Exercise DVD and K2 recommendations p... - Bone Health and O...

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Exercise DVD and K2 recommendations please

Carol-P profile image
20 Replies


I was just wondering whether anyone can recommend a good DVD of exercises for people with Osteoporosis? I bought a book by Margaret Martin which is really good but I find it difficult to copy the exercises and would find it easier (hopefully) with a DVD. I have started going to the gym 3 times a week but would like to do exercises on the days that I don't go.

Also any recommendations on K2 please? As in which brand and where to buy. I have been taking Solgar K2 MK7 for a while and just wanted to know whether they are ok as they are from Natto and I read somewhere that we shouldn't take Natto. Thanks

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Carol-P profile image
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20 Replies
Nanaedake profile image

Why shouldn't we eat natto? Japanese researchers attribute the lower incidence of osteoporosis in Northern Japan to eating Natto.


The Canadian Osteoporosis society has videos on exercise on their website.

Carol-P profile image
Carol-P in reply to Nanaedake

Someone posted on an Osteoporosis group that we should never have natto, something to do with hormones. There is so much conflicting information around you don’t know what to believe, but the research that you have commented on has confirmed to me that it’s ok and I shall continue to take it

Thanks also for the info on the Canadian website I’ll take a look

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Carol-P

Possibly because it's a fermented soy and soy in some forms is considered a no no because of breast cancer? Doubt any of us would eat enough natto for it to be an issue anyway.

Nanaedake profile image
Nanaedake in reply to HeronNS

I have heard soy products are not so good but I believe that does not include fermented soy products. In Japan, and Okinawa, people eat fermented soy such as soy sauce regularly and Okinawans are the longest lived people in the world.

I have read that soy flour is bad for you for various reasons but people who have soy products in their culturally normal food diet don't eat soy flour and only eat small quantities of soy products in a balanced diet that includes lots of vegetables and seafood. Natto is a fermented product and is eaten about 3 times a week or every day in Northern Japan. Avoid large amounts of soy flour which seems to be a recent development in the West.

Marziano profile image
Marziano in reply to Nanaedake

Similarly, I have read somewhere that all soya products except fermented ones should be avoided.

Carol-P profile image
Carol-P in reply to Nanaedake

Thats really interesting. Thank you. I shall keep on with the K2 from Natto now

Met00 profile image

There's also a Pilates for osteoporosis video on the NHS website: nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-fitne...

Carol-P profile image
Carol-P in reply to Met00

Thanks for the info. It should be reliable if it’s on the NHS website

Magpuss profile image

victoriahealth.com have Super K with advanced K2 complex by Life Extensions, don't know if it has natto but all the info will be on their site.

Carol-P profile image
Carol-P in reply to Magpuss

Thanks Magpuss. I’ve not heard of that company. I’ll take a look.

Marziano profile image
Marziano in reply to Carol-P

Carol, they are available from amazon for sure and other places like iherb

Carol-P profile image
Carol-P in reply to Marziano

Thanks Marziano. Ive just ordered some more. Now all i need to know is what kind of fat do people take them with as they are fat soluble. I find it difficult as I don't like cheese although I expect yoghurt would be OK?

Marziano profile image
Marziano in reply to Carol-P

Plenty of foods contain some fats: eggs, avocados, nuts, oily fish, seeds, salad dressing (I use olive oil), meat, full fat yogurt I think would be ok too, just to give some examples. If you take them with one of your meals, it would contain enough fat in it so do not worry too much, just eat healthy. Bear in mind that vitamin D too is a fat soluble vitamin. Some people take D3 and K2 at different meals as they claim that compete for absorption. I do not know if it is true. I also take fish oil capsules for omega 3.

Carol-P profile image
Carol-P in reply to Marziano

Thank, Marziano.

Marziano profile image
Marziano in reply to Magpuss

yes Life Extensions' product has both forms of K2, ie mk-7 (which comes from natto) and mk-4. There are people who do not tolerate mk-7, in which case mk-4 is the one to go for. Some people think is better to supplement with both forms as they act differently.

Dubba61 profile image

Hi Carol, it's good that you still go to the Gym. My Specialist told me it not to go, as i have COPD as well Osteopenia. I Swim. But, they say weightbaring excersize is best. As it stengthens the Muscles supporting the bones. So I bought a Step and some light wrist and ankle weights. I use use these during the advertisements on TV in the evening. Or i put DVDs on and Dance around with the weights. I can only do for a short time because i get breathless. But, every little helps, eh? Dee 😊

Carol-P profile image

Thanks Dee. I go to the gym with a friend who has COPD and she started off very gradually but it has helped her enormously. She was recommended by her GP! It sounds like you are doing a great job with the dancing though!

KidneyCoach profile image

Consider DVD's with Thai Thi, Yoga etc which help stretching and core balance etc. Blessings

LynneH-19 profile image

Hi Carol

Have you considered joining a Pilates class? After breaking both wrists in a fall in 2010, I eventually returned to the gym/swimming pool where I was a member. I was very unsure about which exercises were safe for me. I then realised that the instructors they employed, had no knowledge about OP. I therefore stopped going for fear of doing more damage.

I was still having back / hip problems, so in desperation saw a physio at a sports injury clinic. She was brilliant and after a couple of months I joined her weekly Pilates class.

I initially tried doing the movements she taught us, at home inbetween classes, but found that although they looked easy, it’s very easy to do them incorrectly. The breathing and abdominal muscle control is a vital part of the movement. Unless you do them under supervision, you will probably not benefit.

Ideally join a small class, ours has a max of 12, taught by a Physio, or at least a person with OP and anatomy awareness. Our teacher watches us as we do the movements and she makes sure we are doing them correctly.

As a result my balance, posture, and stamina is definitely slowly improving. I’m 69 and since retiring approx. 11 yrs ago I’ve worked 2 days a week as a volunteer in a wildlife hospital, doing hands on feeding, cleaning and medicating. It can be mauling and very tiring. Involving a lot of lifting of skippers containing the critters. The room has 3 levels of shelves. From just above floor level to above face height. There can be about 30 critters in skippers, in the room I usually do, during the busy seasons. These are placed in turn, on a table to be worked upon, then returned to their shelf position.

If I didn’t do weekly Pilates, there is no way I could possibly manage this work, without the correct combination of Pilates breathing and abdominal control. It also helps with housework, gardening, infact any day to day tasks. Good Luck.

Carol-P profile image
Carol-P in reply to LynneH-19

Thanks Lynne. I have thought about Pilates but I can't seem to find a class at the minute with an instructor that has good knowledge of OP. I have looked at the NHS Pilates video that's online and I think that I will probably do that, although I realise that there are risks with doing exercises at home. I don't drive and I have an elderly dog who can't really be left at the moment so as you can see my options are a bit limited.

For me, lifting is a worry, I am always lifting my dog up steps, onto the sofa, up hills etc and every time I do I fear for my back but theres no way around it as we live in a very hilly town so a lot of the walks are quite challenging for him. After reading what you have achieved though I think I will definitely keep looking for a suitably qualified Pilates instructor.

Your job sounds very interesting and rewarding and it looks as though you are coping really well. You should be very proud of your self. Keep up the good work!

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