I went along to my first park run this morning (alone) so quite nervous and not sure what to expect. I got chatting to a lady wearing funky leggings so we kind of started the run together (at the back). I felt really energetic but kept to my usual pace and before I knew it 20 mins had passed. Those lovely volunteer Marshall’s cheered us on and clapped it was so nice and encouraging. The lady I was running with started to slow so I just kept my usual pace and I noticed that I started to pass people who had slowed down or started walking. I didn’t speed up just kept plodding and it felt amazing. Then one of the volunteers said ‘less than a km to go’ so I knew I could finish it 🏁. That felt so good, I can’t wait to do it again and I don’t feel weird going on my own .
First Parkrun - loved it! 🤩: I went along to... - Bridge to 10K
First Parkrun - loved it! 🤩

Well done! Here's to next week. 👍

Well done, sounds great☺️ I've registered but yet to get myself organised enough to go.

Thank you, I was so nervous but excited - I had my kit out ready last night and was full of energy this morning - raring to go. Keep us posted if you decide to go, you’ll love it.

Well done Dendev - glad you enjoyed it so much!

Oh well done! Welcome to the wonderful world of Parkrun. Your story took me right back to my first one. So many good memories.
It's great isn't it. Your running alone but not running alone. It's magic! ParkRun 5 done yesterday, finished near the back in the same time but clapped in enthusiastically and encouraged by name! I already feel a sense of loyalty and belonging to my local run but are secretly checking out the possibility of other nearby runs in some great venues. Well done Dendev.
Just catching up on some messages and was thrilled to read this - I'm so happy for you!
Thank you Liono, I can’t wait to go again - I believe it becomes quite addictive. There’s a few different ones around so I aim to try them all ☺️. Do you have parkruns by where you live?
We do and I was really excited to do one before I got injured. One day...
How is it going? Do you feel it’s on the mend?
Sadly I haven't really felt much of an improvement yet. But it's difficult to gauge as luckily I'm not in a lot of pain (I stopped running at the early warning signs this time). I've got used to the insoles though and now my ankles hurt if I don't wear them! I'm very tempted to try a short run but instinct is telling me I'll probably do more harm than good, so on with the exercises for now.
Good that you’re getting used to your insoles. Did you ask your gp or physio how long before you could try a gentle run?
I did, in the initial consult the physio said I could carry on running, but to reduce time/distance. But on the app where I complete my exercises, he is now saying don't run so it's a bit confusing! I'm fairly confident if I run it'll get worse again as my feet still feel really stiff.