I’m running tonight with my running club running starting at 6:30pm now do I have my tea before or after the run as it’s my first time running with them
A silly question : I’m running tonight with my... - Bridge to 10K
A silly question

I run in the evenings often and don’t eat after 3pm. If you need something have a banana or similar like some of the early morning runners do. Your tea will taste better after a run anyway. My running club also begin/end runs at a pub, so hydration after a run is very pleasant. Have a good one.
Definately after... but make sure you had a good lunch. When I started on C25K I always did it before my meal and that was great. If I would run within an hour or even 2 of eating I felt terrible! Have FUN!

After, although you could eat a very light snack before if you are starving. 😊, say a banana.

Yes I did very much 😉👍

I know this is late but have something to eat after your run. I’ve sometimes had food before an evening run, even if it was a 2.00pm lunch and I suffered with indigestion it was most uncomfortable, I don’t want you to go through that.
Anyway I know you had a great time and graduated from the improvers group on your first go! Winning!

How was your first session? 🤔

This is a definite no from me...I would have something to eat afterwards...if you're a bit peckish before you go, just have a banana, you'll also get a slow release of energy while you're running too..banana's are the best thing EVER!! If you were to eat your tea before you go, the chances of developing a stitch are high...last time I made the mistake of running too soon after food I thought I was going to barf every 100 yards!! Save it till after!!
How did it go?
I was quite nervous going but I saw quite a few people from park run the organiser of the club came straight over to me and I felt at ease and spoke to a few of the park runners and everyone was friendly he told me which group I was going in I was going to be in his group when it was time to go the groups separated we started within 10 mins as we ran along he said go with that group you’re to strong for my group his group then separated and I’d graduated up a group we ran the streets for an hour then meet back up at the starting point after wards he can to me asked how I was and said we’d talk on Wednesday to see what group I’ll be in as I was at the front all the way and if I’d of known the route I could of left them (not being big headed) he said this happens their is another 2 groups I know I can’t keep up with one of them as I see them at park run and they are like rockets don’t know about the other group but I trust him so I’ll go with who he says. Sorry I’ve only just joined I prefer it to running alone 😉👍😀😊
Sounds really friendly! And i like the idea of levels so you can find your pace one. I’d like to join one too but none in my town are drop in type and I have too many work commitments to pay and join... will have a look as there must be something else out there... glad it was such a good experience. I’d have been very nervous too before
Thank you so much have a look at run together online it’s free to join and the runs are free to nothing to pay for and you can put your post code in to see were your nearest is to you and they are friendly and you won’t get left behind as they have 2 team leaders one at the front and one behind happy running 😉👍
I think you live near me somewhere. Is it the Hyde community group you’ve joined? I’m encouraging my son to start there so would be interesting to know what you think of it.
Yes you meet at Hyde leisure centre in the cafe but you need to first register online either Facebook or online at runtogether.co.uk it’s totally free to join go onto community and register I’ve put that because it took me awhile to find out how to register. It’s Hyde running community you are completely right
I think it’s a very good community club very friendly and make you feel at ease they email you and ask you your pace and distance capabilities just to know what group to put you in and each group has 2 team leaders so no one gets left behind but I highly recommend it 😉👍 happy running
Thanks, he seems fairly keen so I’ll let him know of your experience. 👌👣👣👣
Hi, just wondering how long you had to wait after you filled in the online application for the running club. My son applied last Friday but hasn’t heard anything back. Thanks
No you just turn up to the leisure centre in Hyde I booked two runs online on the app and also joined the FB page and messaged Tony Hillier the coach we meet in the cafe from 6-6.30pm he should come early so he can chat to Tony. If he goes on messenger and contacts him he will ask a few questions so he knows what group to put him in. He replied to me by email have you checked spam if not go through FB hope that helps
Thanks for that, I’ll pass the message on.