It keeps on coming, and you know how it is when you lie on the summer grass and watch the clouds go by? And once you spotted one shape on the clouds, you suddenly cannot stop seeing shapes?
Well it’s happening to me, but with GPS art! So I’m sure some unintended shapes crept into this collection and I am utterly sorry if I missed any out...
But I’m seeing candy canes , a robin looking backward, an elk (that’s Xmas-y, right?), a dog with a Christmas bell, an untidily wrapped present, a red-eyed (sleep-deprived) reindeer , another present (‘cause you can never have enough), a star, and a blue-nosed Rudolph (because red noses are so past it).
And of course dijep’s Christmas leggins!
Big congrats to the GPS artists!
Beatlesforever Lifluf Big-Jo Blackberrypie Birdlady64 Runforurlife dijep Jell6 Dexy5
Happy Christmas Running everyone!