After the boot????: 5 days to Boot removal... - Bridge to 10K

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After the boot????

limberlou profile image
29 Replies

5 days to Boot removal...Yay!! This Friday I am removing the boot half a day early as I am going for a Sports Massage at 2.15. However after all this time I find I am a bit scared.

I’ve been trotting about quite a bit since the first 20 days, wearing my Walking Boot, and I’ve stood (gingerly) on both feet in the shower for a few days, ever since I slipped doing the one leg shuffle.... but I am scared to walk completely bootfree. I think I’m worried that it will suddenly be painful again and I’ll be stuck somewhere. So I’d appreciate some advice from anyone who’s been in the same boat.

Do I walk and take the crutches with me just in case? Or just build up gradually?

I could drive and park near and just walk the last bit? But I’m nervous of driving again, although I did drive home 46 miles after I’d injured myself so it can’t be much worse than that.

Any advice welcome please.🤞😕

Oh and the pic is of my dopey Snow Bengal / Birman Loki ... just for the catloving runners

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limberlou profile image
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29 Replies
pinkaardvark profile image

Wouldn't you just practice walking about at home first and only if it is ok go out? I don't recall what you did to it, was it a break or just a sprain?

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply to pinkaardvark

I sprained the ligaments and just cracked the very end of my ankle bone. He did say the ligaments would take longer than the fracture. But I have been getting lots of Vit D with the sunshine ( forced myself out in at least once a day albeit in the shade), eating healthily, taking arnica pillules, COD liver oil capsules ( cos I hate oily fish), calcium tablets and also doing gently ankle exercises when the boot is off at night so I should be fine. It is more a sort of mental thing. I am scared it’s going to hurt again.

It’s like when you have fallen off somethingnonce, you are wary next time in case you fall again.

pinkaardvark profile image
pinkaardvarkGraduate10 in reply to limberlou

Does the boot not fold up and can go in a big holdall/handbag just in case? There's no need to be a hero, so just take your time until you regain confidence.

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply to pinkaardvark

No unfortunately , it’s a big great solid plastic boot , I’d need a handbag the size of a bin bag to put it in!! 🤣. Yeah I’ll practise round the house and just round our little block of 20 houses before I venture too far afield. I think I’ll be okay once I start it’s just making that firstmove.

pinkaardvark profile image
pinkaardvarkGraduate10 in reply to limberlou

Ok, just don't trip over that cat :P If it's anything like mine it will take great joy in wrapping itself round your feet hehe

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply to pinkaardvark

Yeah they both do!! Bless them!!

GoogleMe profile image

Ooh handsome! I hope your Snow Bengal is less trouble than mine (But mine was a rescue from a complicated RSPCA situation)

I think whatever works to get some way over that fear hump and having backup plans and so that nothing is going to leave you in a complete pickle if it does go wrong is likely to help.

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply to GoogleMe

Thanks, yeah I’m sure I’ll be ok once I start. I think having the battle with the boiler, no hot water for nearly 3 weeks as well and now an ongoing fight over getting the gas meter removed too. They charge you 20p a day for it or £87 to remove it even if you are not using any gas. I think everything combined has just worn me down - sapped my confidence.

Yeah he is handsome isnt he? Luckily he has the Birman placid nature, and is usually no bother and he has a really quiet miaow unless he is outside!! Then if there’s a faceoff with another cat he’s very very loud indeed!!

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate10 in reply to limberlou

Oh how I understand how having to fight depletes your resources for everything! Been there, still doing that. (Morning with SEN codes= of practice listing all the LA breaches of same... quicker to list what they haven't breached...) I think it can make you very aware of how dangerous

I have been doing weight lifting recently - 5kgs cat in a basket per arm on successive days getting them all up to date with jabs. Vet assured me gym not necessary.

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply to GoogleMe

Yeah mine are 5 and 6 kgs, the boy is longer and leggier but lighter. Mimi is a solid girl, broad cheated and muscular like a gymnast. 🤣

orangeguy profile image

Sorry Lou don't have much experience to give advice from, other than to say just take it very slow and easy. Slightly different but I did have a stress fracture some years which took me about 4 months get over so I know all about mental anguish and frustration of these things. By the way – nice little furry chap you have there (catloving runner).

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply to orangeguy

Yeah as I said to GoogleMe it’s been a combination of crap events which has sorted of worn me down and sapped my confidence. I started to feel like an old lady ( never happened before!!).

I have just won a phone battle with Eon and they are waiving the charge to remove the meter “ due to my circumstances “.

Yay Old Lady’s Rule 😀🎉

APScotland profile image

Loki is gorgeous! Yup - I'm a cat-loving runner ;) Be cautious and patient when starting up without your boot. Have the docs given you any advice about how far to walK to begin with? Your muscles, tendons and ligaments have all had a long rest, and you may have lost some flexibility in your joints - temporarily. Can you go to see a really good sports physio to get the best advice about stretches / exercises to safely build up your strength and flexibility again? They might give therapeutic massage / ultrasound etc too, to speed the healing process. There's also good research that shows Vitamin C speeds up healing too - just 1g per day can make huge difference (but get the pure powdered stuff and take 1/4 of a teaspoon in juice rather than tablets that are too often filled with aspartame and other nasties!). Meanwhile, you could do some upper body strength / flexibility exercises to take away the frustration of not being able to run at the moment. A strong core will help your running, and a super-toned upper body never did anyone any harm :) :) Stay positive, and good luck with the rehab! x

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply to APScotland

Thanks he is isnt he?

Yeah il be very careful. I have been doing core and upper body stuff while I’ve been off and I’ll ask Emma on Friday when I have my Sports Massage. I have read up loads on ankle exercises after injury and watched lots of YouTube vids too.

I am determined to be back better than ever even if it takes a long time ... might have to change my name to RoboLou 🤣🤣

APScotland profile image
APScotlandGraduate10 in reply to limberlou

Great attitude! I meant to suggest getting a wobble board too - brilliant for strengthening ankles whether injured or not :) xx

Oldfloss profile image

Belt and braces..a little practice around home the boot and crutches in phone...and just take guessed it..slow and steady😉

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

I’ll be channelling you all the way ... slow and steady ...slow and steady 😜

Can’t offer any advice except to say listen to your body.

Stunning cat. He looks so like George my tabby point Siamese (gone this many a year), who was one of the old type of Siamese before they started breeding them with grotesquely long faces and ET eyes x

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply to

Thanks Flick

Yes I love ‘normal face “ cats - not the flat faced or oriental looking ones. Technically he’s just a mongrel but he has the pretty features of both breeds.

in reply to limberlou

I love Orientals. Have had Siamese and Siamese moggy crosses and now my remaining two are Birman moggy cross

pianoteacher profile image

Can't offer any advice Lou - just wanted to wish you all the best with your recovery xx

mountaindreamer profile image

No real new advice to offer either, sadly, limberlou, but YAAAY!! just 5 more boot days to go! Listening to your own body does sound the best plan, and we’ll be here keeping everything crossed and rooting for you! ❤️❤️

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply to mountaindreamer


Jay66UK profile image

No advice but your cat has the most gorgeous china blue eyes.

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply to Jay66UK

He does doesn’t he? My beautiful tabby has jade green eyes so they are a gorgeous pair.

And I love his tufty ears - like a lynx

What a beautiful pus! Just gorgeous.

With regard the boot, my neighbour has now got hers officially in the past few days, but she has been taking it off at night and stepping around the garden without it, just to let her leg breathe. Her doc was apparently pleased with that.

She was complaining today with some shin pain such she puts down to weight- bearing after non-use. We talked about finding some specific strengthening exercises and she's going to look into it.

She hasn't been using any support cane/stick but was clearly quite comfortable after hobbling around inside first!

If you'd feel better with a support stick then you should ask. Even if it's for peace of mind.

Can't wait til Friday which is everyone's update day!!! Good luck xXx

limberlou profile image
limberlouGraduate10 in reply to


Crittermad profile image

How pretty! I love the little tufts in the ears! 😻

Good luck on the boot removal- no experience of that sorry!

_SimonT_ profile image

Hi limberlou! Sorry I can’t help with advice but your cat is gorgeous! What beautiful blue eyes! 🐈

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