K2 and suspected blood clot - Bone Health and O...

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K2 and suspected blood clot

Healthworrier profile image
21 Replies

Hello I have been taking k2mk7 in conjunction with calcium magnesium citrate and D3. I started getting a dull nagging pain in my calf and had blood test showing elevated d dimer indicative of blood clot. I have a scan tomorrow. I see that K2 can bee used to promote blood clotting and worry that perhaps I have caused this problem. Has anyone else had a negative experience with K2. GP said he hadn't heard it was useful for bone health but to be honest he's not big on alternative treatments.

Thanks for reading

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21 Replies
Met00 profile image

If I've understood it correctly, this article suggests that Vit K2 isn't of concern in relation to blood clotting unless taken in excess. academic.oup.com/cdn/articl...

Kaarina profile image
Kaarina in reply to Met00

May I ask a question please, Met. When looking for K2 supplements they appear to come in different strengths. What strength should we be taking? In the link you kindly provided they are taking 90 ug which I believe is 90 mcg. I have bought K2 in a much higher dosage than that. At the moment I have K2 tablets which are 100 mcg. Whichever K2 supplement I purchase at whatever strength, the instructions are always the same - to take one daily. What is the correct dosage to take daily please?

Met00 profile image
Met00 in reply to Kaarina

There isn't a recommended daily dose in most countries, but in Australia they recommend 90-180mcg K2-MK7, and in Japan they prescribe 45mg K2-MK4 (45000mcg for comparison with MK7).

Kaarina profile image
Kaarina in reply to Met00

OK, thank you. So with the strength I have of these tablets at the moment I could take two a day. going by the Australian recommendations. I have in the past purchased Vitamin K2 MK-7 600mcg. With these I took one every other day but that is presumably a bit high going on the Australian recommendations.

Titian8 profile image
Titian8 in reply to Kaarina

I take a 600 mcg capsule from Nutrazing and similar to you take it every other day. Perhaps this is too high a dosage, but how would you know if not experiencing any side effects?

Kaarina profile image
Kaarina in reply to Titian8

Exactly! ;)

Met00 profile image
Met00 in reply to Kaarina

Apparently one group recommends that the amount of K2 you take should depend on how much Vit D you take, so those on high dose Vit D take a higher dose of K2. But personally I wouldn't take more than 200mcg K2-MK7 or 45mg K2-MK4. If it's a combined MK7/MK4 product the amount of MK7 would need to be reduced proportionately, depending on how much MK4 was in the product.

Kaarina profile image
Kaarina in reply to Met00

Thank you again, Met. :)

MayGodBlessYou profile image
MayGodBlessYou in reply to Kaarina

melioguide.com/osteoporosis... Margaret Martin physio author

this guide says 140 to 180 mcg per day,

referencing a study, which i saw,

that said that anything above that is detrimental,


Healthworrier profile image
Healthworrier in reply to Met00

Thankyou. Interesting article.

MWZ3 profile image

I thought that related to K1 moreso than K2. Maybe check dosage though and be satisfied with taking it. I do and have had no adverse effects. I am also in Australia.

Fruitandnutcase profile image

If it’s any help I take Troo K2 MK7

1 capsule daily with water and food. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.

Vitamin K2 (as MK7) 100ug (133% *NRV)

I buy mine from Amazon.

Cappuccinobaby profile image

I read somewhere to base k2 on gow much you weigh ie 100kg would be 100iu but not sure that is a good idea. They also say don't take it if on blood thinners. Contrary to what the GP says I've also read it is good for promoting good bone health. We have to do our research and do what's right for us 😕

Pw2879 profile image

From what I’ve read k1 is what cause blood clots not k2

AnnieW55 profile image

I don’t know how active you are but blood clots can be caused by inactivity like sitting for long periods, or long car/plane journies. This is one of the reasons we are told to move around every 30mins, if possible, or just moving feet and legs whilst sitting. I’m guilty of this when I get stuck into a good book😊.

Bev53-SB profile image

I have osteoporosis and heart conditions. About 18 mths ago I was found to have the occasional episode of atrial fibrillation and my cardiologist prescribed an anticoagulant, Apixiban to avoid blood clotting and potentially a stroke. I have over the past 3 years also taken Raloxifene for my osteoporosis. Raloxifene also carries a stroke risk. I have for years taken 200mcg K2 and discussed this with my cardiologist when he prescribed Apixiban. He told me to continue with the K2 in the same dosage as it is K1 which is involved in the clotting process. He also said that the Apixiban would reduce the stroke risk associated with Raloxifene. So far, so good as I have had no problems at all with these medications. I am active, walk daily and there or four times a week do either yoga, Pilates, loop band exercises or light weight exercises. I believe keeping active helps both my heart and bone health.

Healthworrier profile image
Healthworrier in reply to Bev53-SB

Thank you so much very reassuring. All the best.

Dogsandme profile image

I am following the COMB protocol for my bones. This is a small study (COMB stands for Combination of Micronutrients for Bone) which, according to the results appeared 'at least as effective as bisphosphonates or strontium ranelate in raising bone mineral density (BMD) levels in hip, spine and femoral neck sites'. No fragility fractures were recorded in the group on COMB. researchgate.net/publicatio...

The participants took on a daily basis :

1) DHA 250mg/day (from purified fish oil)

2) Vit D3 2000IU/day

3) Vit K2 (non-synthetic MK7) 100ug/day

4) Strontium citrate 680mg/day

5) Elemental magnesium 25mg/day

6) Dietary sources of calcium

7) Daily impact exercising encouraged

I do not take strontium because I believe it skews dexa scans because it adds weight but not necessarily density to bones. You can research this to see the exact problem with it.

I take K2 MK7 100ug as recommended

I also take a seaweed-based calcium supplement as I am vegan and do not eat cheese or any milk based products.

Also my DHA is 400mg/day not 250mg (from vegetarian Omega 3 capsules ) and I take a150mg elemental magnesium, not 25ug.

So, in reality, I am taking a modified form of the protocol. I refused bisphosphonate treatment but intend to continue with COMB until my next Dexa scan this year. I was osteopenic 3 years ago. Then I will see if this has been working.

I have no back ache (fractured T12 in my spine 3 years ago). I have had no further fragility fractures.

I am telling you all this (sorry it is so long) because these micronutrients are known to assist BMD and K2 is one of them so, hopefully, the 100ug you are taking is not causing a blood clot.

Good luck with it all.

Healthworrier profile image
Healthworrier in reply to Dogsandme

Thanks very much for the information.

Jessie1234 profile image
Jessie1234 in reply to Dogsandme

hello Dogsandme. I’m interested in your article here as I’m about to start a similar protocol as yourself, minus the strontium. I’d be keen to hear the results of your dexa scan this year. I’m after reading Vitamin K2, The Calcium Paradox by Kate Rhéaume-Bleue and I think she stated that what I’m contemplating doing will maintain bone density, insinuating that it may not build bone density. I’m taking a collagen supplement for the past year called “bone balance” scientifically tested and now labelled as a “medical grade food” in the UK which has been proven to increase bone density by 0.6 annually so I’m hoping that by doing the Comb Protocol or similar in conjunction with the collagen will help my bone density. It was developed by a retired doctor and his wife and is simple to take dissolved in a drink as well as causing no harm. It’s available at bonebalance.co.uk. I’d also like to inquire if you supplemented with vitamin D2 during the summer months.

Dogsandme profile image

Pleasure. It might help others on here to know about COMB. Also, I believe that blood clots are more related to K1 than K2. Hopefully, you can get your sore leg sorted soon. Look after those bones! 😂

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