Is it necessary to take vitamin K with vitamin D 3?
Vitamin K: Is it necessary to take... - Bone Health and O...
Vitamin K

It's K2 you need, not to be confused with K/K1. In the UK most people use K2-MK7 (the alternative, K2-MK4 is much harder to find and very expensive). It's recommended, particularly if you're taking a high dose of Vitamin D, to help send calcium to the bones. It isn't generally recognised by the medical profession (in fact it isn't unusual for GPs not to have heard of it), but there is a fair bit of research, albeit not entirely conclusive. See this from the US National Institutes of Health for example:
Opinion differs over whether Vitamin D and K2 need to be taken at the same time, but both have quite a long half-life, meaning they stay in the blood for a long time, so if taken separately will still be available to each other. If you take them at the same time, they both need fat for absorption so if there is insufficient fat in the meal you're taking them with, they will compete for this and absorption may be lower.
I read somewhere that it’s suggested 10 grams healthy fat be consumed with fat soluble vitamins like D and K2 . I always wondered if taken together if 10 g is enough

Hi all,
Nutrition for bone health is a really important topic and it's always positive for us to be considering the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that help our bones. So we just wanted to drop by to share one of our factsheets that covers this topic in more detail for anyone who would like to read more: strwebprdmedia.blob.core.wi...
We also have a nutrition section on our website:
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