Is it just me or is faffery an integral part of this running malarkey? I admit I haven’t been out for a while because of being glued to the IC for 2 months with a grumbly hip. It’s still not right but the exercises are helping, so those nice physio and doctor ladies have given their permission for me to give up my place to someone who needs it more and start to trot again as long as I’m sensible. Well sensible is my middle name (which would come as a surprise to my parents as it’s not really what they wanted to call me) so I decided I would do run-walks and build back up to 5km. I’ve been out 3 times and done 1.5, 2 and 2.5 km runs but ‘eck, it’s taking me ages to get out the door! Upstairs, downstairs, search for running belt (over the bannister rail natch), gloves (just in case), loo (how many times is that?), finally remember to sync Garmin, back in for a tissue - for heaven’s sake I don’t recall it all taking so long! Please tell me that as I get back into it, I’ll get back to being a well oiled machine! Happy running folks!
How nice to be back!: Is it just me or is... - Bridge to 10K
How nice to be back!

Yes you will get back to being a well oiled machine especially as it gets warmer, it’s mighty chilly out there today, good to see you are back out though and have fun increasing your distances but take care of that grumbly hip

Woohoo, how wonderful to hear you’re off that darned IC OGR! I’ve been wondering how you’ve been getting on. 😀
As regards faffery, well this time of year is tricky - because what on earth do you wear? Summer kit one week, winter the next! And of course all the paraphernalia that goes with it like you said!
I bet you’re happy to be faffing again though. It means you’re getting out running! 🎉🏃♀️ Take it easy, tell your hip how wonderful it is and enjoy building back up! Hope to see you when PR starts back up. My car is itching for some tourism! 😅
And we’re itching to see you cheeky! Yes, it’s nice to be out there again and in some respects running is easier than walking. When I walk I tend to stride out which pulls the muscles a bit - the other day Dexy had to remind me not to! When I run I actually take quite short strides for my height - which I had been trying to extend a bit! So now I’m back to little steps!

I've been sat in my running gear since 10 o'clock this morning. Then I got notification of a parcel arriving, so held off going out. Then I started getting hungry... So now I'm having some lunch and I'll have to wait another hour for that to settle. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

So happy to know that you are off the IC and had a lovely little run and walk, take the walking and running slowly until you feel that you can run at not parkrun again 🚶🏃🏾😊
Thank you Alan, yes I’ll be very good! I think you’re doing ok again now aren’t you?

Woohoo, welcome back OGR. Great to hear you’ve been given the green light to gently work your way back. Faffing is a perfectly normal activity, especially when the wind is so blooming cold, you really are not looking forward to it. I was in my running kit as soon as I got up and still didn’t leave the house until 10.30 😂😂

Welcome back OGRs. Just yesterday morning I had to be somewhere at a given time, oh my goodness I seemed to have forgotten how to get myself organised in the morning. Eventually made it out door only to find the car needed fuel. Put me in a right flap. I’m sure we will all learn again to become well oiled machines.

Great to have you back OGR👏👏👏👏👏. Faffage..,,I used to be quick breakfast on with the gear and out the door. Now; I have to remember to do a calf exercise/spiky ball massage an hour before setting off, hot water bottle on the knee for 15 minutes before going out, and then there are added bits, like is it cold enough for a neck buff? do I need to take a face mask? Do I need to redo the KT on my achilles?etc etc etc. If I were doing Park Run I would have to be out of bed by 6:30 am! In my case, it is about getting older!!☹️

I hold my hands up. I'm a fellow faffer.
It can often take me upwards of half an hour to get prepared to go out. It is easier in the summer when it's just t-shirt and shorts, but there are still toilet visits (multiple), finding headphones, checking watch charge, making sure I've got the right glasses on, getting a quick drink, setting up the phone to record in parallel with the watch, checking the podcast playlist, etc. etc.
Some days it's a wonder that I actually get out the door. 🤣

I’m feeling so much better nowster - faffers unite!

Well, I too have a middle name unknown by my parents...yes, you’s “Faff” 😂
Happy to see you out and running again 👍🐌🐢🏃🏻♀️🥰

It’s probably mixing with me Oldgirlruns, I’m the Queen of Faffage whether it’s running or skiing. Poor UTS

Hi there, pleased to here things are going well again. I have now been running for a few months and still faff significantly before all of my runs! I thought it was normal.🙃

Great to hear that you're back OGR! Afraid I have to be a party-pooper - it's phone/headphones, belt/keys and out of the door for me!
There's always one, isn't there? 😜
PS Hope to see you at a (not) parkrun soon!😀

Great that you're back. And that is some impressive faffage🤣

I think we have a faffarometer on here, or was ita faffagometer 🤔. It was coined by Poppypug who wore the faffage crown 👸
I get worse as I get older, and a bigger collection of stuff. I drive myself daft going up and downstairs trying to get myself together ☺️ If only I was more organised 😁

You’re right JP - there’s always one! Yes, looking forward to a meet up before too long!

Brilliant to see you back OGR. Faffing rocks! 😊

Welcome back! (I thought I was the only faffer 😁😁). Look after your hip. I don't think I'll ever be a well-oiled machine, but maybe one glorious day...

Just slightly rusty in your pre-run prep. Just like riding a bike and running, you never forget. Welcome back to the running track.

Glad to hear that you've risen from the IC OGR, and I think that a modest amount of faffing was to be enjoyed in anticipation of actually being able to run again 😁🏃♀️🎉 that well oiled machine will soon be running smoothly again! Take care 👍
Great to see you finally off the IC OGR 😀.
Yes, the faffery seems to hit new levels of crazy when we first leave the IC doesn’t it? it’s all part of the apprehension we have for everything to go right I expect. It will subside, well mostly..... 😉.
Happy running and wonderful to have you back in action 🤗
Thank you Dd, it’s good to be back out again even if really slowly (and given my normal snail speed, we’re talking seriously slow here!).
The faffness is an integral part of my - ahem - routine. I've sometimes headed out and come back because I've got two gloves from non-matching pairs. About to start 5ks again after two weeks of bad-backness, so I hear you hip-wise. Off to do my pre-faff warm-up stretch.
'Faffery' absolutely is an essential and an integral part of this running malarkey 😆🤣😂🏃♀️ Without it I would never get past my front door.
Welcome back 💪👏💚🌻

Glad you’re back to it! Totally understand getting the gear together particularly in this weather! Everything together and then, earphones, tissues, headtorch...

On these current cold mornings, faffage is a good method of allowing the day to warm up. Well done on the 2.5k.

Late to the party as always🙄... lovely to see you back OGR🤗 - I was wondering how you were getting on. Your gentle start sounds so lovely & relaxed. I get faffage - caused - grumps so I have all my ducks in a row to reduce grump potential!! 😄

So delighted to read this post 😃 youmusuch a relief to get off that dreaded couch 👌😂I go through a period of procrastination from the comfort of my bed as I look out the window deciding if today’s a run day 🤷🏼♀️
Lose all the benefit of an early rise , then spend 15 mins stretching so I don’t return to the IC and then it’s the whole wardrobe thing , then the whole phone, earbuds what will I listen to thing thing , then the loo thing .......and then I’m ready to run 💪💪😂😂🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻♀️