I was diagnosed with DCIS and had lumpectomy in December 2013 followed by 25 radiotherapy sessions. I got pneumonitis (inflammation of lung) from the radiotherapy which was treated with 3 months of steroids and I made a full recovery. Today I visited my go with a recurring kidney infection and the urine sample showed blood in the urine. The doctor asked me if I had ever had an oestrogen related problem with my breasts ! I told her I am a breast cancer survivor and that my breast was very sore for the last few days. She examined my breasts and said that she felt a lump which she believes is a fluid filled lump and a nobular mass. The examination was very painful as my breast is so tender. She sent the urine sample away to the lab and has referred me back to the breast clinic. I don't know how long I will have to wait. Has anyone else had this type of experience? I have been very tired but no weight loss. I am quite worried.