

I'm still around, but having less time to write up my runs at the moment, what with visiting the cousin in hospital most evenings, playing taxi for my sister who was visiting, going to play rehearsals two evenings a week, etc.

I have this week run on alternate days, mostly due to weather and time constraints.

On Sunday I did a hilly 5km in Wales, on Tuesday lunchtime I beat my previous 5km PB by 0.6 seconds, on Thursday evening I plodded out a 55 minute 10km. Today I went for a long walk.

Next week promises to be different but equally challenging!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to nowster

You’ve had a very busy month nowster and I’m surprised you’ve managed to run at all, let alone turn out a PB 5k , and a 10k this week. Although I expect you’ve been glad of a bit of solitary time with everything else going on.

I hope all goes well for your cousin in hospital, and that you continue to make a little time for yourself.

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Thank you for leading the Quest this month Dexy, I hope you have a lovely weekend at your wedding.

I slipped a bit this week, in that I missed my Thursday run, but went for a nice long walk instead. My total of walks recorded for September is 66k so pleased with that. I have done a yoga practice on most days. I am supposed to run today, but with family coming over to spend the night I am looking at housework that needs doing🙄

I am very pleased with the runs I have managed to do this month, they have been NRC guided ones. My favourite ones were the Its Ok 5k run and the 30 minute Headstart run (with a motivational comment every 2 minutes!)

Seven runs in September is a good start to getting back into regular running, I will join the October one to keep me on track.

Hope your shoulder is feeling better Dexy.

Happy running all.


Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

You’ve done really well this month Bluebirdrunner, especially when you add the walking to the running. 🚶‍♀️👏🏻👏🏻

I shall have to try the OK 5k run as it’s been recommended by you and Oldfloss .

Thank you. Since the physio worked on my shoulder this week, it’s been back to normal. Fortunately it was a semi-dislocation so recovery was swift.

It’s great that you’ll be continuing in October . 🏃‍♀️👏👏

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Dexy5

it's a great one!

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to Dexy5

That is good news about your shoulder, and thank you for your support.

October already!🍁🍂🍃xxx

Sandie1961 profile image

Thank you for hosting September’s Quest Dexy. You’ve been great, as always. Sorry I’m a bit late! I managed to achieve my modest goals this month I’m pleased to say. I completed my HM training, although I did modify the Garmin plan for the last 2 weeks, as it wasn’t really giving any taper, which just didn’t feel right. I completed my HM last Sunday in 2.32.40, which was slower than my target, but it was a lovely course, perfect weather and more bling to add to the growing collection. Total weight loss 10lbs which was actually 3lbs more than target, so that was a winner 😂😂. Next stop GSR. Can’t wait to see you!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

Yes I’m really looking forward to seeing you all again in a few week’s time too Sandie. It seems strange that I’m not going to be running it with you this time, but there’s no way I could do 10 miles at the moment.

Very well done, both on your weight loss and your HM. You really have done well. You can never have too much bling.

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Only 2 weeks now 😃😃😃 Just on my way to London to hand out Lucozade!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

It will be such a wonderful atmosphere. Have fun.

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to Dexy5

It was amazing!

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