Hi all
I did a "Running MOT" through we-run.co.uk last week and it's completely changed my running form! (Photos is before and after.) As I've said before, I've been suffering with a pain in the hip and am doing all I can to look into it and get it sorted.
I met coach Tara on Hove promenade and she spent 90 minutes filming me running about and giving advice and tips. I'd read lots of advice here and there but this really helped me put it all together and realise it all part of one thing.
The new way of running really tired out my calves though so I've not been able to run again until yesterday at which point I tried to remember all the advice and put it together again. I'm having to get used to the new form and so I've gone back to the inital Couch to 5k Week1 Run1 to do it as intervals! As I started the run it was all very confusing, but by the end it felt quite natural.
I think I am going to put my attempt to reach 10k on hold though. I'll wait until I can comfortably do 5k again with the new way of running but I still aim to get there before the end of the year.
For anyone who is in the same postion as myself here is the To Do list I made after receiving my 6 page written report as part of the MOT:
Warm up
Warming up will improve your overall performance and help to minimise your risk of injury.
Lubricate joints by doing:
•neck movements,
•shoulder circles,
•arm circles,
•chest openers,
•hip swings,
•knee circles and,
•ankle circles.
Get blood pumping by doing:
•Dynamic calf stretches
•Calf raises
Raise heart rate by starting with:
•a slow run
•Run tall and light with high hips
. Imagine you are reaching for a high shelf and then lower your heels then lower your arms, ensure your shoulders are back and down.
Foot strike
•Land on the mid foot.
•Aim for running cadence of 180bpm.
•Practice the cycling action on one leg by pretending you are riding a skateboard.
•Remember to relax.
•Keep body still, swing arms in a relaxed way from the shoulders.
• Backward arm drive - imagine the elbow as a hammer, driving into the wall behind you.
Cool down
•Jog or walk
•Static stretches