Hey ladies,
I am under consultant care due to being high risk due to raised BMI and low PAPPA factor, which is only at 0.41. I have had my dating and anomaly scan on time. I booked in with midwife at seven and a half weeks. I saw consultant at 16 weeks and am now 23. My online notes say i should have an appointment at 25 weeks but according to NHS is saying that 25 weeks if a first baby only. I have an appointment for a growth scan at 28 weeks and will probably see consultant then, but do i see miwdife at all or just them. I contacted midwife who thinks I have SPD and sciatica but she just said paraccetamol rest and i might need physio and nothing more than that.
I dont know what im supposed to be doing anymore. I should Add this is my second child I also had a miscarriage at the begining of the year, my son is now six