I have had a slightly dodgy stomach this week, but am generally feeling OK so didn’t really think much of it. I was hoping to do the Parkrun in under 40mins today but I just found it so hard....... about half the way round I realised that as a result of being slightly out of sorts the normal 1 to 1.5 litres water per day may actually have not been enough and I may be a bit dehydrated. Also, the sun was brutal...... how am I ever going to run in the summer??? The gremlins were right there with me all the way, asking me why on earth I have joined Juju’s magic 10 when I can’t even run half that distance today.
Still a PB and I know I should not be so hard on myself, this is so much better than I could have done 6 months ago!
More water, more training, see you again in two weeks Parkrun!