Hi all, I haven't written anything for a while because I've been putting it off, but the sad day has finally come & I have to hang up my shoes until I get my hip replaced. Covid in the new year knocked me back briefly, but I just couldn't get beyond 3-4k after that, as things were just getting too sore. I finally had to concede defeat when the *other* hip (the already bionic one) was hurting, so off to the ortho clinic for an x-ray last week. Thankfully it's still ok, but according to the surgeon I'm probably putting it under strain by running & trying to save the unfixed crappy one. So - no more high impact stuff until I can get it fixed; maybe by the end of the year (!). Meanwhile, I'll be on my bike as much as possible, but it's not the same. I'm remaining hopeful that I can join you all again: I managed it before, although with two bionic hips I might be a bit clunky! Take care you smashers ❤.
No more running for now!: Hi all, I haven't... - Bridge to 10K
No more running for now!

Sorry to read about your enforced break from running… but the very fact you’re talking about getting out there again after the hip replacement is, quite frankly, inspirational.
Enjoy the cycling and good luck with everything. We will be cheering you along on those comeback runs.

Good luck with it and let's hope it's a good summer for cycling.

Sorry about that. If you need any encouragement at any point, you know we'll all be rooting for you! Enjoy the cycling 🚴 wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery after your op 🤗

Oh I’m so sorry to hear that PandaCory, what rotten luck. I hope they’re able to find d a new hip on the shelf for you soon and that you’ll be trotting again after that!

Hi PandaCory So sorry to hear your having to hang up those running shoes !
Hang them up but keep them in sight !
Fingers crossed for a gentle return after your hip is sorted .
I'm sure the cycling will help maintain a good general fitness and mobility !
Hope to see you return when ready

Oh that’s sad news PC. I’m so sorry it’s come to this. But never say never, and C25K will be there for you when it’s time for you to build back up. Don’t forget us, and we look forward to you coming back with shiny new hips! Good luck with everything. 😀
You'll be back ❤️❤️❤️
My physio told no uncertain terms I couldn't run on my artificial hip so I just use an outdoor cross trainer. No impact

Sorry to hear you're leaving us but it's not forever 🙂 I have been nursing an ankle injury since before Covid which has just been diagnosed as a tendon problem. I've found it really hard watching everyone's running journey and I'm sure you will too but you'll be back. Meanwhile, enjoy your bike during the summer. I'll look forward to reading your posts when you return 😉

Best of wishes for your undoubted return to running. It's so addictive isn't it?!
Hope you get sorted soon, meanwhile enjoy your bike rides🚴🏼♀️