I took Prolia for 3 years and had many uti s though I am susceptible to them. The consultant said if I couldn’t take it he couldn’t help me. This was roughly 2016 and my hip had already fractured with no trauma whilst on it. I had also about 5 spinal fractures, all treated with vertibroplasty. It took 6 months to go to another clinic where they gave me Zolendronic acid infusions. Too late unfortunately as I started to get rebound fractures in my spine. I don’t know if they knew that I should have had something straight away after coming off Prolia but altogether I have 11 spinal , 6 pelvic and 2 hip replacements. I would accept that I am maybe a special case. This was from when I was 58 and I am now 70. I think I am only mobile because of my back surgeon. I wish you well and please remember my case is extreme. I also had to take steroids at one point which wouldn’t have helped. Pam x There are many people who have been ok with Prolia.
Prolia use: I took Prolia for 3 years... - Bone Health and O...
Prolia use

I’ve refused it every time it has been offered and I cite the reasons why from this website and refer people to go and read the cases here before venturing into the world of osteoporosis drugs. Sorry for your experience and the fact that you can’t go back in time sadly. Hope you can have some quality of life despite this travesty. I maintain the drugs do more damage than the osteoporosis itself which is not the case with most drugs. They continue to be pushed onto people which is very sad and wrong.
hello MWZ3. Reading your reply, I share your concerns with most osteoporosis drugs. However, because I have “severe” osteoporosis, I am on a 2 year course of Teriparatide. I’ve no idea what to do next year when this finishes and am wondering how you manage your osteoporosis if you refuse conventional treatments. Would you be able to share that? Many thanks
Mine is also ‘severe’ but I have broken no bones and I’m 78 this Xmas. I am small boned. I suspect the whole thing is more complicated than just a few numbers awarded. The lowest of your results is the state of all your bones because they are your bones. If you are short you’ll have tiny bones. My husband has big bones and his result said he has the bones of a 30 year old. He is 80.
do you manage with no medication and rely on diet?
Can i ask how long after you stopped Prolia did your fractures start.
sadly I’ve heard still way too many people not getting warned that stopping this treatment can give spinal breaks in some. What happens if you can’t take another drug after it, are you just left to maybe have these breaks. Just doesn’t sound right to give this medication that then can break your back when you stop or miss it
I’ve been on Prolia for a couple of years now and I’ve had loads of UTIs. One lot of antibiotics after the other. I was put on Fosfymycin every ten days for a couple of months. I’m hoping that’s knocked it on the head. I will bear that in mind though.