I want to share something that happened to me six years ago today. I was reminded about it when, just now while it was raining, I was having a good sort out of my treasured possessions, one of which is a peacock feather. What? Relevance? Here goes.
Six years ago today I had a pain in my left breast, with some inflammation. I rang the GP's surgery and was able to get an appointment the same day, was examined, given antibiotics and that was that. As I was saying goodbye to the doctor he said - "I think I will refer you to the beast clinic - you will get an appointment within two weeks". A bit of a surprise. Went to the hospital, was seen by a breast specialist who examined me very thoroughly - both sides - and said everything seemed fine but a mammogram would be a good idea (I had had a clear mammogram as an over-fifty woman 12 months previously).
The day of my mammogram my husband and I took our then seven-year-old granddaughter to a local park where they have peacocks. I was so pleased to be able to pick up a discarded peacock feather. Then along to the mammography. I phoned the hospital to get the result. "Make an urgent appointment" I was told. There was a satsuma-sized cancerous growth in the OTHER breast!
I've since read that having a peacock feather in the house is unlucky.
Was having the feather lucky or unlucky? What do you think?