This month's Parkrun Tourism meet up with VRBs who have become real flesh and blood running buddies was in the Caribbean. Well actually at Cheadle Hulme, but today you wouldn't have known the difference. Blue skies, hot sun and friendly people.
We all met up at the beginning and again at the end. It's a course that winds 3 times around the park so I was able to wave at the others in passing as I chugged slowly round, trying not to raise my heart rate because I've got a cold and sore bronchial tubes. I didn't get the toxic 10 coz I wasn't running fast enough., I walked every time I even approached getting out of breath and I can honestly say it was the easiest 5km I've ever done. I tried wearing my glasses to run in for the first time ever and it was ok. They did keep sliding down my nose when I got sweaty though.
Pianism had to rush off, then we realised we hadn't done a team photo, which is why he's missing from the photo. The rest of us retired to the cafe. Glad I dragged myself out of bed this morning 😃