i was on forteo for 6 months, then the company quit supplying to my neurosurgeon. i went without any meds for 6 mo. and started on prolia. so i had my 1st injection in June, next is due in dec. but i am having ? about all the sx i am having...molar infection and tooth had to be extracted. muscle cramps in my ribs mostly when i have a bra on. unrelenting musclle cramps in my legs, even the ankles, toes, fingers. sleep interruption is big concern....the cramps just happen when i change position . this happens many times per night, and the spasms take time to go away. if i am sitting on the floor, and when attempting to get up, i will get quadriceps, or hamstring spasms. even spasms in my hip joints. and now i have read where one can have cystitis...and I have it! there isn't any uti either (checked several times for that). tried magnesium, salt, or not taking calcium, vit d3. hx 2 back fusions, several ankle fx. can prolia be resposible?
rib cramps, leg cramps: i was on forteo... - Bone Health and O...
rib cramps, leg cramps

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There are lots of posts on this forum on Prolia side effects if you do a search.
What Nanaedake said, although I find googling healthunlocked prolia side effects is actually easier. you'll get a couple, and they will actually have links to other similar posts, and there you go! Like this:
Hi Sorry to hear of your side effects.
I had a Prolia injection in February this year and declined my second one in August.
I had all the muscle spasms you are describing plus a whole host of other side effects.
I had oral thrush which became invasive.
Terrible pain in face and all upper teeth, the list goes on.
I am particularly interested to know how exactly is it affecting your ribs.
What is the best way you can describe this.
I have been having a problem with my right ribs since having the injection.
I have not associated it with the Prolia and its been put down to the fractures in my back(although I have not had a proper diagnosis)
It is unbearable not a day goes by without it being with me.
I just want a proper diagnosis of what it is.
Have you taken a relay drug to prevent rebound fractures, I know some don’t take one after only one Prolia?
Hi sorry for the delay but Ive not been too good this week, ended up in A and E on Wednesday.
I have an appointment in place to begin the yearly injection of Zoldronate.
The one injection of Prolia has done nothing to increase the density of my bones, although I have heard of really good results from just one injection.
What I do know is that when coming off any of the Osteoporosis treatments,and then leaving a gap before starting another form of treatment ,it results in the bone density declining more rapidly.
Sorry you are having such terrible cramps. It is weird since having the Prolia injection I too have had feelings of just going into spasms rather than a full blown cramp. However it is very uncomfortable in both of my legs, especially the calves. Also have had a slight headache every day since the needle but rarely had them before and I can feel the spot around the bone under the eye on the right side, wondering if this could be the jaw). From this site I gather we can stop at the one injection and I am sincerely hoping the effects will leave my system. Obviously we are all different and I hope you have some relief soon.
I've never had Prolia, but I also have spasms and cramps in my spine. I out it down to further fractures having occurred.
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