Hi all, I’m gradually trying to build up to 10k and on 18 August ran 8.2k which I was really chuffed about (I was determined for 5 miles!). Then had a holiday and been busy generally so today, late afternoon just tried a gentle run and was hoping I could slip back into it and get to 4/5k. Struggled with the heat and only managed about 3.5k but I stopped twice for a couple of small walks in between. For some reason I absolutely struggle with late afternoon/ evening runs and I really miss my 5am starts. It’s too dark to go out at that time now but I would appreciate any advice / tips on getting back to running after a short break and especially switching from early morning to later in the day. I’ll try again early morning on Sunday but will aim for 4/5k and just see how it goes. But I want to do at least one run midweek so I’m hoping there’s a magic wand to break the psychological struggle I have with evening runs! With thanks for any help you can offer x
Advice after a three week break? : Hi all, I’m... - Bridge to 10K
Advice after a three week break?

Hi Tracey2018, I am not the one to be of great help except to let you know that I am in a similar position. I have been away for nearly 3 weeks with no running. Just before we went away I completed my first Parkrun which I really enjoyed! I graduated on May 21st and my plan has been to very, very slowly increase my distance so thatI can run in our local 'Fun Run' next June which is nearly 10k and hilly. I ran 15 minutes on Wednesday, plan to run 18 minutes tomorrow, then add 4 minutes per day( just Mon, Wed, Fri) to reach 30 mins next by Friday. Then return to 2 x 30 minutes and one longer run. All with the hope of another Parkrun just before my 62nd (yikes) birthday in October. Like you I really enjoyed the early mornings. I don't want to run in the dark and also know that the hilly paths that I like will be too wet soon. The thought of boring road side runs is not appealing, so I am wondering what I shall do as the weather worsens and the light goes. I shall read the replies you receive with great interest. Well done for all that you have achieved so far! They say, where there is a will, there is a way, so I hope we both find a way that is right for us. I'll be looking out for your next post. All the very best with your onward running journey. 🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️😊
Thank you so much for replying, I really appreciate it. That’s great advice. I finish early on a Friday so wrote off yesterday’s efforts and thought I’d have another try as soon as I got home. Planned on 15-20 minutes, stuck to my beloved Cuckoo Trail route in the shade and in then end managed 4K in 25 minutes. I only continued the last 5 minutes to get me closer to home! Felt much better today. Will be out again early on Sunday and might try for 5k, we shall see. This running lark sure takes some getting used to! I’ll have to retrain my brain to get used to early evening runs Monday or Tuesday, pm run Friday and a long run at the weekend. At least in the coming months it will be cooler. Very best wishes for your upcoming birthday and once again thanks for your advice xx
Hello again Tracey, Sounds like you are making progress with you after holiday running. I have read some of your previous and realise you are a speedy one! Wondering whether you are young and speedy or middle aged and speedy and how fit you were before you began. Have you taken part in a Parkrun yet? If not I can thoroughly recommend that as a really special experience. I fully hear what you said about feeling vulnerable on dark and secluded paths. I want to enjoy the run, so foxes as Sqkr mentioned and not being able to enjoy the changing seasons and the beauty of the surroundings are not on my lists of enjoyable activities. Work wise, I just tutor from 4-7pm Monday to Friday, so do have the option of day time running. I ran at about 9.15am today. It went well except for too many dogs! Since one went for me (happily it missed my leg, but not by much), I have become very wary of them and am really grateful when the owner puts their dog on a short lead to allow me to easily run past. All the best for your next runs 🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️😊
Hi there, I’m not sure I’m so speedy, on my earlier runs I think I was (unintentionally) including the walking warm up as well which gave the impression I may have achieved a longer distance. I can’t do 5k in 30 minutes and don’t think I ever will. I can’t even say I’ve fallen in love with running completely, possibly about 70%. What I do love is the feeling when it’s over, it’s free exercise, it’s outdoors and it’s good for me (and repeat 😊). I leave for work at 7.15 hence discovering the 5am runs, my partner thinks I’m nuts but there is something magical about daybreak. Plus the run is out the way early! Fitness wise I was very fit in my 20s, 30s slid because of family and now at 47 I’ve taken up ‘running’ but I’ve always enjoyed walking and bike rides so not an entire couch potato. Dogs - wow a near miss! Someone asked me to put my dog on a lead because it was running alongside me and I had to explain it wasn’t mine, it’s owner was way back! Thanks for Park Run tip. There is a local one I’ve investigated, just need the courage to go. I hope your run today went well. Happy running too! X
Sounds like your running is going well and that you are adopting a 'find a way that works with our changing light and weather implications attitude'. I am intrigued as to what you beloved Cuckoo Trail is? Perhaps you hear/ see cuckoos it? Also wonder what you did to make you very fit in your 20s. I wasn't a complete couch potato when I began either. Typing at 2.39am as I seem to have a bad case of jet lag!
Hi! Ahhh my Cuckoo Trail! I live just outside Eastbourne in East Sussex and very close to where I live is the Cuckoo Trail. It’s an old railway line that was closed in the 60s but is now a nature trail which spans about 11 miles. It’s perfect for runners, walkers and cyclists. I did most of C25K on there, although I do now incorporate some on the road. In my 20s I was mainly a gym freak, I loved spin classes but also swam. I always tried to run but failed, it was only a friend recommending the C25K that finally kicked my battles with running into touch! Hope your jet lag has subsided. What inspired you to start? Hope your runs have gone well?
Hi again, I have always done some sort of exercise in particular the XBX Canadian Physical Fitness Plan for women. It is meant to do every muscle in the body including the heart in 10 mins a day! I really can't remember howI came to have the book, but I have completed it on and off for over 40 years! When I taught in secondary schools I almost always cycled the 4 miles there and back. Recently, not surprisingly, I wanted a change and reading that you should vary your exercise routine to increase the benefits I tried various things. For example, Jillian Michaels 20 minute workouts, Joe wicks HIIT, but they were still here at home and so similar to XBX. Then I thought that I would like to increase my aerobic activity and just thought running might work. I asked a couple of friends who live nearby if they would be my running partner. One said she hated running and the other didn't have time but mentioned C25k which she had started a while back. So the seed was sown and the rest is history as they say! Still working on what is ideal for me on my non-running days for core strength, reducing unwanted tummy flab and strengthening my arms. Anyway, sorry, probably taking too long to say too little! Do you see cuckoos on your Cuckoo Trail? All the best with your running 😊
Hi sorry for delay, I’m not great with this app! Alas no Cuckoos on the Cuckoo Trail although I have definitely heard them when I’ve been on long walks elsewhere in East Sussex. I admire you exercising on your in between days. I should dust off my Zumba dvd! Hope your runs have been going well?
I think from this forum, or it may have been other reading, I picked up things about rest days being free of high intensity/aerobic exercise, but used for building core strength, so that is my Tues and Thurs aim,. Mon, Wed and Fri are currently run days. I'm slowly building up my number of minutes running and plan to run my first 30 minutes on Friday having completed 26 minutes yesterday. I'm taking it very gently. How is your return to running going?
I do often see people say they don't want to run in the dark, and just want to add that running in the dark can be lovely! I don't have much choice sometimes as many days I don't get home from work till 9/10, but Scotland has very short days in the winter anyway so it's pretty unavoidable. Running in the dark is cool on the face and full of foxes and bats. It's kind of meditative and peaceful. I really love it.
Hi, thank you! It’s not so much the running in the dark it’s just my favourite route is not well lit and pretty secluded so I would just feel vulnerable to be out so early on my own. With the nights drawing in I’ll find myself an evening roadside route where’s it’s busier. At least the cooler weather is not so far off now. I’m looking forward to that! Thanks for your help x

This sounds so similar to me! I prefer morning runs too. Also I had a break and I once I get out of habit really struggle to get back to it. When your busy planning is the key I think! I going to run on Wednesday at 6am for instance! Motivation is my problem too. I feel great after a run but I have to force myself to get out of door. I have found a mantra type saying helps for me. I am dithering this morning but going out in a min. I will run for 30 mins I nearly reach 4K in that time but not quite! Perhaps we should do a virtual run together some time give each other some encouragement! Good luck for your run today 😀
Hi, thanks for your post! I cannot tell you how relieved I am to see I’m not alone in my love/hate relationship with running! When I read posts about how much people enjoy it I aspire to be like that. I can’t say I embrace it 100%, and yet, something wants me to keep at it. I’ve noticed the effect is has on me when I don’t run, I envy other runners I spot when I’m driving and next thing I know my running kit is on and I’m plugging myself in for my cheesy playlist. I’ve not been out today as unusually not feeling great, plus my son plays football for a Sunday team and boring weekend jobs need doing.... so I’ve put it on hold until tomorrow or Tuesday. However I did run Friday which I hadn’t planned! Ok let’s hook up after the next run which has to be this week! 👍🏻😊

I don’t think you’re alone. I am also glad to find someone else who has that love/hate thing going on with running. When you’ve got kids, work, life to juggle you don’t have same time and when you can’t get out as often as you like and then you don’t get the same progress. One missed run turns into two then a week passes and it gets harder to put your running gear on!
That said I didn’t run for a month and was dreading trying to run for 30 mins but I was surprised that I did it. I didn’t enjoy all of it but I enjoyed the feeling of finishing run knowing that I did it! I also felt great after running my 1st 10k. My friend entered me into this and the day before I felt like pulling a sickie but I didn’t and managed to do it! Slow time 1hr 20 mins but still ran most of it bar a few mins walking (stopped for a min at 7k then another walk break at around 9k).
Like you I envy the effortless runners that I see barely breaking a sweat!
Did a run this morning before work and school run. My next run was going to Thurs but got to go into office (275 mile drive for me!) so it’s going to be either Friday then hopefully another one again on Sunday any of those good for you?
Hi - I’m rubbish on here! Just sent a reply which I hope finds it way to you! In short - you can do 10k?! Amazing!
I ran yesterday- 5k but stopped halfway for about a minute to walk - I don’t care. Safe trip with your epic drive. Let’s run Friday?

I felt very pleased with myself after doing the 10k but I was slow but hey better than not doing it all! I don’t think you should care about stopping to walk I’ve been trying to plough on thinking that if I walk I won’t start running again but not sure it’s always the best thing to do!
I have another 10k to do with work on Sunday 23rd. It’s Highclere (downton abbey!) It starts at 10am and I need to drive 200 plus miles to get there! No option to go down day before as having birthday party for my 5yr old daughter. That’s gonna be one hellava weekend!. Am under prepared for both party and run eek!
Friday’s good for me!