This day last year I started the first run of C25K and like many others struggled with running for a minute. Since then, encouraged by members of these forums I've run at least 3 times a week. My longest run has been a half marathon distance. Today I ran 10k into Cardiff - on the Taff Trail of course. I went to a lovely tea room after and had tea and cake to celebrate! I started running for my mental health and it has helped me so much and I'm in a much better place.
1st Runniversary : This day last year I... - Bridge to 10K
1st Runniversary

Congratulations on your runniversary and achievements. 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

Good run for you today, well done on your runiversary, nice way to celebrate, a 10K then a tea and cake in a lovely tea room
Congratulations 🥳 for keeping it up! This is a fantastic forum at keeping us all going, enjoying a laugh, and learning from one another. Your celebration 🎉 today sounded fun after a great run🎈

Well done, happy running anniversary- love the idea of celebrating that with a run to a real room. Must remember for when it's my turn 🤗

Congratulations on your runniversary TTS! Great achievement to do HM distance!👍😀
I really love to read things like this. Everyone has their story just as every run has it's story too. I'm much the same as you in running three times a week and hopefully one day will build to HM distance. There's no rush but what is comforting is that we can really run anywhere we like now.
Your post is inspiring for me. In one year you can run a half marathon, I only hope I can achieve the same. Thank you for sharing and happy running 😄

I thought that 5km would be plenty for me. To my surprise (and anyone who knows me) I enjoy the long slow runs. Once I get going I don't want to stop!

Happy Runniversary Taff, and haven’t you done well? I am sure you will find different challenges to kept you going in year 2. 🐌👏👏