I run/walk my way 5k round my local parkrun, usually near the back and around the 40 min time. Well this week I was awarded runner of the month for my efforts. At 65 it took me back to my school days over 50-60 years ago as I was always entering sports events but usually came fourth or lower.
1st in district school potato race in 1963
1ST IN JAVELIN around 1966 my only wins
I always wanted to be a runner but never followed my dream until last year , started c25k and joined parkrun.
Only run the whole 5k once , but due to pushing myself too fast to run 10k and hurting my knees I now run/walk the 5k.
Doing my 45th parkrun at the weekend and get so much out of it I will still follow my dream, but slower , I have waited this long to be called a runner , this award has boosted my resolve, thank you c25k and parkrun.