Running around other things: Since I returned... - Bridge to 10K

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Running around other things

JoolieB1 profile image
9 Replies

Since I returned to work, it has taken a huge commitment to keep running three times a week - 2 x 5k and 1 x 10k and I have had to get up earlier, run in all weathers and move from the woods to the town for my running adventures. I know that it would be just so easy to miss a run because I am too busy but that would be a slippery slope back to my lazy lifestyle. So happy I kept going, my legs feel pretty strong and I ran 5k in 35 minutes which, for me is pretty good because I have ran even more slowly since my calves were sore and it is only now I feel back on track.

What do you do to maintain your commitment to running and what has to take second place??

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JoolieB1 profile image
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9 Replies
MrsLis profile image

I'm like you, I know that if I miss a run, it would be the slippery slope back to the couch so on the days I'm going to run I put my running gear on (except my trainers obvs!) as soon as I get out of bed. I promise myself that so long as I get out the door, I don't actually have to do 5k but that I can't go back upstairs, shower and dress for work until I've been out and run.

This morning was a good example - my, it looked cold and I faffed around for ages trying to decide which layers I was going to wear but once I was outside and I'd done the warm up walk and started running it was lovely. My gremlin hadn't come with me for once and I managed my longest run (5.5k but I could have gone on if not for a lorry that wouldn't go past me while I was running so I had to stop to let it past).

I'm fortunate that I can alter my work hours to suit my running - and I can work past 5pm when it gets dark but I wouldn't run then - so nothing has had to take second place so far.

Hurray for C25K, this forum and the running bug!!

JoolieB1 profile image
JoolieB1Graduate10 in reply to MrsLis

I Kay out my running gear the night before, that helps me to run in the morning. Since getting my cool headtorch, running in the dark is an adventure too

AnneDroid profile image

I also fear that slippery slope and I think that's the main thing that keeps me running. I so love my new self and don't want to return to the old one that I'm willing to try and fit in runs around my life. Like MrsLis my work hours are quite flexible so that helps.

I am very happy (more than happy!) to let housework take second place, although to be fair I probably always was... but in fact being fitter means I have more energy for it than I used to so I just squash it in to odd moments.

Oldfloss profile image

Great have done amazingly since you went back to work! :)

I like many of us stick to my routine, wherever possible.. come hell or high water, out there three times a week.. the old 3... 5 and a 9 ish K :)

I still put everything out at night.. all ready to excuses..:) Luckily for me. retirement means not much takes second place... that is a benefit of age :) Now I have a small grandchild, and when I am off the IC.. I shall have to get up even earlier though :)

Sandraj39 profile image

Nothing really takes second place, but it does take a bit of commitment I think. I work five days so run after work two days during the week. I snack on a banana when I finish work, drive home and then go straight out for a run. My boys are both old enough to be left whilst I run and they tell me I am happier when I run anyway😀! Then it's back home, on with the cooking etc! My days are very full on (I work in a school) but running is my time and I love driving home knowing it is run day! Even if I feel shattered I know that running invariably picks me up. Weekends is when I go on my long run and nothing gets in the way of that either!!

mooning profile image

Discipline > Motivation for me. I just need to get myself out the door and not over think it (easier said than done). I constantly bargain with myself as others have suggested, e.g. just get out the door, just do one loop, you've done half the run so you may as well finish it now, etc. Reminding myself that however tired I feel now, I will feel BETTER after the run even if it doesn't seem it before I get the kit on. I'm also stubborn and proud and don't want others to see me as a fair weather runner or anything like that, so if it is rainy or cold I find it more important to go out and run (and make sure my family know I'm a martyr to the running cause - they've perfected the eye-roll).

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Graduate10 in reply to mooning

Yep, this sounds like me too!

shortfatslug profile image

Type 2 keeps me going, I like my feet and eyesight

Shireenjoon profile image

I too am desperate not to go back to my old ways. I knew winter running would be hard, especially as I run early morning and would need motivation to get out of my warm bed so I signed up to a 10K winter run in Feb. I have to get out as I want to do well. I run 3 times a week, 2x5k and one longer run at the weekend. Yesterday was my first run in the cold rain, very pleased with myself for going out. The thought of how happy I feel after my runs motivate me, that gets me out of bed.

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