After radiotherapy treatment - My Breast Cancer ...

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After radiotherapy treatment

16 Replies

Hi lovelies! I finished my radiotherapy treatment following my surgery (in May) a week ago last Tuesday (nearly 4 weeks worth). I have been sleeping loads since and have felt really washed out some days. I feel a bit lost after the structure of my treatment! Has anyone else has this experience at all please? Is what I am feeling normal?

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16 Replies

I also forgot to say I still get terribly tired, and my sleep is pretty erratic - all very frustrating!

Maybelle profile image

Completely normal. It took me 3 or 4 weeks to get over my radiotherapy, which was more or less what I had been told to expect. It does get better eventually, but it takes a bit of patience. Sleeping loads sounds sensible to me. I think it helps to drink plenty of water.

Jennymary profile image

Firstly, well done on completing your treatment, yes I felt exactly the same, but over time it improved, you've had quite a ride i expect, so give yourself time heal, physically, mentally and emotionally, have lots of me time doing things you enjoy, seeing friends, meal and or coffee out, and I'm sure that over time you'll feel more like yourself, I wish you a long, happy healthy cancer free life from now on xxxccc

Gracie66 profile image

Yes totally.relief to be finished but a massive " ooh what now" feeling?

And people around youn that haven't been through it want you to have massive celebrations for the end of the nightmare etc.

I felt like I'd never trust any twinge or sore place ever again. It does ease and you chill a bit but if you can go talk to someone in cancer support. They are lovely and put your mind at ease to a large degree.

But you're not alone. I think we all feel that.



My Consultant warned me about this, I didn't have Radiotherapy (I had a Mastectomy & Chemo) but suddenly the structure of your week ends after Chemo and/or Radiotherapy and you're at a bit of a loss.

You really do need to rest as your body has taken a terrible beating & now is the time to recover at your own pace.

I'd advise making a new structure to your week, so the Get Up, Get Dressed & Get Out still continues.

I'm lucky as we both retired early so our time is our own, but remember all those people who said 'if there's anything I can do?' Now's the time to take them up on it & go for a coffee or a trip to your local department store or garden centre, somewhere where there's parking on site so you haven't got to walk overly far if you're experiencing fatigue.

You're out the otherside now but the treatment carries on doing its thing so don't forget that, be good to yourself & try not to over do things!

Take Care & Best Wishes 💐

Hi Moo. Absolutely felt weird after such intense relationship with radiographers, the trust you build up between you very quickly and then it's severed. Yes I felt a loss in some ways as my team were fantastic and I felt safe with them.

Don't worry the feeling goes after a few weeks. At least one step nearer to recovery for you!


Lainey66 profile image

What you are feeling is totally normal in my books, but if you are unsure you must ring your breast clinic or GP just to check. I finished chemo about six weeks ago after nine and a half months and then five weeks of radio therapy approx 4 weeks ago. It is only this last two weeks that I have been able to walk for any distance, and that is only because we are away on holiday and I am forcing myself. However I am totally shattered at the end of the day. Once all my treatment had stopped (I was under treatment since the 2nd Oct last year) I was disappointed that I did not feel like celebrating and shouting from the rooftops. Instead I was rattling around at home, with a combination of boredom, worry, exhaustion/fatigue and a level of lonliness and sadness. I am starting to pick myself up now. However I have my first check up on the 19th of September and as that time gets closer, I am starting with the fear, sleepless nights and worry that this cancer has not really gone. It is a dreadful time for us all. Things will be good for us one day, but we just have to be patient. xx

Lorraineam profile image

I didn't have any problems with radiotherapy until about 3 weeks afterwards, when I suddenly felt very tired, and when out once felt very sick and dizzy and had to go home. I'm not sure if it was a bug or the effects of all the treatment. I felt really washed out for about 3 weeks but then started to pick up again. I still tire quicker than before and have to pace myself when doing things, and rest more. It also felt very odd not having appointments all the time. My breast care nurses every so often hold a meeting for women who have recently completed treatment. If yours do the same I can highly recommend it as it allows you to voice any concerns you may have, and helps to draw a line under what has been a stressful time of your life. xx

The tiredness is quite normal. I finished 3 weeks of radiotherapy at the end of March and it is only about 4 weeks ago that I started to have more energy. Also I hadn't had surgery because that takes time to get over too. Just hang in there and enjoy your leisure time at the moment and, before you know it, you will suddenly realise you are improving and can do more. Good luck x

Mandywilson profile image

I was exactly the same .i agree with the others sleep when needed and yes plenty of fluids ..... As for feeling the lose of structure ,I was the same ,I relied on hospital appointments for support etc , then when they finished recently after 6.5 years I felt totally abandoned , which again I found was natural 😳 , but you have to remind yourself that there is always someone on the end of a phone and of course this wonderful group of people xx

Mell profile image

Yes I totally agree with the others on this. I was extremely emotional on the day of last radio, couldn't stop crying at the slightest thing all day. Someone told me it was the relief that I'd got through everything and that I'd been running on adrenaline for the last few months which is probably true. I felt lost and abandoned for a week or two until I got used to not having daily appointments and also the fact that someone was checking my breast daily and then suddenly nothing. It took me about 4 wks to get over the tiredness but now 6 months on find that I get tired easily still and need my days off as days off so try not to rush about too much which is frustrating as hell but would rather be healthy. Take your time and go with the flow, you will be fine xx

louise007 profile image

Hi, yes all the feelings the same people couldnt understand why i wasnt jumping up and down after the treatment but after so many hospital visits and a routine it stops and you can feel alone and " what happens now" whilst having treatment you can feel something is being done to get rid of the nasty disease but after is a weird feeling . You will find your own way of dealing with it but we are always on this site to help as we have all been there . Good days and bad days will come and go .Its good to talk on this site as things you wouldnt normally ask anyone else for fear of sounding silly we can all ask on here as no question / comment is a silly one we all need help , reassurance and guidance . Take care and stay well

Absolutely normal. Your body has been assaulted by the disease, the stress and the treatment, it takes a long time to recover from all that. Don't fight it, sleep is healing. Look after yourself, all the best.

Bajan77 profile image

Im still awaiting tretment. Scar has broken down due to swelling from seroma. Treatment has been delayed until scars have healed.

Im dreading treatment as i fear how my body will respond. Just gonna take each day as it comes. Your symptoms sound normal because if nothing else the team has stressed how tired i will feel. I feel tired during the day now and have problems sleeping at night. Literally wake up every 2 hrs. I believe i can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just gotta keep positive and not give up.

Iknitandstitch profile image

Finished my radiotherapy last Thur. 8th June - I must admit I do not miss going to hospital daily one little bit !!! yes the tiredness is normal - in fact I had it all the way through ... so i just slept when I felt I needed it - being retired helps with that (altho housewives never retire) and the soreness it now getting to me - skin has not yet ruptured but am keeping close eye on it - this warm weather is not helping... if in doubt ask your breast care nurse team - mine run drop in clinics twice a week at hospital only about 4 miles and at another hospital which is too far to go unless i was desperate on another 2 days and they can always be reached by phone - all of which I have availed myself... chin up


Blessed62 profile image

Yes and its takes a long time to regain your strength and a sense of some normalcy. I finished 6 weeks of radiation in August and I am still not where I use to be. I know it will not take me back to before, but I am optimistic I will get back to 98% of how I use to feel. Some days it is there and then bam right back to be super tired and washed out as you say. We are strong and resilient so take your time sleep when it is over whelming cause your body knows what, when and how much is needed. Blessings and speedy returns of great health.

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