A Floss ramble and an apology to the friends I have neglected over the last few weeks. I have missed many of your posts and for that I apologise.
Well.. it's been a while since I rambled... but here I am...
A glorious morning this morning... the kind of morning that lifts your spirits and warms your soul.
A paintbox sky โฆ. blue and white... a child's picture.. simplicity and perfection.
I set out from home at a steady pace.. warming the muscles up slowly... just a short excursion this morning...heading out around the Crescent and down the hill.
Gardens neat and tidy, the first real manicure of the season.; clipped and trimmed and the regimented rows of early painted begonias... braving the still chill air.
The sound of my feet on the pavement.. trying to round my ankles as I head down past the station and up the lane towards the field.... just a very gentle pace across to the railway cutting... the hedges thick, penetrable green.. the hidden wildlife, scratching and snuffling and the small birds, weaving patterns in and out of the thicket.
Cow parsley, umbrella heads of the intricate lace pattern that only Nature can master... filling the air with a heady mix of damp sweetness... and to the turn,where, my left leg aching, I retrace my steps... stopping underneath my majestic tree..thick leaved and dark, whispering secret messages between budding twig fingers. I breathe in deeply... trying to imbibe the strength and power from the rooted giant... and then out of the fields and back up the lane; the early sunshine for the first time warm on my back... easing the aches and pains and loosening stiff joints...I reach my destination and it is enough.
A route I have done many, many times, only this morning... it was a walk... I cannot run.
I have not run now since June 9th and I know now, I probably should not have run then, before that it was the 27th May.
I ran on that day...the last run in the Spring Speed Challenge on the Marathon Forum.Yes you did read that correctly... a Speed challenge, just against me, in the company of like minded friends with their own challenges. Mine was to try to improve my 1K pace I did so, but my last run which should have been my best time, proved a step too far maybe?
A twinge, pulled me up short... I stretched, I massaged and I ran.. the twinge was still there..now a sharp pain and now impossible to ignore. I walked /hobbled the last 1K and for the first time ever had to call out the cavalry, in the form of Mr OF.
So.... long story short ( impossible I hear you cry), after 12 days off in April with a tree pollen allergy...then a week with food poisoning... and a now nearly three week break because of injury I am still on the IC...
My twinge was it turns out, a twinge with a long name...all to do with the Tibialis Posterior,and basically a tear in that particular tendon.
The good news..because I did the right thing initially and followed the advice I dole out so boringly to other folk, it is not as bad as it could be... ( The 3K run on the 9th did not help though),and because as my Physio told me, I am fit strong and healthy, that also helped...
But I am on the IC until he sees me again on Saturday... I have been breaking in the new orthotic inserts, given to me last week... which will help the healing process..( they are tricky and my leg aches... ). I have exercised regularly with the exercises he has given me. I have listened to his advice and accepted that, it may have been my speed work that caused the tear, but also that it might not. It happens he said, to many runners... and it was only a Level 1. It will improve and I will run again. But.. any attempt at speed is out of the question... he said if I felt the need again to run faster, then not for a year at least Pointing to my T shirt, he said that maybe that was the way for me to go, and was at pains to point out that it had nothing to do with my age
So... I know now that although I had fun over the speedy six week adventure...... I am destined for slow and steady. It is after all, my renowned mantra. It suits me... My happy pace will carry me wherever I want to be...it will take me to new places and to meet new friends.
I am content... I have hopes that on Saturday I will get an all clear, if not I will be patient.
I would be lying if I said that I have not felt low over the last weeks...hence my absence from here. I have felt sorry for myself and allowed myself to give in to self pity. My Half Marathon seeming unreal... and the person who ran that, someone else; but it is not so. I was that person.. I am that person and I did run it.
We fall.. we get up again...we hurt and we heal...and, as I am so fond of saying, for me , each run is a blessing... and the blessing, also, is, that the runs will always wait.
Floss x
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The walk sounds lovely it was almost like being there when reading it, injury is depressing but your own advice of slow and steady will allow you to heal and enjoy the freedom of running again
Oh Floss, so sorry to hear about your injury ๐. I really hope things improve soon and you are able to start running again - nice and steady though! I found your post particularly pertinent because I am, as you know, experimenting with interval training. I will take it carefully I think!
Loved your descriptive language as always, thank you for creating such a beautiful picture in my mind ๐
Thanks Sue... it was interesting and chatting with the Physio also... The fact that the challenge was structured over six weeks really helped.. no sudden change and no pushing...just a minor push towards the end. He wasn't convinced it was the cause of the problem... but it may have contributed.
So, if you do work on intervals like that ( which I have done in the past) listen to what your body is telling you and take it gently... You have such a lovely area to run in too...perfect
Lovely trademark descriptive post Floss, sounds a beautiful day there. Keep going you'll be back very soon I'm sure,until then relish the moments in the great outdoors ( as you surely do by your observations) it'll all come right for you be patient if you can xxx
It was Ali..dull today but not raining at least! This running does teach us so much patience.... I feel a bit battered but I am getting there... knowing what was going on was a huge relief, if somewhat unwelcome... Hope you are okay my friend
Aaah was the walk monday?? It was dull here on tues lots if rain but blues skies on Monday! Yes I'm fine thanks (just noticed my yellow snail in photo!!! aah) ๐
Youโre sounding a lot like a friend of mine who has ditched marathons for ultras ๐คฃ. His happy pace can cover 60km, training and running marathons hurts his ankles... I didnโt really get it when he announce it about 6 months back... but now coming back from a minor injury I really do. Our happy pace will indeed get us anywhere we need to go. Slow and steady, always.
Hopefully youโre back sooner rather than later, my wife has suffered while I wasnโt running... pretty sure sheโd have me enter a race every weekend if she could!
Thanks you... I should have just stuck to my happy pace and will have no problem going back to that...It took me through a HM and I enjoyed that immensely... I am going to embrace that happy pace when I get back to it!
I am getting on with my exercise routine and filling y days catching up with things that need catching up on.... Keeping us all happy
Ha ha... The first official one is 1st September... the Spitfire Run at RAF Cosford...I was delighted to get a place this year as I have wanted to do I for ages!
You will run again as before. When injured, we need to use our brain as well as medical personnel in order to know when it is safe to run again. You will heal; you're healing now. The human body naturally heals itself but it does take time. I twisted my ankle some time ago and boy, it hurt; I was unable to exercise on that leg for MONTHS, but it happened again, as you know. I could hardly walk but I determined, (and this is just me,) that I would let my body heal itself without medical doctors x-raying and probing, and it did.
Best, OF, and glory in knowing that healing is happening, for surely it is.
Thank you... I do agree... an mostly I am buoyant... I just felt after the HM so good and then bam!
I am always, as you know saying listen to you body.. and am about to post just that on C25K...I did.. and it was only when it was apparent that this was not going to go away, went to see my Physio... Yes.. I am healing... and I will recover... thank you very much.
I'm sorry to hear it has been such a tough go for you, but you're right. You will be patient, and you will be back, keeping the mantra of running slow and steady, covering whatever distance suits your fancy. Fingers crossed for the all clear to come, but if not, then we'll keep bringing you with us on our runs.
Now you know why your runs that I go on with you are so important to me The posts on here do keep us going, when things get rough, although my problems are nothing compared with many!
I am hopeful for Saturday, but some residual pain is causing me some doubt! Thanks you!
Yes, I just became so clear. I was thinking of you and your injury as I ran last night. It was a speed interval run so was very cognizant of any pings and tight spots in my legs during the fast intervals and worked very hard to run the slow intervals slower to recover better.
Ha ha..I remember Weebles... ! I did go through a really low slump..but Admin duty on C25K forum kept me going...! I will make it back on track eventually... thank you!
Of course you felt low Floss. Anyone would, donโt beat yourself up about it, we all understand and weโre all here for you, like you are for us. โค๏ธ
You know a lot more than the vast majority of us about running and taking care of your body. And yes it was absolutely you who ran that HM! You are awesome. ๐ So this is merely a blip.
Oh dear. Thatโs a hard lesson but so beautifully described. Your right running is a blessing as is walking I feel. I do hope you get the all clear on Saturday I canโt imagine how Iโd now feel if I couldnโt run because of an injury. I missed one last week and felt really grumpy! Take care of your tendon. โค๏ธ
The Grunplies....that is what I call it when I cannot run... injury does happen, even when we do it all by the book.. and I am a belt and braces kind of person where my running is concerned... but the great news is, the runs really do wait..even for a long time. They are very patient and so must we be Thank you!
Sorry to hear about your injury, it must be frustrating but there is light at the end off the proverbial tunnel. Fingers crossed you get the all clear on Saturday ๐ค๐ Sounds like you have been a model patient and deserve to reap the benefits xx
Thank you... apart from a slump at a very low point...I can see that light.. and it is no longer a train coming in the opposite direction I have fingers crossed and am doing my normal exercises ... upper arm and upper body too... and the one legged exercises is hilarious
Recovery can be fun, and the torrential rain storms here and there, are helping the enforced rest!
Lovely positive read OF. I have everything crossed for Saturday for you. Not least so you can stop checking in with your ankle every minute of every day! I've read all this looking for some positivity but it's a struggle, and I appreciate your honesty in saying it did lay you low for a while. I was dealing with mine fairly well until assessment 2 on Monday suggested that the advice of assessment 1 wasn't very good, so four weeks later I am effectively only just starting week 1 of recovery. That has sent me into a pit of self pity ๐. Yesterday I waited in for the surgical boot I had ordered with express delivery. At 6.30pm Hermes informed me there was a bit of a delay. So, another day's work cancelled. I'm struggling to focus on things to do and simply sit and eat rubbish all day. I know it won't last, but I can't even get out on my bike in this awful weather. It sucks! Sorry to offload. Am now going to reread this post again and again and eventually some positivity will rub off on me!
Off load all you like.. you really, really understand where we both are right now!
It is really hard and I was really low.. to the point of tears at home... Mr OF has been amazing... !
For you... starting the recovery process again,, is even harder and the minor frustrations of delivery of your boot become major stress factors.
I still have a twinge...in the back of the calf,, and yesterday walking was painful... I am hoping it improves by Saturday, but will not be surprised if the result is more time on the couch.
So...we need to focus... we know things will improve... we know the runs wait... we do have to keep our fitness level ticking over and the sun will shine for some cycle rides for both of us....Let us support each other... let us keep each other going... we will get there!
Ty ๐ I know that sinking feeling of thinking you're getting somewhere only to have to acknowledge that there is still pain there ... it's so difficult, I do feel for you. Unfortunately my OH is working away all week so I'm having to make the best of it. The children walked the dog before work yesterday and today though which is a big help. Going to call the physioroom now and have a big fat whinge!!! Take care. We will run again xxx
Love this OF!! ๐ฅฐ๐ฅฐ๐ฅฐ You sure are that person!! A fabulous runner and an amazing inspiration to us all! ๐ฅฐ
Going slow is my idea of heaven!! Why rush to end the feeling of absolute freedom? ๐คฉ! May we have lots more slow runs, short runs, donโt wanna run runs. Weโre running!! Itโs all a self indulging adventure! Iโm happy with that!! ๐โค๏ธ
You are right, absolutely, it was just a, me, challenge that maybe was a step too far.
But I. as you do, love the slow runs, I love all that I see and hear... I need to get back to it as soon as I can.. and revel in y running and m rambles again... Thank you!!
... and you are really kind.. I am just a runner.. and so happy to be running with friends
A truly poetic post of your walk.... lovely to read. I went for my first gentle walk with my dog on part of one of my run routes through the woodland yesterday. It was beautiful and smelled so fresh from the rain. Heading out there again shortly.
Iโm also taking it slowly. I have your wise words in my head. Although I was initially cross and very frustrated, Iโm now more philosophical - the graduation run will be waiting for me when Iโm ready.
Sending best wishes from my IC to yours. Enjoy your lovely walks ๐ณ๐ธ๐ฒ๐บ๐๐ฟxx
Have a lovely walk...and post about it.. it is so important that forum friends see that an injury need not be the end of all things,( hard though it is to see through the gloom sometimes)...
The Injury Couch is fairly crowded right now, but what great company we are lucky enough to have xxx
Dear Floss, the fact that you can post such a beautiful uplifting account of your walk shows more than anything that you are getting back to being your usual positive self. I know being injured has knocked you, but you are still that person who crossed the line in Derbyshire with a huge grin on your face at the end of your HM. Slow and steady as you have drummed into us - youโll get back to your happy pace and place๐๐ Fingers crossed for Saturday. Let us know how you get on xx
Thank you my friend.. I will get there I know.. I neglected to remember how much support from friends means... ! I would like to get back in shape.. steadily and be ready for some Autumn fun running xxx
I love to read your โnature wordsโ OF... and am so sorry youโve been having a low time on the IC... but your post (and picture!) also reminded me of another poem - by a Japanese writer this time:
Thank you and thank you for that link to the poet... strangely...when I looked him up, I already knew one of his poems.. I used it when I was teaching.. Year 4 children and Haiku!
I loved that walk Floss ๐ค , so gorgeous. But I know you'll be running that route again before too long.
At least now you've got a diagnosis and a treatment plan. We are always so close to just a step away from the old IC and we never know what will bring us down. But this is only for a little while and in the big scheme of things it'll hopefully pass quickly for you.
A big hug to you and wishes for a speedy recovery ๐ xxx
I bless the day you recommended a Physio for my calf muscle injury a while back... well worth the money for peace of mind alone. The exquisite pain from deep calf massage comes as a bonus!!!
Even going by the book things occur and we have little control... I do have to accept also, that some bits of me don't work as well as they used to..
Oh for goodness sake, your writing touches my heart yet again Oldfloss โค๏ธ I'm filling up here, and it's me birfday. Come on!๐ I was right there with you, standing under that tree breathing in deeply ~ oh my, I completely get that!๐๐ณ๐ And then saddened to hear about your injury and the effect it's had on you; but you are slow. You are steady. You are our guide and our inspiration. And we love you for that. So stay strong, stay patient and of course you will trundle those fields again ๐๐ฆ๐ Have missed you X
Such a lovely post from you Floss, very descriptive, for the first time ever after I ran a 5k this morning I met another person who has graduated from C25K, she was running in the opposite direction that I was running around a loch, so once I completed my 5K I walked around it so I could meet and talk to her, I ran at her pace for two minute, she was running an 8K, but in those two minutes she told me that she graduated around 6 months ago, I wished her well on her 8K and I walked back home.
I have finally made my mind up to go for a gait analysis, so next Monday I will make an appointment for Wednesday, get the shoes they recommend and buy shoes to match. ๐ ๐
So sorry to hear you are on the IC Floss - wishing you a speedy recovery, i hope all goes well for you on Saturday
You are totally allowed to have self pity when being put on the couch, whilst we have missed you here, its great to have you back now, and we are all here to do what we can to support you (and everyone as it goes!)
Oldfloss, you didn't know it but you were running with me this morning as I set off, uphill to start my longest ever run, my second run of the magic plan, 5.5k. It felt tough to start with and I was running on pavements which I usually try to avoid. Every time I thought I couldn't do it and I had better turn round and go home, I thought of you and your mantra, slow and steady, I slowed down even more and distracted myself with the views from the top. Then I reached the plateau and suddenly I realised that was it, I'd done the hard part. Almost all of the route was flat or downhill from there and I "only" had another few km to go. So thank you, your wise words kept me going! Good luck for Saturday, I hope you get good news and can get back to running in person very soon.
Aww Floss, we do hurt but we do definitely heal, with time. Fingers crossed for the all clear for you Saturday. I have lived by your mantra and I love the t-shirt! The runs will always be there but it is tough not being able to get out and do them. Thinking of you and sending positive vibes. Xx
Your journey along your usual run route so beautifully described , and we all held our breath as we paused under your tree...๐ณ
I have re-read your post, and can see that you are on the way up... what a year you have had! The highs have been so high, but unfortunately there have been quite a few lows too...
All the while you have been encouraging, congratulating and offering advice to the c25k runners and making sure they are alright.
I do hope you get good news on Saturday when you see your physio, but if you need longer so be it. The runs WILL wait and will still be there.
The replies to this post are so positive and lovely, keep all our good wishes close to your heart...๐
You are the person who ran that HM, and a very lovely person too! ๐xxx
My little bluebird.. what can I say.. you know exactly how I feel, and respond to me; and I thank you for your continued support through all my highs, my lows and the bits in between... and for always being there for me and with me.
The friends here are beyond price..how lucky I am
I am on the way.. I will be sensible and I will run... slow and steady of course xxxx๐๐
Oh I feel your pain. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And you ARE still walking which is great. I have orthotics too, from a nice man at the hospital, as I have fallen arches ( that was when I stopped running 25 years ago as it was too painful but Iโm back doing it again). And Iโm sure you will be too.
I donโt think Iโm ever going to be destined for speed either and thats ok. Sometimes I beat my own records , by a second or two, and thatโs great but Iโm not bothered if I donโt. Just keep doing what he tells you and Iโm sure youโll be trotting again soon ๐
Thank you so much.. that is positive news ! I feel a lot, lot better than I did this time yesterday.. just having the support of friends has lifted me up !
And nothing wrong with that!! The world would be a sadder place it there were only gazelles and cheetahs ... the world needs tortoises and ๐ ๐ too
Iโm sorry you donโt feel great but yes you are a HM runner and you enjoy running and will again soon, at your pace. Iโve not been on the forum for a while too but back now. For now enjoy your lovely walks and be kind to yourself x
Gosh - so many replies, lovely Oldfloss...I hope you make it down to this one!๐ It is SO hard on that i/c and I too have looked back on previous accomplishments with the same feelings! I sometimes feel there is always another niggle waiting to take the place of an old one! Keep the faith and believe - and please keep posting!๐x
Overwhelming...and I feel so much stronger..knowing the friends understand how I feel...I know that since we started this fabulous running we have had our ups and downs...we have!
It does seem sometimes as if everything stacks up...and the niggles are so annoying.
But, my friend..your quote says it all...and yes..we darned well do!!!
So sorry to hear of the continued injury problems. I have my own, so have some idea how you feel. At the moment I can't imagine running again, but as you say, it will happen again at some point. Very best wishes. ๐คโค
Oh Floss, every post you write is an inspiration. You were with me on my run today. When Garmin told me my pace after 1k I laughed as it was so slow, but it was my happy pace for today, which made me think of your wise words.
Wishing you as short a time as possible on that IC OldFloss ๐
Iโm a bit late to the party Oldfloss, but the replies before me say it all. Such a beautiful description of your walk yesterday. I am glad youโve managed to see a physio to ensure a speedy recovery; not knowing what the problem is the worst thing. Good luck to you on Saturday You just follow the yellow and silver snails back to full recovery ๐ ๐ and weโll be here to cheer you on. ๐๐
The snails and I are getting there...and, after a day working our in the garden. helping to secure a new pull out awning.... arms above the head .. load bearing..up and down ladders and everything that goes with it.. I feel a lot less like an old lady !
Just going to carry on with the Physio exercise... the inserts are getting less uncomfortable
I hate to think of you feeling low about all this on your own, when there are so many people on here who would want to help and take that away from you... even though we canโt! I donโt come on here as often as I used to but you have always been so so SO supportive and encouraging to us all in our hours of need ( Iโve had a few!!) and we really do love you for it ๐. Because you are so caring and genuine and everything you say is heartfelt and kind. And the journey that youโve been on and are going through- sharing it with us - the highs and lows in the beautiful way you have of describing everything.... well you are just bloody awesome OF. Many of us wouldnโt still be running if it wasnโt for your support. Itโs the truth! Hopefully we can keep you going in your hour of need xxx
Thank you so,so much.You are very kind... I have found the replies so uplifting...a friend on here said to me..you dont realise how low you are, until you begin getting up again.
So many folk are going through much more than me...it seemed petty. But then I just felt I wanted to let folk know I was here and that we do get back to things.
I feel so much better now,simply knowing that friends here are with me.
My foot and calf actually feel much better today too!
Hello Oldfloss, I couldn't remember whether I answered this post of yours when I read it and I see that I didn't. I almost invariably go with better late than never! There is often a time pressure in these parts! Sorry.
I am so sorry too that you have had a set back, we never know what tomorrow holds, do we? As your running journey unfolded and continues to do so ,you must have built up a mass of happy running memories. Perhaps they can help remind you of some of the things you have to look forward to when the time is right. I do hope that your injury mends well and soon. Here are some flowers to say get well soon ๐ธ๐บ๐ผ.
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