After a longer run (5 miles) on Sunday, today was going to be a shorter run. I was tired this morning and I almost didn’t run, but after a cuppa and some breakfast I thought I would get out there. Leaving it another day would probably mean I would only get 2 runs in this week and I’m trying to get my run frequency back up to 3 again.
So a 3K would be good and I thought I’d save the excitement of intervals for another day. 😊. This would be a continuous 3K.
Tech sorted and off I go! Heart rate immediately zoomed up to Zone 4, so I aborted the run, took a few deep breaths and did some gentle stretches for a couple of minutes. The air quality is only fair! Then I started again. That’s better, Zone 2. I didn’t really focus on the zones after that. I knew by feel that the first km was slow. This is deliberate. I was I going to gradually increase pace this morning, so I like to warm up slowly. The first km is quite a downhill one and I enjoy controlling the run at this point!
Second km is shown on Strava as flat, but there is slight incline towards the end of it.. It’s hot out in the full sun! I plod on, with a sense of increasing pace.
Then the last km. I start to speed up a little but it’s not until I start the last 500 metres that I take off the brakes. It was too hot! But it’s lovely to be running in sleeveless top and shorts.
Km Splits:
9:41, 8:43, 7:02
Hello negative splits, there you are!