Help please! Just finished my couch to 5k program... Still can only run 3,5k in 30 mins. How should I go about getting to the 5 k? Just keep running longer or try to run faster for 30 mins?
5k: Help please! Just finished my couch to 5k... - Bridge to 10K
I don't think many people can run 5k by the end of the programme, the important thing is that you can run a lot further than you could before.
What I did was continue to increase my time in similar increments to the programme-2-3 minutes per week until I actually ran five kilometres. Then I switched to running 5k three times a week, and then when I felt comfortable with that I started extending one run a week by .5k a week. Hoping to end up doing 5k twice a week and 10k once (I ran 7k today!). I still haven't done 5k in under 30 minutes but I'm getting closer!
Slow and steady increases, listen to your body and you'll get there at the pace which is right for you.
I didn't try to run faster because I reckon the speed I run is my way of coping right now with my running and it protects me from injury. I ran for 30 mins until I had a really good run and just kept going to 5k. Psychologically, once I knew I could do that, I felt able to do it again. Just see how your legs feel on a run, how do they recover to see if you need to stick to what u r doing or could do a bit more. My speed has improved by itself by focussing on distance. I have gone from 5k in 43 minutes to 34 minutes and I did 10k on Friday by just small increases in distances, so far no injuries
I still can't run much further than you in 30 mins, and I graduated 18 months ago. Some people never get there, and I suspect I am one of them. Still I enjoy my runs, I am built for comfort not speed. If speed is your thing, try some intervals, the C25K + series are good, it's good to mix things up even if you never get to the 30 min "holy grail"
If it's distance you want, small increases every week are the way - no more than 10% of your total distance per week.
It's different for everyone. My first 5k was in 40 mins in October, I was running about the same as you in half an hour. I've got it down to 34:19 mins now (actually today during a 10k run haha), but I did that by running consistently and gradually increasing my distances and stamina. I had to battle quite hard with shin splints so found that pushing speed made them worse. Now they are better I can probably go faster than I realise!
Obviously, to run 5K you have to keep going until you finish. Just by running faster you run the risk of exhausting yourself before you reach that distance. Keep adding to your distance eat week, by less than 10% of the total, and you will find that your stamina develops and speed will also increase with time
It took me about 4 months to get to 5k after finishing couch to 5k, but as a result I can now run much easier and I've gained fitness along the way. Finishing c25k gives you the tools to reach 5k, but very few people are actually anywhere near that goal. I echo the advice to increase your distance and time together, not just try to run faster/further within the 30mins. Also try different routes, try intervals again, experiment with your own music, download an audiobook, and learn to enjoy the running for its own sake