Not ideal conditions for today’s park run as you can see. More a run , walk, slide, paddle! Add to that quite a strong side wind at parts and a low sun that made it tricky to see to pick the ‘best’ zigzag route trough the mud! HOWEVER.This time last year I hadn’t even thought of running yet here I am. Also I was first (ok, only) woman in my age group and I’ve made such progress that I was only a minute slower than my 2 summer park runs. Some/most of the corners were necessarily very slow. I’ve basked in a healthy glow all day. We runners are amazing. 🏃🏼♀️🙌🏻👏🏻🎂 🍾 😃
Today’s birthday park run : Not ideal... - Bridge to 10K
Today’s birthday park run

Congratulations on completing your parkrun in the mud Sybikw, hope you enjoyed it. 😊

That’s a slippery muddy course PB then! Great running. Keep glowing all the way to the next start line.
First place! Wow! Conditions look like football boots would have been more appropriate than trainers.
Well done. Hoping to continue next week C25K after an enforced rest, with a park run sometime in the New Year.
An enforced break is never great but with the excitement and rush of Christmas you might not notice. There’s always another park run and fitness doesn’t disappear too quickly now that we’re runners! 🏃🏼♀️ Hope you’re feeling ok though.

Well done Sybilw, that looks a very tricky course in today’s conditions. You are definitely amazing. My friend was delighted today to find out she was fastest in her age group too - she was tailwalking with me 🤣🤣. Now that she has got her first ‘run’ in I think I might get her on to c25k in the new year.
Thanks Dexy. That was one of the least muddy parts! Well done that friend too - I hope she takes the plunge. Next birthday takes me into the next age grouping and I had assumed I’d be in a more gentle group. Looked up the results to find the fastest was about 23 minutes with an age grading of 90.99%!! Oops - maybe not!! (Maybe she was just a visitor 🤞!) Your friend will be lucky to have at at-hand mentor.
A great run! It’s amazing how much progress you make running isn’t it! Well done to you!

Wowsers Sybil, that’s a slip n slide if ever I saw one! Very well done for negotiating that course. Bet your trainers needed some TLC afterwards. 😳
But yes you’re right, us runners are most definitely awesome! I’m going out a bit later (when it’s light) for a 5k. I volunteered at parkrun yesterday and had such fun. I love cheering everyone on! 👏🏃♀️🏃🐕

Well done on your slippery parkrun Sybil - ours was a bit muddy yesterday but nothing like that!
Amazing. I'm with you. I recently ran into something similar and worse (snow). These are not ideal conditions, but you ran out. Congratulations!

I’ve just looked - you definitely win on the ‘running despite the weather’ stakes. Well done to you - amazing. My weather was ideal for running - it was just the ground conditions that were adverse!! Also I don’t envy you your hills 😱. You’re inspiring - i avoid even small inclines if I can!! Keep going but keep warm.