I managed a run walk of 10k today when I usually aim for a run of 5km. I felt my runs were faster and felt refreshed by the walk breaks too and easily covered 10k with an average pace of around 8 minutes by km.. Is there any value in doing this? Certainly feels more fun right now
Does run-walk work?: I managed a run walk of... - Bridge to 10K
Does run-walk work?

Have not made 10 K yet...( it is hiding somewhere), but did the 2nd of the Bridge to 10K podcasts, yesterday.. it was flat... I am in France..but on the run bits..I certainly did move faster... and totally fresh at the end of the run...
Me too, I notices some energetic sprinting happening and I could have gone further too

It sure does work!
I'm trying that myself! Hope it works!

Lots of value - enjoy

I recently completed a HM and a 10K using run/walk. HM in 2hours 29 mins and 10K in 1hour 9 mins (not that times/pace are important ) The thing is with run/walk is that it is so "adjustable" - you can run for long or short periods and walk for long or short periods. You can run really fast during the running bits ( almost to exhaustion?) or you can jog. because I didn't wear a HR belt during my HM, I simply picked an object up ahead and ran to it - then walked either for a count of 60 steps (around 30 secs) or until I felt ready to go again. During the 10K, I did wear the HRM - so I ran until my HR reached 150 ( around 90% of my maxHR) and then waked until it dropped to 140. During my long long lonruns during HM training, I used a timer to set my run and walk times - and jogged easily during the running bits ( the object of these longruns is just to get to the distance with no worry about pace at all )
The only weakness with run/walk for me - is that, if I do it for too long ( like the past nearly 6 months), I lose the ability to run non-stop for any long length of time.

I did the same and got faster. I think it's quite a valid method of running and I've had my fastest 5k and 10k using run/walk. I say as long as it's fun, who cares? I'm not in this for the competition, but for the fun. If it keeps me on track then it definitely has value!
Anything longer than 5k I will do a 10:1 run/walk. It has a whole lot of benefits, both physical and psychological. Anything that keeps running fun is a good thing!
I have tried all kinds of ratios - but I haven't been able to see much benefit in running big ratios like 10/1 - it seems like if I can run for 10 minutes, I can keep going I seem to be able to run faster ( which is after all what races are about) using quite small ratios - like 1min/30secs. Howver If ever I do another Hm, I am going to attempt to train using longer ratios.
I would feel like I had barely got going on a smaller ratio! I know a very successful marathon runner who does 3 1/2 minutes running and 1 1/2 minutes of walking. We all find what works best for us!

I'm a big fan, with my heart rate I would never of got to 10km without it let alone HM. Play around with it and see what suits, you could always change back if its not for you.

It doesn't do it for me, if I'm tired I come to a complete stop for 20 seconds or so. I found my legs feel really weird if I walk, stiff and rigid like wooden legs! I do a lot of stopping here in France, it's so hot I tend to run from patch of shade to patch of shade. I agree with Bazza that it reduces the ability to run long distances non stop, but you have to deal with the conditions where ever you are. What ever does it for you Joolie, it doesn't have to be either/or.
I agree with Curlygurly, I am really enjoying continuous treadmill running at the moment, I never thought I could go back to it but here I am working on my speed and loving it. I really have taken the less rigid approach to running recently.
Yes, me too, I felt quite differently about running after my time off with Achilles Tendonitis. I'm just so happy to be running again, I'm just enjoying it with putting myself under pressure to go further or faster. Of course I do a bit of that, but only if I feel like it, no pressure. There are so many different ways to enjoy running aren't there?

As Master Yoda would say: "in your question the answer already is". ;P
If it felt "more fun", then yes, there is plenty of value in it.
From the exercising point of view, 10km are a good workout regardless of whether you walk, run or walk/run them.

Yes run walk is awesome, I cover longer distances using that method and don't find it such a strain