Well ten days ago I posted about trying to get back to running after three months or so of doing very little. I thought I would need to go back to C25K and I was really pleased to find that I didn't and very slowly I managed about 3k, running most of it and generally feeling that I hadn't lost as much fitness as I was expecting. I was pretty chuffed I must admit!
Now I am thinking I got a bit ahead of myself. I was so pleased that I could run at all that I thought it wouldn't take me long to get back to finding 5k reasonably easy. Wrong!! So far I haven't actually managed to run 5k at all. I ran three times last week and twice so far this week with another run planned for tomorrow. I seem to find three to three and a half k perfectly fine (a bit hard work, but OK) but three and a half is the most I have managed. I was beating myself up about that a bit but I have decided that I had better accept that I just need to keep getting out there and gently putting the miles on the clock. I am not back at square one in the state I was before I did C25K so that's a relief. But I am a long way from the fitness I had last year when the idea of "an easy 5k" no longer made me squawk with laughter.
So what do you reckon? After nearly three months off and able to run three and a half at the mo, how long do you think it should take me to get back to 5k? Two weeks? A month? Two months? What do think is a reasonable hope for a slightly overweight but determined 66 year old?!