My Daughter has been told today she has high grade decis in left breast,and has been book in for mastectomy on 24th although not invasive cancer .Still devastated by the news, Does this mean my granddaughters will need mammograms.
Daughter : My Daughter has been told... - My Breast Cancer ...
I'm sorry to hear this about your daughter.
I had the same at age 42 and I also have 2 daughters. I have been reassured that my cancer was not a familiar one just bad luck as there was no family history. However that doesn't stop you or them worrying about it.
My advice would be to ask her surgeon and oncologist whether they feel it is an inherited cancer and whether they should be tested for the gene. They may say no if no family history but your granddaughters will I'm sure be more breast aware and check regularly.
I hope this helps xx
Thank you,yes we have no family history for breast cancer, but will ask if it would wise for girls to have checks.
Are you all clear,did you have a mastectomy and implant, my daughter is concerned that it can spread elsewhere I've said that it's extremely unlikely am I right.
Hi there
My mum was devastated when I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year , she came with me on all my treatments and was absolutely fantastic and I am so grateful to her for that , and lucky to have her as your daughter is to have you . I had invasive cancer, stage 2, grade 2 which was operated on by a lumpectomy, however when they operated they found extensive DCIS , stage 0, grade 3, nuclear grade. Mine was so extensive unfortunately it couldn't be removed by chopping away at it and I had a mastectomy two months ago. DCIS is pre-cancerous , it hasn't yet become cancer so is highly unlikely to have spread. It still needs removing and analysing, but she should be reassured that it is completely treatable , it's not always easy , but very do able. The consultant should be able to tell your daughter if they think it is hereditary , and if they think so can do a definitive test and then take If from there. My mum had breast cancer 11 years ago , but there is no genetic link, just one of those things.
You are being a great mum by being on here and asking questions , please feel free to ask away , someone will have an answer or reassuring word for you.
Very best wishes
Jo x
Should also say I had mastectomy with immediate permanent implant, only in hospital one day , came home with some drains in, had some settling down time but went back to work six weeks after the operation.
Jo x
Hi jo,great to hear that all went well for you and that your back at work, your message has made me feel so much better about my daughters recovery, have you got to have any follow up treatment,also did you have lymph node biopsy done at the time of your op if so how long did wait for results.
Hello , I did have lymph node biopsy done at my first surgery , this is standard treatment for everyone - my hospital they remove the node and test it while you are still under - I only had one sentinel node , some people have two or three and these all get removed and tested. Mine was clear but if it hadn't they would have removed them all whilst I was still under , so no waiting for those results. I had the lump removed in this surgery but unfortunately they uncovered the DCIS then , and couldn't guarantee it had all gone even having two further operations so I had a mastectomy in the end several months later. My cancer was ER+ and HER2+ so I had chemotherapy in order to have Herceptin which is the treatment for HER2+ cancer , and am also on Tamoxifen for the next 10 years- my ovaries have also decided they don't want to stop working so may need to have them remove later this year . I will also have the Herceptin injections until the end of this year - it's been a bit of a long one but I'm just glad to be alive and feeling well , it is all such a shock at first but once your daughter starts on her surgery/treatment you will start to feel a bit better about it all xx
Yes I had a mastectomy and a temporary implant and I have just had my proper reconstruction.
It's really hard to not think about it spreading but if it's only in one node then it is unlikely but one can never be totally sure. If she has had or having a full body CT scan hopefully that will give her some reassurance that it hasn't spread.
There is a lot of support out there for her and you. Get her to find out from her breast care nurse if there is a Haven unit where there may be people she can talk to about her fears.
Take care x
I had 7 mm calcifications found in a mammogram that turned out to be DCIS grade 3 (high grade). In October, I had a lumpectomy without removing any lymph nodes followed by 20 sessions of radiation. Recent studies show that the 20 year mortality rates are the same for DCIS if you have a lumpectomy with radiation or a mastectomy. Recurrences are more likely with lumpectomy/radiation. My DCIS was ER positive, estrogen blocking meds were recommended but I declined due to side effects.
I wish your daughter and easy recovery and long and healthy life
R in NYC