Hi all
As I run I’m getting an ache in my right hip and pins and needles in right foot...
I’m wondering if it’s due to my shoes? They seem a bit narrow for my wide feet.
I bough my shoes from a running shop and ran on a treadmill so they could assess my gait so they should be OK but I hadn’t been running long when I got the shoes - week 5 couch to 5k - so I’m not sure how successful it was and whether it would be worth having another go.
Have you any shops - in the Northwest- that you could recommend?
Or what do you think of visiting a podiatrist instead - my local one claims it does gait analysis and sports massage.
Or Is it a physio I need?
Apologies it I sound a little vague- I’m still pretty new to this running lark. It’s not so painful that I need a dr but I’m aware of it whenever I run.