More Advice Please: Hi folks, looking for some... - Bridge to 10K

Bridge to 10K

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More Advice Please

AllyS profile image
27 Replies

Hi folks, looking for some advice please. I graduated from C25k in August however I was only able to achieve running my first 5K non stop on 14/09/18. I’m trying to do three 5K per week to build stamina and speed but I’m frustratingly still not yet able to complete the full 5k in less than 40 minutes. I’m aiming to get to 5K in 30 mins before I attempt adding to my distance and beginning Juju’s plan to get to 10k. Can anyone advise whether this is what I should be doing or should I disregard the time and move on with the distance? Any advice would be much appreciated 😊

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AllyS profile image
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27 Replies
UnfitNoMore profile image

Are you running the three 5Ks at the same pace? Most runs should be slow... try two at easy pace and then one where you go for it... that should make you a little quicker.

Better than that is take one to 5.5k keep one at 5k and have one shorter and fast. The first builds endurance, and gives you a bigger tank, the latter gets you used to a new pace.

Better even than that... start the 10k plan. If you can do 10k you can do 5k faster by default. Imagine you are a car... you have 5k’s worth of fuel at 30mph... go faster and you’ll be out of fuel before 5k. Now, put twice as much fuel in the tank and you can afford to do 40mph over 5k. We’re the same, we are basically a complex machine.

AllyS profile image
AllySGraduate10 in reply to UnfitNoMore

Thanks for advice UnfitNoMore. I’m very focused on trying to get the 5K done in 30mins but it just ain’t happening. I should probably not be so fixated on that. I just feel that in terms of speed I’m getting nowhere but perhaps I need try the shorter faster run with a view to increasing my speed overall...thanks again 👍🏻😊

Hi Ally,

It sounds like you’re doing really well to me, oh and congratulations on completing C25K, don’t underestimate the achievement of that, and for me, the progression from 5k to 10k was easier than getting up to 5k. Oh and I really wouldn’t worry about your pace, it’s quite hard to increase pace and distance at the same time without wrecking your body!!

For what it’s worth, I think you can do JuJu’s plan, I think from what you’ve said you’ll be fine. 10k may sound daunting, but the earlier weeks are really quite gentle, and when you hit 10k you will be ready. The only thing I would say is that to get the most out of it, you do need to commit to 3 runs per week. You don’t have to, but I reckon it helps your focus.

Do let us know what you decide, but I think you’ll do brilliantly:)

AllyS profile image
AllySGraduate10 in reply to

Cheers Neil 👍🏻. I was on the dreadmill tonight and I tried increasing my speed but only made it to 3.5K before I just had to stop. Caught my breath for a few minutes and then completed the next 1.5K at a slightly slower pace but instead of being pleased with my progress I was disappointed I hadn’t managed to complete the whole 5K continuously 🤷‍♀️. I’m committed to 3 runs per week already so JuJu’s plan would be fine in terms of setting time aside as I really want to keep the momentum going and build on what I’ve already achieved. I’m going to give it a go me thinks 🤔! Thanks again Neil 👍🏻😊

BaddieThePirate profile image
BaddieThePirateGraduate10 in reply to

Hmm I hadn't noticed that B210K was easier than C25K but now you mention it you're right!

cheekychipmunks profile image

I personally would put the 30 minute 5k aspiration on the back burner for now. Obviously you’re comfortable running the distance, so why not start training for 10k? ju-ju’s Magic 10 plan on here is great, and you’ll more than likely see your overall times improve too. 😀

Enjoy your running! 👍

AllyS profile image
AllySGraduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Thanks cheekychipmunks. You’re right I am comfortable running the distance but it’s becoming less comfortable the more I try to increase my speed. Think I need to forget the 5K in 30 mins target for now 😬

Sadie-runs profile image

Hi Ally

Absolutely let go of any idea that you should be able to run 5k in 30 mins before you start 10k training. I can now run 10km +, yet have only managed 5k in 30 mins once or twice, and that was a good 6 months after graduating C25K! Plus, increasing your distance slowly can actually result in your pace increasing on your shorter runs, as distance running builds up stamina! The key with longer distances is slow pace, and it is so enjoyable.

Having said that, no need to hurry to do the 10k training either. The consolidation runs are building your running legs and fitness - you could also add in one interval run a week for variety. It took me 5 months after graduation to start the 10k programme! I think you are ready, you just not to not worry about speed.

Sadie-runs x

AllyS profile image
AllySGraduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

Thank you Sadie. I really do just need to put the 5K in 30 mins on the back burner for now. I remember feeling so chuffed to have run my first 5K and the next few at a nice steady manageable pace and really looking forward to my next run but the last couple of weeks when I’ve been trying to increase my speed (thinking it was the right thing to do!) I’ve been dreading it. Might try a bit of interval running for a few weeks before embarking on JuJu’s plan 🤔. Thanks again Sadie x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to AllyS

Oh don’t thank me! We are all in this together. I must say, when I let go of all focus on speed, it was the most liberating feeling of all, and within a few months, I started to enjoy my runs way more and my speed improved naturally over time ... food for thought. 😊 x

Deals1 profile image

Hi. I graduated in August too and still no 5k in 30 mins ether. It's sounds like u r doing great to me, and r committed with your 3 runs a week. Something I sometimes struggle with.

All the advice previously mentioned is great advice. Maybe throw in a parkrun if possible for a different experience.

Good luck and happy running

AllyS profile image
AllySGraduate10 in reply to Deals1

Thanks Deals1. It’s not easy squeezing in those 3 runs per week due to work, childcare etc. Might try a parkrun and see how I go 👍🏻😊

Flyingred profile image

You're doing well. I had the same frustration as you with my 5k pace, so I know how it feels. I tried upping my speed but ran out of puff so had to stop. I found a way of building my aerobic capacity was by 'Jeffing' – intervals of running and walking. The originator, Jeff Galloway, has written many books which prescribe the ratio of time running to walking, which in my case was 90 seconds to 30 seconds. Interestingly I was doing 5k in the same time but running faster with recovery times built in. So when I switched back to running only, I found I had more fuel in my tank. I did this while following Ju-Ju's 10 is the magic number, which I definitely recommend as a nice progression from 5k. Good luck, just relax and listen to your body.

AllyS profile image
AllySGraduate10 in reply to Flyingred

Thanks Flyingred. That’s exactly how I’ve been feeling- really out of puff. I’ll check out the ‘Jeffing’ and try to build some stamina that way 👍🏻

GoGo_JoJo profile image

I think you should vary your run distances, routes and speeds. Stop fixating on the speed and just enjoy the runs.

Use different music for some runs. Some of my fastest runs have felt the slowest. Some I don't remember really trying.

If you're just doing treadmill it is going to be harder because you're staring at that console and putting yourself under this pressure to perform. If possible get outdoors and try different terrains. I find breathing outside very different to indoor running. If you're getting out of breath try varying your pace, start gentle and pick it up for x mins and ease off for the same and back up.

Most of all enjoy the fact that you can now run for 40 mins!! You're doing so much better than you're giving yourself credit for 👍😉

AllyS profile image
AllySGraduate10 in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Thanks Jo 👍🏻. The treadmill is hard going and soooooo boring. I’ve only ever made it outdoors half a dozen times. Will def try varying my pace 😊

BaddieThePirate profile image

Hardly any of us can do 5km in 30 mins! I can now run 10km but my last 5km on the flat and pushing it was still 34:33. I'd go for Ju-Ju's Bridge to 10km and not worry about time 😀

AllyS profile image
AllySGraduate10 in reply to BaddieThePirate

Thanks Baddie. My fastest time is 41.58 for 5K which I suppose isn’t too bad in the grand scheme of things. Think I’ll give Ju-Ju’s plan a go 👍🏻

UpTheStanley profile image

Getting down from 40 to 30 mins for 5k is a huge target which needs to be attacked in bite-sized chunks. Folks running low 30s celebrate every minute ticked off as a major milestone. And you're much more likely to improve your 5k time if you start running longer distances, which means you can see 5k as an easily achieved distance. At the moment it's your limit.

I ran with Dexy5 as she took on C25K, and subsequently B210K. When she got to 30 mins, she was running at 7'30"/k, so 4k for her graduation run (it's Couch to 30 mins, really). Her first Parkrun was 40 mins (5 mins walk, 30 mins run, 5 mins walk). 6 months later she's down to 33 mins (6'35" pace), having extended her max distance to 10k using Ju-Ju's plan, and she can now do 8k at her original 7'30" pace. So prove to yourself you can run further than 5k at your present 8'00" pace, and you will obviously be able to run 5k at a (slightly) quicker pace. But do forget 30 mins for now - it's a fine aspiration, but many regular Parkrunners are happy to accept that for them it's forever out of reach. For me, I can usually run around 25 mins and sometimes sub-24, but know I will never go sub-23 again until the day the Southsea gale switches from westerly to easterly at the moment I reach the halfway turning point.

Hope this helps, best of luck!

AllyS profile image
AllySGraduate10 in reply to UpTheStanley

Thank you so much for the advice UpTheStanley - it’s very helpful and I can now see the whole thing from a different perspective. You’re so right...5K is my limit at the moment so that’s all I am focusing on. I’m def going to try Ju-Ju’s plan 👍🏻Thanks again 😊

Jay66UK profile image

In nowhere near 5k in 30 minutes. But I can run 10k. I found extending my distance has helped my speed on my shorter runs - I was over 40 minutes for 5k and I’ve just done under 34 for the first time. So I’d ignore the 30 minute target and build up to 10k.

MutleyShuffle profile image

I would say start the Magic Plan to 10k and your speed will improve naturally. You will see that one of the weekly runs is a short one (starting at 2.5k) and Ju-Ju advises that you do 30:20:10 speed intervals for that run - there is a link that explains more about it, but essentially it means running for 30 seconds at a slow jog, 20 seconds at normal 5k pace and 10 seconds sprinting, for a few repetitions, with warm-up and cool-down jogs either end. This will really help you improve your speed, and it's not as hard as trying to run a whole 5k at a fast speed.

I found by the time I got to 10k I was running Park Run at 30 minutes, so both goals came together for me. Congrats on graduating C25K by the way, you have done the hardest bit! 😊👍🏃

AllyS profile image
AllySGraduate10 in reply to MutleyShuffle

Thanks MutleyShuffle for the great advice. Think I’ve just been mistakenly been too hard on myself by thinking the only way for me to progress was to be able to run 5K in 30 mins. I actually tried a shorter slightly faster run tonight (3.5K with a pace of 8.1) which I really enjoyed and I wasn’t out of too much puff either. Going to start Ju-Ju’s plan next week me thinks and see how I go with the speed intervals. Thanks again 😊👍🏻

OKES profile image

Hi AllyS - I graduated in August and do the 5k run 3 times a week - I’ve gotten it down to 37 mins and happy with that - I think I also need to start the 10k challenge but stil find the 5k tough but now extending my distance to 7k with some walking intervals - it is frustrating but I have to give myself a good talking to every so often as 5 months ago I couldn’t even run for 2 mins - so take all the advice below and try and enjoy it. Please send an update though 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

AllyS profile image
AllySGraduate10 in reply to OKES

Thanks OKES. That’s brill you’re doing three 5K runs per week. That’s what I was doing but think I’ve been putting myself under far too much pressure to get to the 30 minute mark and getting really down about it. I need to ease up a bit me thinks! Keep enjoying running 😊👍🏻

Beachcomber66 profile image

Another good thing about going for distance over speed after graduation is that I found that I automatically went really slowly when attempting a longer run for the first time-just to make sure that I made the distance, but was happy with a new distance record in the process. On subsequent runs over the same distance it has been relatively easy to make big improvements on time (10 minute improvement recently). So I feel as though I am making progress with every run at the moment and there are two opportunities for "progress", Greater distance and/or better time. I say all that having myself tried too hard to speed up my 5ks after graduation and others having put me right! You'll work it out what works for you I am sure 😊 Now....I just like running 🏃

AllyS profile image
AllySGraduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

That’s brilliant Beachcomber66 and thank you for replying. I’m going to try Ju-Ju’s plan I think as a means to improving my distance as well as my speed. I WAS enjoying running but was actually starting to dread it purely because of the pressure I was putting myself under. My next run I think is going to be slow and steady and hopefully longer. Thanks again 😊

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