Reporting missing mojo: Help...I've lost my... - Bridge to 10K

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Reporting missing mojo

Mummycav profile image
122 Replies

Help...I've lost my mojo, I've looked everywhere for it but it has well and truly gone. Last couple of runs have just been a struggle...My new trainers have made no difference to me at all...I've changed my route too because someone was raped at the side of the canal a couple of weeks ago so I daren't go there now but even the change of route hasn't helped...I'm so sad I'm not enjoying my runs at the distance has gone right down too because I just can't be bothered..I have no willpower to keep going & push myself, I really dont know what's happened, I was so determined to hit 10k just a few weeks ago but that just seems impossible to me at the moment...I feel like putting my trainers back in the box & finding something else to do...

MC x

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Mummycav profile image
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122 Replies
Empem profile image

Hi there Mummycav .I'm really sorry about your struggle.One thing comes to mind and it was advice from my Pilates teacher ( and triathlon athlete) who said when the chips are down try putting on your normal kit and WALking your runs.It sounded silly at first because why not just 'go for a walk' but mentally it was really different and helped me.Worth a try?

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Empem

Anything's worth a try isn't it? I wonder if doing a short run every day might help but then I'm not building any distance? X

IgaT profile image
IgaT in reply to Mummycav

I think at the moment building distance is not your priority and I wouldn't think about it. So running few quick runs maybe beneficial and it is worh a try ;)

I wish you all the best! I hope your mojo will start behaving and come back to you.

MikeJones68 profile image

Bev! Noooooooooo!!!!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to MikeJones68

I know, I don't know what's happening..I've just been out again, I put Mr Smooth on & did W5r2..maybe I should start c25k all over again?

MikeJones68 profile image
MikeJones68Graduate10 in reply to Mummycav

I don't think that is necessary, young Bevlar!

MikeJones68 profile image

Bev, is there a club near you? I find that running with a group can really help. As much as I like solo running, it can become a little boring at times.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to MikeJones68

Yes we have a local running club run by one of my friends who's always twittering at me to go with them...but what if I can't keep up the way I am at the's a running club not a walk/run club, I'd just hold them back 😨 x

MikeJones68 profile image
MikeJones68Graduate10 in reply to Mummycav

If the club is any good they will not leave anyone behind. The one at work caters for all with the faster runners adding loops or doubling back every now and then to make sure nobody is left behind. Give it a go, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to MikeJones68

I might give it a go, they meet on Tues evening's, it'll be strange running with other folk

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Mummycav

I'm quite envious of those of you that have great running groups in your area. They seem to help immensely, if it is the *right* club for you. Give it a go, with an open mind, don't worry about holding anyone back and enjoy the social aspect of running.

cheekychipmunks profile image

Oh no what a shame MC. What about just popping on your running gear, choosing a lovely playlist or interesting podcast and just going for a really relaxing slow run, no planned time or distance. No pressure.

What about parkrun? They’re fun and low key.

Hope your love of running returns as you’ve been doing so well. ❤️

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Yes, I did park run a couple of weeks ago but it made me feel useless.. 😏

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Mummycav

Oh no that’s sad. Why did you feel useless? You certainly won’t have been. People at ours walk all the way sometimes, and they get a rousing cheer when they cross the line. No-one is made to feel useless.

Wouldn’t you enjoy going out with no expectations? Just see where it takes you. Any run is better than no run.

Or how about giving yourself a goal and doing C25K again, but with faster/slower running intervals rather than walking? Maybe you need structure?

Please please don’t throw in the towel MC. We want to share your running journey and we’ll help all we can. ❤️

Sadie-runs profile image

Take a week off running entirely? It is good to have a break, and you have been hard at it all year. There is no pressure other than the pressure you put on yourself…I know that all too well. Losing mojo is part of the journey, so please don't worry. You know I had a week of "meh" not that long ago? I took some time out and when I returned, took the pressure off myself, found a new app to motivate me to try something new (Nike Run Club – Headspace runs on there are great!).

Sorry to hear about the horrible attack on your usual canal route. So, so awful. Do you carry a personal alarm? Stay safe darling MC.

Sadie-runs xxx 😘

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

I don't know what's up with me...I feel like I need a bomb up my backside...I absolutely love running & when I'm inside I just want to be outside but when I get out there I'm just not performing...I keep picturing myself running on those long roads, alone, in France & I wonder how I even did that? It's not all that long ago since I ran 9k & MikeJones68 was telling me that I only had another measley km to put on the end & I'd be there, but that doesn't even feel like me!! I'm proper fed up about it. I've just been out again when I got home, just over to the park, i put Mr Smooth on and did you think I might to start the programme all over again?? X

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Mummycav

I don't think you need to start the programme all over again, personally. But, if you are losing confidence over distance, it would not hurt. Take a week's break, and then start again? Trust me lovely Bevlar, losing mojo happens to everyone at some point, and you will get over it. It is a shocker when it happens though. During my week of missing mojo I ended every run grumpy and hated every second of of every run. I am now back to loving my runs again. So, it does not last. It is just one of those things. Sometimes there is no reason to these things, I have learned to stop analysing it now. xxx

IgaT profile image
IgaT in reply to Mummycav

Oh mummycav, you will reunite with your mojo and do your 10k. Now, I agree have a week off. Go for a long walks if you want to bboutsidez or go for a quick 15 minutes run. Forget about distance, long times. Maybe try fartlek or 30-20-10, to add some spice and difference to it. But I would advocate for 1 week off, do some cross training, meaning go for a swim, cycle (no snow at the moment, so why not), go for a fitness or dance class, maybe something calmer like yoga (bare in mind not all yoga are nice and easy, if you want a big challenge go for ashtanga yoga) or pilates. After a whole week off, do one short run, do some intervals, and then do a long easy run without any distance in mind and stop when you feel like it, even if long run will be 3 or 4 k.

You are a great runner! You are the same person who run 9k. I think you just need a small holiday from your love ;) to enjoy it again.

Beachcomber66 profile image

Yorkshire lass thinking of giving up; never heard of such a thing !! What is the world coming to? Can’t happen!! Just come through a bad spell myself. Just kept going, one foot in front of the other, and after finding some leg strengthening exercises I am back in the game and feeling good. Your Mojo will return, just do what you can in the meantime. ❤️From one Yorkie to another😉

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

I know?!! What's going on? I'm usually full of it, I'd say I was quite a determined person where my running is concerned but this morning's run was just a flop...I tried again when I got home & it was a bit better...maybe I should just do short runs when I get out there? But I'm worried that won't I'm me build up my distance...'Yorkshire lasses don't give in' wi be my mantra xx

Beachcomber66 profile image

I would just write it off as a bad one and consign it to the dust bin of history; never happened!!. I am doing a mix of short run then a 5k then a longer run. Going to play about with speed intervals on the shorter ones. Just a bit of a change. Somebody has challenged me to do a 30 minute 5k ( need to lose 4 minutes somewhere!!). Don’t know whether my 66 year old legs will ever do it; something to work on though. Sure you will find a way through. It’s what we do 😊

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

You’ll nail I’m sure x

Sadiemac profile image

Hello lovely, I don’t come on this forum often but started the C25K last year around the same time as you and Sadie. The forum was a great motivator for me although I never did ‘graduate’ as such. I’m not much of a poster, but really enjoyed reading all the success stories and that in itself helped me with my runs. In April I joined a running club and in September did my first 10k. So..... I’m 53 and 2st overweight with very little self confidence. What your posts and many of the others did for me was to believe that I too could be part of this running malarkey, however slow and painful (at times!) it is. I truly believe that once you have experienced that joy and exhilaration of a good run it will always be with you, be it 2k, 5k, 10k or any other distance. You know that joy as I’ve read it in your posts many times over the past 18 months. Be kind to yourself xx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Sadiemac

Thank you Sadiemac & well done on your acheivements & you’re right, there’s nothing like the feeling after a successful run & the stories & support on here are amazing xx

Oh - you are my greatest cheerleader, and now it is my turn to be yours, if you’ll let me. I was reading an article about ’taking a break’ from your activities and doing something different, because sometimes doing just one thing can become boring, and by doing something else, you re-kindle your enthusiasm.

I tried Parkrun and in truth, I feel the same as you about it - if it’s not your bag, then it’s not. I can remember all of your posts when you’ve been in the zone and really enjoyed yourself and you’ve sounded all whoopy and happy and excited, so these mo jo blues can really mess your head up. In my horrid month of August, it was bizarrely the ‘kindness’ of a stranger who asked me why was I running if I seemed to hate it so much... I realised I’d got into a bit of a spiral of not liking the last run, so the next run I was starting with ’this run may be as bad as the last one’ mentality, and I found it became self fulfilling.

How about taking Mr Smooth for a walk, with your sexy new trainers on and your happiest running gear (you know the kit that makes you feel tip top) and just see if you feel like a little jogette during it? And if you don’t than at least you had the gorgeously smooth tones of Mr Smooth keeping you company - and that’s never a waste of time.

Also, please don’t worry about not going the ‘distance’ of 10k. I’ve now found my ‘happy’ run distance is probably somewhere between 8 and 12k, sometimes I can’t do the long one, just the short, and I’ve also learned that I’m probably never going to be speedy Gonzales. Maybe you are a 6/7k girl and frankly there’s no shame in that. If you enjoyed the shorter runs, then when you feel like it, go back to them. You’re doubling your distance and it does take time for the bod to assimilate the changes.

Emotional blackmail now coming up.... ;) How can we be twins if one of us doesn’t run anymore? You’re more bendy than me as I’m famously as bendy as a tree trunk, if you take up trampolining gymnastics as a hobby, I’ll end up in hospital!!!!

You can't run if you don’t feel safe and also the darker grey days can be off-putting too. I’ll do you a deal - you can borrow some of my runs for the time being. This afternoon’s run is the fish shop challenge - running whilst carrying salmon - I hope you’re up for it?

Big big hugs from London - if I was in Italy it would be a ‘grande abbraccio’ or even a ‘bacino’ . The good news is that you’re sad that you’re not enjoying the runs, that does mean I hope that somewhere in the depths the love is still lurking.

Whether you decide to take a break - a cavacation, you will always be cavtastic. By the way when we are doing the fish shop challenge run this afternoon, can you tell me what your mo jo looks like, in case she’s hiding anywhere near Islington, and I can pick her up and send her back to you....

Much love



Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to

Thankyou so much Jan, it’s stories like yours that help motivate & inspire everyone on here, me included, I hate the thought of taking a break from running, it’s ‘my time’ & something I do that makes me someone else, someone that I didn’t know was in there...I can relate to the ‘I’m not going to enjoy this run’ start come to think of it...maybe that’s it, I’m already negative about it before I even get out of the door!? Keep your eyes peeled for a purple, Yorkshire pudding shaped thing with a cheeky grin & twinkly lights, if you see it, put it in the bag with the fish coz that’s my mojo! Xx

in reply to Mummycav

I think I was averagely successful....

misswobble profile image

It reminds me of the Bonnie Rait song, “I can’t make you love me if you don’t” 😕

So, you’ve fallen out of love with running. It’s not the end of the world. Nor will you be the first person it happened to

You sound quite negative at the mo, which is not you! Your comment about Parkrun for example 🤷‍♀️Ey 😳. Useless, not building distance. Give yourself a break, literally 😃. Do something else. A change is as good as a rest

I think it’s easy to get caught up in the quest to get faster, stronger, fitter, better, do intervals, don’t do intervals, blah blah blah and we lose sight of just running for running’s sake I love to run for the sake of it. No plan no nowt 😃

I’ll stop nagging now and go and make some flapjacks 😁👍💪

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to misswobble

Love make so much sense...and I bet your flapjacks are great too 😉

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to misswobble

Thank you misswobble , you are right....just flipping run, for however long or however far...& maybe because my time doesn’t seem to improve at parkrun it my head that’s making me feel useless...there’s all these enthusiastic people there with their marathon/half marathon tops on...and then there’s me...puffing & panting my way round...I think I need a word with myself...

Hope your flapjack turned out nice, it’s lovely with a brew x

SaskAlliecat profile image

I have no new advice from the great advice already given by everyone above but wanted to give you a huge virtual hug 🤗. It can be tough when the love has gone, but I have faith it is short lived. Go for a nice walk with your running kit on, try a group run with your friend's running group, don't worry about a set distance for now. The love and joy will return. This time of year is so tough, I find, for motivation to do anything. Don't let it get you down.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to SaskAlliecat

Hug gratefully received SaskAlliecat , I think we all need a hug now & then...this isn’t the first time I’ve been here, but it doesn’t make it any easier however many times our mojos go for a wander does it? I hate coming home disappointed, I want the euphoria of a good run every time! I know that’s unrealistic but when it’s bad run after bad run a few times on the trot it knocks your confidence a bit...but like you, I’m sure it’s short lived...I’ll enjoy a couple of rest days now & take it from there...Thankyou xx

mrrun profile image

Perfectly normal. Even top athletes have periods when they dread their training and aren’t looking forward to anything associated with their sports. Whenever there is intensity involved there is likely to be some sort of resentment lurking, that’s how the brains work.

Stop it for a little while. Take time off. Do something else. I had runs that weren’t enjoyable but I would run regardless because of physical benefits. I also take little breaks when I feel I am over doing it.

This time of year is not the most enticing either when it comes to the outdoors and that can also play part. Other things in your life also contribute, whether you’re aware of them or not.

Take a short break, read the forum in the meantime to stay in the loop, get re-energised and come back soon – and whatever you do, don’t forget how far you’ve come.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to mrrun

Thankyou mrrun ...I think we all forget how far we’ve come a lot...instead of thinking “huh I’ve only managed 3k” I ought to be thinking “3k?! Wow..Well that would’ve been impossible this time last year!!” I’m going to try & have a couple of extra days off, the weekend is here just about so everyone’s at home to keep me occupied. There are always things on your mind aren’t there that can affect everything and, like you said, we’re not always aware of how they change our mood & I suppose this has a knock on effect to our running. At least, it seems, that it is normal because most people on here have experienced this

sunshinefish profile image
sunshinefishGraduate10 in reply to Mummycav

Yes, you can't always switch off when you run. Sometimes a run helps the head, sometimes the head rules the run even if you don't realise it. Take care and I hope your mojo comes back soon. I guess it's like any hobby/interest, sometimes it's everything, other times not. But do do something you like in your free time, something for you.

Decker profile image

I know a bit of how you are feeling Bev. With my new longer plan the runs and speed have started feeling like a chore rather than an opportunity. But at least for me, the habit is most important. So I’ve shortened the long ones and am not beating myself up about that. Once I break the habit more than twice, it becomes very hard for me to get back, so I’ve shortened the runs and added in more crosstrain days- cycling, which I find is good for the legs and I do still enjoy at least till the snow comes. My advice for what it’s worth is to drop your 10k goal for a few weeks and maybe just use the runs to clear your head and move through your day. Just go with whatever distance is comfortable and try to enjoy the time you have one the run with the music you like.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Decker

Running has become a habit for me too but I remember, not so long ago, times when I snook out of the door before anyone was awake to run...that just isn’t happening at the moment & I don’t understand why. I’m reluctant to drop my 10k goal, I was nearly there not so long ago & every time I step out of the door 10k is in my head...I’m thinking “today’s the day” but then I get to 2/3k & something pops in my head telling me I’m struggling & I have to stop & when I do stop there’s absolutely no reason for it coz my breathing/legs/heart everything is’s just in my head telling me I can’’s so frustrating

ch3lsea007 profile image

Hi Mummy cav! Sorry to hear you have lost your mojo! I felt the same a few weeks after the euphoria of finishing c25k when the structure of running was lost! And now with dark nights and mornings very disheartening! As others have said go for a walk or something just to feel that you are doing something! We all need a break now and again! All the best for the future! As Arnie once said ‘you’ll be back’! 🏃‍♀️

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to ch3lsea007

Thank you ch3lsea007 , I know that feeling, whoa, it’s like the day after your wedding....everything’s all exciting, plans are being made, the day comes (graduation) & them boom, it’s all over... no goals left, nothing to look forward to, nothing to plan structure...yes, I remember it well...but this forum kept me going. It’s very hard to stay motivated with the darker days & the weather change etc and everybody will be busy soon in preparation for the big C (it’s too early to say the word yet!!) so life can def take over...but we are strong & determined creatures that won’t be beaten x

Tallismorley profile image

What great helpful posts. I’m feeling a bit like you mummycav and think I’ve said before that I haven’t found Parkrun very life affirming either (It seems remarkably competitive to me though I did give it a second try last sat), but all these posts have really helped me too. Thanks everyone.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Tallismorley

Aw, that’s brilliant Tallismorley , I’m glad you’re feeling the strength & support through my post, everyone on here is such a good friend to each other and obviously has been through this...I know this is not the first time my mojo has done a runner!! When I go to the park run (which is right opp my house so I can’t even stay in the house without seeing it!!) I go with the intention of enjoying it & cross the road with a ‘positive mental attitude’ but then I get there & feel so inferior!! Why I do not know!! There’s a really big guy that goes every week without fail & has been going since it started, at first he just walked the whole thing, now, 2 years on, he can kind of shuffle around....but he has stuck with it, he just gets his head down & cracks on...he’s def one to admire, so why I feel like I do I have no clue?! Something, somewhere is messing with my head...keep smiling Tallis xx

davelinks profile image

Sorry to hear that MC, but you'll get it back, it's just rolled under the couch.. trying a running club, I think would be very good for you, something different, as Mike said if they're any good they'll look after you, I found mine great.. terrible what happened at the canal, so best only to venture there in daylight hours, but just keep running if anything unsavoury detected on runs, and probably outrun them anyway.. now, keep pecker up and have a nice cup of tea..😊

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to davelinks

Thanks davelinks , I found the canal was my very fav running spot so I’m unhappy that I’ve had to cross that one off my list...I run there around 9am usually & the incident took place at around 8.30am so not that long before I was can be a very lonely place, something that had crossed my mind but you don’t really think things like that will happen where you are do you? I need to chill £ take the pressure off a where’s my rich teas....

Oldfloss profile image

Go for a walk.... just relax... this will pass... head out and soak everything up... you have had a lot on.. and it has been a tricky time lately...sad memories can play havoc with our heads... :) And our legs :) x

Maybe try something different too..forget hitting 10K.. forget the timing or the Strava.. just do a few short gentle runs because you can... :) Then maybe... a day out for a run, somewhere completely different? Somewhere with some great surroundings so you can soak it all up...Meanwood Valley Trail? Is that near you???

If you fancy C25K again... start it... I have lost count of how many times I have bitted and bobbed.. after the was fun.. no pressure... knowing what comes next knowing you can do it... the furthest I got before hitting my running trail again was Week 6 :)

You will come through this... trust me :) xxx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Thankyou Oldfloss , you know I’ve been here most of us...& you’re right, it does pass but it’s scarey thinking that you can’t do it anymore...or questioning your ability...I’m not quite sure what’s going on but it’s not legs/heart/lungs are all fine but I get part way into a run & something pops into my head telling me to stop?? I went out again after I’d written my post & did w5r2 with Mr Smooth & it felt better...I have googled the meanwood valley trail & it looks gorgeous so I am going to treat myself & drive over there for a special run when my mojo returns...why did I not know about it?! Thankyou for pointing me in that direction, I will get over this blip I’m sure...but I hate blips, I just want to run & enjoy it xxxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Mummycav

You will get there, and that trail looks delicious.. :) xx

Irishprincess profile image

I agree with the others who’ve said you should have a break. Don’t put this pressure on yourself. Also you might be about to come down with a bug or cold and our bodies usually know these things before our heads!

Why not forget about running for a while and just give yourself some TLC with lots of good food and extra sleep. Could you go for a massage?

Running is a high impact activity and can be hard on our bodies, so it’s no wonder we sometimes have a wobble. Don’t worry about this. You’ll be good to go when you’re ready. And if you’re not ready you’re not good to go 🙂

Sending you a big hug as you sound as if you need one but this is temporary and you’ll find your mojo again. Honest xxx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Irishprincess

Hug gratefully received Irishprincess , funnily enough I have an opportunity to go for a massage next week my friend asked me the other day but I’m not really one for being faffed about with but I might just put that aside & take her up on it! I’m sure my mojo is just hibernating, after all, the weather is changing & the evenings are darker so why wouldn’t it?! It’s so frustrating’s like looking forward to the best slice of cake you’ve ever baked but finding you forgot to put the sugar in xx

quirkybee profile image

My little hunny bun petal, I am sad to read this as you are so full of life with your running, however, it has happened and I know it makes you feel down hearted, I totally understand that, but this is just a lapse, for whatever reason, who knows, eh?

You've done incredibly well and you started after me, I've taken strength from you personally and your runs, so don't beat yourself up. How about doing a bit of power walking for the next one or two runs and if you feel like a bit of a canter, go ahead. If you feel you need to stop, then stop.

I haven't got out there yet, (4 or 5 weeks) 😒 just can't seem to fit it in, but I have developed 'jeffing' and I absolute love it, I tell you, its so meeeeee 🤣🤣🤣 I have found that short bursts of running, say every 3 to 5 minutes, followed by a minute or two of brisk walking, really has helped my stamina. I still can't make the 5k in one go yet, but I've stopped thinking badly of myself and enjoying my bit of jeffing. I'd Jeff all the way if I could 🤣🤣

Try mid way through the C25K podcast again or try this jeffing, many swear by it. You will get back into it lovely, this is just a little lapse. Take care xxx 😘😊

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to quirkybee

Oh it’s good to hear from you quirkybee , you have run along side me for yonks now...and I know you struggle with fitting runs in so that must be hard for you...I feel terrible complaining about running when there are buddies like you who want to run but can’t! You know how much I love my running, there’s nothing like it, I am def I think that yes, this is just temporary, it’s not the first time it’s happened & I’m sure it won’t be the last. I’m glad you’ve found something though, Jeffing, sounds so funny but I know lots of people on here have tried it & say it works for them, who knows, it might be just the thing for me at the mo? There’s all sorts to try isn’t there? I hope alls well with you Beth xx

quirkybee profile image
quirkybee in reply to Mummycav

Aww, thanks lovely. Yes, you'll get back into, funny how these things happen in life, isn't it? Whether there's a reason or not for it, will we ever know?

Just don't think too hard on it, go with the flow start with a good walk and if you want to run, then do it. I've stopped beating myself up, there just isn't anything positive in it. Go with the flow and see what happens xx 😊

Sarakc profile image

Hi! So sorry you’re not enjoying it at the moment but as others have said I’m sure it’s just a temporary thing and after a wee break you’ll be back into it again! Try and not put any pressure on yourself . I know it’s easier said than done! I went through a phase of beating myself up if I didn’t do at least 5K every run and I kept thinking I should be doing intervals or I should be slowing down! Or going further etc! It was getting all very stressful but I’ve since started to relax more and I pick a route now and just run at my usual pace and stop and walk if I feel like it and take pics. I love the head space runs on Nike run app too. Really hope you look after yourself! I love your posts! 😀🏃‍♀️x

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Sarakc

Thanks Sarakc , I’m sure it’s just a’re so right, that’s how I feel...if I don’t do 5k I’m not I’ve already got the pressure on before I step out of the door! Why do we do this? What are we trying to prove? We’re just causing stress when really running should make us feel the complete opposite! I’m going to have a look at the Nike run app, a change is as good as a rest so they say. I just need to have a word with myself & stop trying to be the next Forrest Gump coz that’s just not happening! X

Dexy5 profile image

Hello Mummycav, is there a running group you can join? That might add a difference as they will do different things each week to keep the spark.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Hi Dexy5 , yes there’s a group here run by my friend who twitters at me every time I see him to join them but I can’t imagine myself running with anyone else, I’m a lonely goat you see! But I might have to change this & bite the never know if you don’t try xx

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Mummycav

Yes we are all different and I’m probably the opposite. I prefer running with others and if left to my own devices for all my runs I think I would probably lose my mojo.

I think the idea of a little running break is a good idea - I know when I hurt my arm and was on the IC, I was raring to go again after 10 days. I think I needed that rest too.

I’m sure you’ll find what’s right for you. 🏃‍♀️🍂🍁

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate10 in reply to Mummycav

Good thinking... I'm reckoning that even if you don't like it, there's potential for it to reignite your passion for what you *do* like.

FormulaRun profile image

Hey MC

You sound very fed up -‘it sounds like you want to run but perhaps you’re not enjoying it? I’ve found the change of weather and dark mornings and nights hard to adjust to - the runs I managed were a slog - I was glad I’d done them once they were complete but not much fun on the way round. My distance had dropped mainly due to time pressure of daylight but my time too. So I changed tack. Instead of slugging it out I changed my attitude- if I need/want to walk I will. If I run at half normal speed I will. If I only do 3k - well I do. Didn’t bother with my watch etc.....With the pressure off trying to complete 5k each time I found that I started enjoying things more. An enjoyable 3k was much better than a 5k slog. Last time out I had the best run I’d done in ages & hey my mojo was back! Does this sound familiar?? All I can say is remember why you do this. If it’s for fun make sure it’s fun. Make the challenge manageable. If 10K doesn’t arrive for a while- well what harm is there? And celebrate what you do achieve. In other words give yourself a break - take the pressure off - enjoy running again and don’t be hard on yourself. Mo is still in there somewhere- possibly hibernating!!!

Hope you work it out

FR 😟🏎🏁

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to FormulaRun

Wow this does sound extremely familiar...exactly what I’ve been like....since when has 3k never been enough?! Reading everyone’s responses has def made me feel like I’m not the only one & that these feelings are normal...5k in your head before you set off can on,y lead to disaster because then, at around 2/3k, it’s in there...that thing that tells you you can’t do it! I def need to remember how to enjoy running just for runnings sake & stop trying to hit at least 5k every other day! Thankyou FormulaRun x

Tasha99 profile image

Join a club! Best thing I did!!!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Tasha99

Might just try that Tasha99 did you feel when you first went? What distance/pace were you at? I’m just bothered that I’ll hold them back x

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate10 in reply to Mummycav

I went to two. The first I was so fussed about although they were a nice enough bunch. Both had slower runners. At the time I went to my first club I was on a 32 minute ParkRun, but I was bottom of the middle group. There was a slower, shorter group than that. I my second club, which I LOVE, a beginners group doing a C25K type thing had just finished and they were joining the main group so again I was kind of in the next group from them. My now runs in sections so everyone sets off to a point at any pace and that fast ones loop back until we all get there. My current group is really social too. Email a few and see what they say. I’ve made a huge amount of close friends and we all celebrate each other’s weekend runs too and do extras with people we’ve made friends with. I found someone to do HM training with 👌🏽I was quite nervous to start but I just told people there and they were so nice 😂

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Tasha99

Wow? Sounds perfect for you, I’m glad you’re enjoying it & a HM? Oooo, exciting x

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate10 in reply to Mummycav

Email a few with your times and see what they say 👌🏽

I like the guided runs on Nike Run Club. There are Headspace ones which are lovely, about being in the moment, in your body. They are all very encouraging. There is one that I do called "I don't wanna run, run" and a "Running on empty" run and a 10 minute run. It's a nice, relaxing, no pressure way of running, with built in encouragement. Or then again, maybe you just need a break from this running lark. Good luck and stay close xx

P.s. ever done a race with bling and a chip time and cheering supporters and cake at the end ? Tremendous fun 😉

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to

I’m def going to try the Nike run club app, you’re not the first to suggest it, I haven’t heard of them till today...I’ve never done a race, I wouldn’t dare, I’d be last without a doubt!! Does sound fun though...& cake, who doesn’t love cake?! X

Fishypieface profile image

:( MC :( There's definitely a CBA clocks changing/hard to drag your arse out of bed/dark mornings/winter's on its way type vibe hanging about in the air at the moment. I've changed gym and CBA to go now. You will get back to it, just from the sheer will of everyone on here wishing you on. You've been here before... it's just another ripple in the pool of life. Luckily you've got the badge, t-shirt, arm-bands, snorkel, flippers and lifeguarding qualification!! You'll be back, I have NO doubt xxxx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Fishypieface

Good to hear from you Fishypieface , how are you? I miss your posts so I hope you’re getting sorted?? I know it’s not the first time I’ve been here & you’ve helped heave me out of the quick sand so it won’t last I’m sure...but I hate disappointing runs & that’s all I’ve had for the last couple of weeks so self doubt has crept in & pushed my mojo out into the big wide world will miss me so it will def come back. Reading everyone’s replies & answering them has helped me make sense of my is all in my head...setting goals for myself instead of just running fir the sake of it, when will I ever learn that this is not good practice?! xxx

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate10 in reply to Mummycav

Well, sometimes it is.... and sometimes it isn’t!! I don’t expect anyone ever gets right to the bottom of why mojo wanes but it’s the hanging on in there and riding the storm that builds our running character!! 🙄 Says she.... who hasn’t run a full 5k since March!!!! Was all set to go to a female physio who never returned my calls.... too chicken to book up with another....still a wimp with these things. My plan is to build up on the dreadmill at the gym..... but I can’t be arsed to go!!! Maybe our mojos have snuck off together for 2 weeks on a sun drenched beach. Lucky sods!! I think I will be starting c25k again but you my lovely only need a boost and you’ll be back. Big hugs to you xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Fishypieface

Start again.. we need your posts on there.. it is fun...please.. do it:)

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Ah thanks OF!.... I though everyone would have forgotten me by now, it's been so long. I DO need to start again.... blumming arse cheek still isn't right, but if I take it slow and steady, I think I just might manage it! :) x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Fishypieface

Don't we always?😉

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe560minGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

Forgotten you???!!!! No way! 😀

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate10 in reply to Elfe5


Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Fishypieface

Flippin eck Fishypieface ...your posts are legendary!!!! Xxx 🤣🤣

SuzyKK profile image

I agree with previous posts MC... today was my first run in a couple of weeks, I had plenty of 'reasons' why I 'couldn't' run, but truthfully I just didn't feel like it... weather changes, darker mornings... I was sure I wouldn't be able to run again... but today I went out - just ran without tracking distance, after warmup walk, ran for about 30 mins, & walked for a few mins in the middle of the run. My point (very round about way getting to it) is stop tracking yourself, stop worrying about your distance, or speed... at least for now... I'm all tired from my run today as not used to it again, but I did feel that thrill at the end... and I'm sure you will too before too long. Don't be so hard on yourself - your mojo's just playing hide & seek... xxx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to SuzyKK

Thanks SuzyKK ...we do put pressure on ourselves don’t we? Like I’ve said in previous responses, I’ve been aiming for 10k for yonks now @ have often thought “today’s the day” but after a couple of Kms my head tells me to I just need to get out there and run, like you...& if I need to stop halfway then I just stop...& walk a bit & get it into my head that walking’s mojo won’t be away too long I’m sure xx

SuzyKK profile image
SuzyKK in reply to Mummycav

Yes, I think it's the pressure we put on ourselves... When I first graduated C25K, I consolidated for a bit, then decided - ok now I'm going for 10K... fast forward a bit, & I was not enjoying it, was finding a million reasons why I couldn't run on a given day, & when I did go out I felt bad because I wasn't improving... Injuries, an op, & a spring later, I did C25K again... since then each time I started 'not enjoying', I stop & think what the issues might be... I know I like nice 'Goldilocks' weather (not too hot, but def not too cold or wet), not too hilly, & for now at least, not too long... For now the runs I can do on a regular basis & still enjoy (with the SAD, darker, colder, wetter weather) are approx 5K, & my real aim is to just keep going out 3 times a week for about half an hour... & those weeks I only get out twice (or once ;-) ), or the runs that I only manage 3K, or 5K, or only 20 mins... hey, they're still runs! :-D xxx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to SuzyKK

They certainly are SuzyKK are doing just fab xx

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Dear Mummycav, its all been said.... you know we all support you and want whats best for you too. Big hug.

Maybe take the stress out of running for a while, someone posted the other day about how they stopped feeling they 'should be doing this and ought to be doing that'... as its not fun.

Your mojo is resting, its still there and you are still a fab runner. xxxx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Awwww, Thankyou Bluebirdrunner ....if there’s one bpname that will pop up when I’m having a moment it’s you...always there to pull me back up xxx I have been here before, but because of this forum I’m still here...& still having blips...I know I’m not the only one but it’s a lonely feeling when you think everyone else is prancing along like a gazelle & you’re running through treacle...setting off with 5/10k goal in my head is no good for me because when I don’t manage it I’m frustrated...I need to give myself a good talking to xxx

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to Mummycav

You could start the 10 is the Magic Number plan again MummyCav rather than hoping a 10 will just happen. The plan works well with that shorter run in the mix as you know....

I have done it three times, and loved ticking those runs off.

You could plan to start it on a certain date.

Pin it up on the fridge again and just run for fun for until it's time to start. I bet your Mojo would perk up and join you. That trail Oldfloss has mentioned sounds lovely...

and you will need a local route where you can feel safe...

Happy running😊xxx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thatbsoumds like a plan Bluebirdrunner ...I def still want to reach that magic 10k xxx

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to Mummycav

I am thinking of doing Ju ju's plan again ( 4th time ) starting in December for the Quest...I will take my time on the long runs though as I have a new route in mind with hills...

Just saying😉

Would Daddycav take the family walking at that Meanwood Valley trail while you did your longer run at the weekends maybe?

Just thinking 😉xx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Daddycav would def takes the kids for a walk yes...have you completed the quest 3 times Jan? I am def going to pick it up again..xx

LottiePops profile image

I’m too new to this running lark to offer words of wisdom, but I do think it’s fab you’re self aware to recognise this mojo-lack and seek reassurance here. Recognising these things

is half the battle. Wishing you lots of love and luck and the rediscoveryof your love of running 💛

Mummycav profile image

Thankyou LottiePops ...welcome to your new life! It is a good thing when you can see somethings not right & this is a good place to come to help make sense of it...& get the love & support of all your friends xx I’m sure I’ll be back enjoying it soon

GoogleMe profile image

You are trying to run loaded down with a huge weight of your own expectations. Put 'em down for a bit.

And every time a negative thought about running crosses your mind, you could try saying lightly "Bollocks to that" I do just mean the words - you've spelled out a lot of the negative self-talk, the catastrophising that's going on.

Actually getting out there is another matter, that does consume a bit of emotional effort at least, and as plenty have said, you can afford to be kind to yourself right now, whatever that turns out to be: the couch, a good book, a walk, a massage, a jogette, an audio guided session... a swim, yoga, an exercise class. You've got the skill, you've got the fitness, you've got the forum. Just be ready to seize the better moments (so no putting shoes in boxes....)

I'd not been one for medals, but I did find signing up for one I particularly liked, for a challenge which was well within my grasp (5k) was helpful in a slump.

Jell6 profile image

Not much can be added to all these words of support.

The programme focuses on running without stopping, so once we have completed I think that mind set is embedded.

I stopped on Monday, just like one of those stubborn cartoon mules 🐎, then I tutted and walked and eventually added on another km but felt like I had somehow not achieved something.

Maybe you could try for your "happy distance ", the bit after the toxic part, but before you are really starting to feel the effort.

Then stop right there!

I'm not sure I'll ever get to 10k, I'm not sure that I want to.

Get back to the bits you liked, because it is obvious from your other posts that you love running 🤗😚

I’m really sorry to hear your story. I think I would not want to either if my running space had been violated in the same way yours has. There’s loads of lovely helpful comments already, I would just try to make happy memories on other routes. I know it’s hard not to consider the ‘what ifs’... but it might be worth considering the ‘thank goodness’

Hoping that you do get your mojo back x

LittleNell83 profile image

I had a spate of bad runs where they didn't settleacnd I was struggling. I decided to not use my tracker, went somewhere different to normal and walked, then jogged for a little when I wanted to and just focused on the countryside around me. Maybe just go outside for a walk on your running gear and see where your feet take you. As long as you are getting out, it doesn't matter.

Plus this grey weather is very meh and makes it hard to want to get outside x

lexi6 profile image

Hey Mummycav lucky we have all these VBR’s to pick us up. Hate to see you feeling this way. You are a brilliant, lovely, funny lady and runner and if you need to take a break or do something different, then you should.

I felt really bad that I failed at reaching 10k got to 7 (so far) got quite sore (can’t believe that the piriformis muscle is such a little farting thing) but caused such a pain with my sciatica nerve. I had to take a break from here, although I missed it so much and after 2 weeks off running started doing just “littlies” and then found a four week plan for a 5km (very well and I love it! its so liberating, no Strava, no times or distance, set the watch for whatever week and minutes you’re on and run. No pressure, does wonders for the soul. Huge hugs from over ‘ere. Take care luvvy xxx 💕

theoldfellow profile image

Just so you know you are not alone. I feel the same way. I put it down to SAD with the short dark days, and not being able to run at 6:30 like I enjoy.

I got myself a headlight/taillight thingy so I can run in the dark and tried that out this week, but despite it being a success on Tuesday and yesterday, I only did 3Km and about 20 minutes.

It will have to do until the spring I think. Except maybe, Parkrun on Saturday, I look forward to that all week.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate10 in reply to theoldfellow

Read up on vitamin D, you may be deficient.....?

theoldfellow profile image
theoldfellow in reply to ju-ju-

I used to take a supplement for it, but gradually I have weaned myself off all meds, prescribed or not. I eat a load of fresh blueberries with my home-made muesli, and would expect that to have it covered. But it's a good idea. Thanks.

womblejogger profile image

don't give up, it will return, don't worry about distance just try to get consistency with the runs and then everything else will click into place. do you have a running buddy, someone with who you can motivate and be motivated by... is it the dark nights early mornings? do you have a goal to stick to? its hard to motivate yourself and i know it sounds like a cliche but suddenly it will click and you will be back on form :D

Please don’t give up I’m trying to get my mojo back too xx

Hey Mummycav , loads of great stuff here so I won't repeat it all, though I have sent you a message. Just know that you are an inspiration to me personally, and I totally know you can totally do this. Totally. I don't think your mojo has gone, it's probably lurking in a corner somewhere waiting to jump out at you when you least expect it!!

Take care, we're all rooting for you x

Mimirossi profile image

So sorry that your mojo has gone for a while Bev! I wonder if it hiding with mine, which has also been missing for about three weeks.

I would think that losing your favourite running place for such a horrible reason might have freaked you out a bit! It must be in your mind a lot of the time. Also the darker mornings make it harder to want to get out of bed and the gloomier days are not so welcoming. The ground is wetter, slippery with leaves and beginning to get muddier as well.

I know exactly what you mean about parkrun! I find it very stressful although there is no need!

You have had a hard year and have pushed yourself through and kept going admirably. Maybe your body and brain need a short rest from pressurising yourself?

How about a few days off and then going out somewhere beautiful on a sunny day and just running. No timing or checking distances, just running because you can. Do that for a few days and your mojo might come creeping back?

Good luck! I know you will be back to loving running soon, because you are a runner. It is in you now and there is no turning back! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️xx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Mimirossi

Oh heck Mimirossi , maybe our mojos are planning a surprise return together?!!! I didn't know yours was missing too 😑 . You're right, park run should be enjoyable but I just don't feel like I got's all in my head I know but once it's in there....

I've haven't run over the weekend or today so I think tomorrow I'm going to go for a little trot & see how I feel. Yes, it did freak me out a bit when I heard about what happened by the canal because I just see it with my runners eyes, a beautiful place where I can be at one with nature & I feel free there..but now that has changed...there is still a part that I can run, where Bevlar bridge is so I could incorporate that bit into a run but I bet my pace will increase for that bit!! Thank you & I hope your mojo makes it back very soon x

JonathanP profile image

Sorry to hear this Mummycav. As others have said I think taking the pressure off should help - reduce those expectations and do what feels good!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to JonathanP

Thank you JonathanP , that's exactly what I need to do

ju-ju- profile image

Hello, I am so sorry, but this does happen and it is ok...... are you otherwise well and not vit D deficient or otherwise? I’m asking as that can all make a huge difference to how you feel. I was shocked to find I was very vitamin D deficient last year ( as I am outdoors for all my runs I assumed I was ok). However it has made a huge difference to me...

My other advice is not to stop. Drag yourself out for 1 mile 3 times a week if you can, super slow, take some pics of interesting things you see. This way whilst you don’t want to go you are maintaining the structure and habit of running so to not break the habit. If you have stopped, it’s OK you can restart when ready. Please don’t give up as I know how much you do love your running xxxx

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate10 in reply to ju-ju-

This is where the old stealth running kit comes in handy - running underpinnings first thing and then off with the top layer and on with the shoes.

I'm looking to little and more often this month myself and enjoying it (well, this week!) - my runs aren't 30 minutes and slow even by my standards but by 'eck they're good.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to ju-ju-

How strange ju-ju- ...someone was telling me that they'd heard something on telly saying that everyone should take vitamin D?? I bet that has a lot to do with it...we often don't realise these things. I don't want to stop Ju-ju...the thought of stopping makes me sad...I have had a rest over the weekend & I'm going to see how I feel tomorrow, running has become a habit now & unlike biting my nails it's not something I want to give up. I just want it to be something I enjoy every run...I know that's not possible but it was getting to where every run was hard so I think it's knocked my confidence a bit...I won't give up, I will reach 10k eventually, I felt a bit like I'd let you down too because it as taking me so long!! I got to 9k when I was in France so 10k is in there somewhere! Thank you so much for your reply & hope you're feeling better xxxx

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate10 in reply to Mummycav

Hey you, the 10k can wait. The main thing is that you reap the benefits of running and possibly focus on that as an objective rather than distance etc. I really do believe that if you can get out for 3 times this week for just 1 mile, choosing places you love to be in, it will rebalance you. and yes get some vit D too as that can make a huge difference.

Decker profile image

I get it. I also did not mean to suggest dropping the 10k goal altogether. Only for awhile to remove some of the pressure. But if it is in your head then go for it. I think our heads lie to us often. Our hearts need to tell them to shut up sometimes 😉👊 Easier said than done on some days I realize.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Decker

Hah...I think you're right Decker , I still do want to get to my 10k goal but maybe a few no pressure runs are needed before I try again? I fed need my head to shut up...somethings got in there & mixed everything up!

Decker profile image
Decker in reply to Mummycav

No worries, you’ll get there 👊😎🏃‍♀️

Slinkymalinki profile image

Hi. Sorry to hear your mojo's gone awol. I really do blame the darker evenings throwing our bodies out of their natural sync. I've had a week like that where work has taken over & I've done nothing. You know it'll all come back, just don't be hard on yourself. Lots of great advice given already but I would definitely recommend that massage and some time to yourself if you can. Sometimes we need to nurture ourselves a bit more and not have high expectations. Thinking back to how little running I did last winter, I've told myself not to focus on distance or time but just get out when I can, even if it's a short walk/jog round the block. (I can't call it jeffing - my brother's a Jeff & it just feels too weird!!). Big hugs. X

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Slinkymalinki

Haha that made me laugh slinky-malinki you'll have to think up another name for it!! 🤣 I think you're right, the darker evenings just make you want to light the fire & get cosy not go out half dressed & come back wet through...although I didn't mind that last year at all & I was quite looking forward to getting my disco light back in my hair!! I think I shall put my reservations aside & go for a massage...maybe I do need a bit of tlc? X

limberlou profile image

Oh poor you!!! My daughter who got me into running has lost hers too. She hasn’t run since I fractured my ankle at the end of June, even though I was champing at the bit to get back to running. I started again mid September but i still can’t get her to come and run with me.

It is hard if you lose your mojo but I think some of the suggestions might help you get it back ie running with a club, or walking your usual runs

Good luck and please don’t give up. You were doing so well

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to limberlou

Thank you limberlou , sorry to hear your Daughter isn't out there with you, I know you enjoyed your runs together, at least you are still out there & who knows, one day you might inspire her to get out there again when she remembers that feeling of a good run?

I'm sure my mojo will make a return, it's typical, new trainers that took me ages to decide on...but they're just sat in the hall, tucked under the shoe rack 🙄 x

Walswife profile image

Hi do you have a local running group? I joined one recently and its really helped me you don’t need to be a fast runner they cater for everyone 😊

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Walswife

We do Walswife , I might have a go with them, thank you x

Elfe5 profile image

Hey Mummycav, huge HUG winging to you! ( Feeling a bit squashed? It’s landed then!! 😂)

I really sympathise- a few weeks ago I was finding each run a struggle & hard work & dismayed by the loss of enjoyment & confidence. Then along came the current school tummy bug, (oh joy), which meant I had to stop running for a couple of weeks. Tonight I went out for a slow, gentle trot with an open mind & I really enjoyed it. 2 weeks off followed by a NO pressure slow trot was transforming. - Maybe ou could give it a try?? (preferably without the tummy bug!) 😘

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Elfe5

Thank you for that huge hug Elfe5 ...I've been trapped under it since it got here!! Haha...and Thank you for sharing your own feelings of lack of confidence & joyless runs, it's so reassuring when you realise you're not the only one. I'm going to get my kit on in the morning & go for a trot somewhere, I'm not giving up...after all there are so many people out there looking for my mojo it's going to be found sooner or later!! XX

Richard7 profile image

Sorry to hear you are struggling with your Mojo. You always chear me up with your posts and hate to hear you are Mojo-less!

I have had a few struggles with getting out trying to cram things in to the dark mornings and switched things around to do some evening runs had helped. When doing C25K I would sometimes do a lunchtime run too.

The other thing that has helped me is to vary my runs. I normally go out with a specific purpose - fast run, intervals and so on. But when I just can't "be bothered" I forget everything and just get out and plod.

I hope you find your Mojo down the back of the sofa really soon. Go Go MC.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Richard7

Thank you Richard7 , I feel so lucky to have so many people sending me hugs/best wishes/strength & encouragement...I'm poss going to try a plod tomorrow, I'm getting my kit on first thing & I'll see how I feel when I've done the school run...I do love running & am envious of people I've seen over the weekend running past my house but I just feel inadequate to them...something has gone wrong in my head!!

Flaraflarkin profile image

Hi Mummycav 👋 I wanted to write something inspiring on here when I saw your post a few days ago ~ but didn't feel I had much to give 🙈(Damn self-esteem!) Anyway, I now know why I waited until today ~ today for me is run day (still set at every other) but I haven't moved off the sofa yet ..... I have no routine today (day off) .... the joy of PMT is here .... and within the last 15minutes it's started raining ☔️

So, I'm sticking my kit and trainers on right now. This run is for you MC 👊🏃‍♀️ You have boosted me up in the past 🤗 So when I'm running today, every gremlin I kick will strengthen you and help your mojo ping back to you 🤗🦋 Wishing you well xx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Flaraflarkin

Thank you so much Flaraflarkin ...I will enjoy your run in the rain with you...I ought to be running today but I've put it off till tomorrow, hopefully some of my mojo will have returned overnight...I think I'm just overthinking every run & aiming for a certain distance which can be lethal as I now know because it's so disheartening when you just don't manage it, once or twice is ok but when every run feels like running through treacle it's hard...I have def felt so much care & understanding through everyone's comments, we really are one big family who just 'get it'...I'm desperate for my mojo to return, running is my favourite thing xxx

Tbae profile image

Hi Bev,

Have not read all your replies.

No time at present.But hopefully catch up with the reading next week.

Best piece of advice I have been given recently by Juju,

Get up and get out.

Do not think of distance or pace nothing until you run.

Just do as little or as much as you care to.Seems silly not to at least trot through the toxic ten however.🤔

Just do it every day for 3 weeks.Then a reset week, half weeks running and much reduced weekly distance.

Do it for 6 months to consolidate the habit then review.

Your a runner alright,and it is OK to just run without any goals.

One hours running is seven hours of life.🤔Get Fit in 6mins.

Just run for that and run for your life, your health and stop

moidering yourself.

Get up and get out. Do it.

Atb Bev.Do not even think about giving up running.Even if it’s an hour a week in total and you do something else in addition that gives you more pleasure at present.


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Phew, last night was one of the hardest runs I have ever done. I’m not feeling 100% at the moment,...

Is the change in the seasons to blame ?

No idea what's going on with me at the moment. I've had a couple of weeks that have been very...

Has anyone seen my Mojo😞😞

I seem to have lost it 😞😞😞I managed 2 runs this week with a good one on Monday but I seem to be...