So, I did my original couch to 5K in the fens and since I moved, I have done everything humanly possible to avoid running up hills! That wasn’t easy in Bucks when I was living with my Dad and brother. And not easy where I live now. I have to have some sort of hill on long runs, in fact on one of my 5K routes, I did try very hard with a hill that I nicknamed the Demon Hill.
Now I’m doing an online training plan that has started to incorporate some speed work. I noticed with alarm that my speed work last week was uphill. Uphill! Hill Reps! Those words struck terror into my very soul! At running club, there is a fun night involving hill reps. Fun? I don’t thinK so! (I’ve never been …..)
So last Thursday - not being able to think of any believable reason to avoid this run - I set off for the warmup. I had previously found a fairly gentle incline (maybe my coach wouldn’t notice how gentle it was 🤣). My warmup was 5 minutes in effort zone 1 followed by 5 minutes slightly faster in effort zone 2. Now I knew I was being a girly wuss about this! The sprints were only for 30 seconds, but I’d never done hill reps before. I had to do 6 repeats at maximum effort with a 90 second recovery. I started to flag on the 5th repeat, but told myself ‘Only one more’ and got through it. My times were between 5:27 and 6:08 mins/km and I was pleased. As a 🐌 runner it was much, much faster than I’m used to. The 1st repeat was the fastest and the 5th was the slowest (not the last!)
Today I had to do the same workout, but 8 repeats instead of 6. I thought ‘where on earth am I going to get the energy for that extra 2 !?!’ I was SO done last time after 6! The warm up was as before and I ran in the same place so I could compare the 2 sessions. It was raining! The time had arrived and I started the repeats. It seemed to be going well but I was seriously flagging by the 5th and actually considered stopping after 6. I knew I would be so disappointed with myself if I did. I also figured that my coach would want me to at least attempt the last 2 so she could see how done I was! So I decided to carry on, even though the results would be slower.
I started number 7. It was tough and I was breathing hard. Heartrate was probably high but I didn’t have the energy to look! I was so relieved when 30 seconds was up and I could turn and walk down the slope. I had a few seconds to catch my breath at the bottom and to dig deep for any possible morsels of remaining energy for the last one. Off I went! I managed to keep going until my watch buzzed, but I was counting. If I’m struggling with a run, I count my steps for distraction.
I did all 8. It goes to show how wrong you can be, though - the last was the fastest of both sessions at 5:08. The slowest (in both sessions ) was the 5th. Today 6:01. In the session that I did today, every repeat was faster than last week’s.
So - I was happy with both sessions. Your legs know they’ve done a workout! Maybe I’ll get to like running uphill in time! 😊👍🏃♀️