Could time of day affect running speed? My last two runs have been in the evening due to child care, I prefer to run in the morning and I have been running in new trainers following gait analysis. During the runs, I’ve felt stronger and faster but my times are 1-2 mins slower despite sprinting at times. Any advice welcome as I’m feeling a bit deflated at present x
Time of day: Could time of day affect running... - Bridge to 10K
Time of day

I prefer to run in the morning, but I know that I run quicker in the early afternoon.
I’ve done more running in the evenings in recent months - to fit in around me providing childcare for my grandchildren - but because I’m also running longer distances on those runs I haven’t got any stats to compare.

Don’t get deflated - it is hard running in the cold and dark. I think we all have our optimum time of day and temperature and weather for our runs.

I think there is so much that affects our running. There are things I notice, such as time of day and whether I actually want to go for a run or not, but there are also things I don't think about at the time, such as whether I've eaten properly or drunk enough, that I only really consider when I come back and stop beating myself up about a bad run! I much prefer to run first thing in the morning, but I'm looking out of the window now and the pavements are still frosty so I'll leave it a bit. My enthusiasm wanes as the day progresses, and often I then don't go, but if I do I am sluggish and therefore slower. I have no clue why! Sometimes it's as simple as having to stop more because there are more people around, or the roads are busier.
At least you are still out there, so I wouldn't worry too much.

Thanks all , it was very cold and dark in places so whether it all added to the issue , am going to change routes now , will just put it down to extra miles on the legs xx

Definitely - I naturally prefer to run late afternoon but try and vary when I run (especially as most events are in the morning). I do think I have sort of trained myself to run 'whenever' over time.🙂